
Laugh to death! Second-hand cars suffered losses, and they earned hundreds of thousands of dollars a month at the peak, and netizens exploded and died of laughter in the comment area

author:Wishing you prosperity.

Recently, the second-hand car market in Guangzhou can really be described as a "cold winter". A friend of mine who is engaged in second-hand car trading over there shook his head and said, this industry is very difficult to mix now.

Laugh to death! Second-hand cars suffered losses, and they earned hundreds of thousands of dollars a month at the peak, and netizens exploded and died of laughter in the comment area

In the past, business was bustling, and as soon as the car came out, buyers gathered around, but now? Sales are declining, profits are pitiful, and sometimes they are upside down, do you think this is a headache?

The reason for this is that we have to look at it from both ends. On the one hand, now the cost is high, the expenses are large, and it is difficult for second-hand cars to keep their prices low and attractive! In this way, the cost performance is not so prominent, and the buyer feels that the money is not worth it. In addition, when buying a second-hand car, you have to keep your eyes open and carefully check the condition of the car, for fear that there will be a problem, which is not a small burden in your heart.

On the other hand, the minds of consumers have also changed. Now many people say that since they have decided to buy a car, why not just buy a new one?

Laugh to death! Second-hand cars suffered losses, and they earned hundreds of thousands of dollars a month at the peak, and netizens exploded and died of laughter in the comment area

The new car has an interest-free loan, which sounds like a good deal, and it is brand new, and it is comfortable to use. Also, with the popularity of new energy vehicles, especially electric vehicles, not to mention environmental protection and energy saving, but also have face, as soon as the limelight comes out, the traditional market of second-hand cars will naturally be impacted.

The Internet also exploded, and netizens complained one after another, saying that the price of second-hand cars is rising, but the cost performance has not improved much, which is not scientific! They also gave advice to second-hand car dealers, saying whether they should find the reason from themselves, whether the service did not keep up, or whether the price was set unreasonably.

To put it more broadly, this is actually a small microcosm of the changes in the whole society. Now that the competition in various industries is fierce, everyone's requirements for the quality of life are getting higher and higher, and the second-hand car market naturally has to be upgraded, otherwise it is easy to be squeezed into the corner.

Laugh to death! Second-hand cars suffered losses, and they earned hundreds of thousands of dollars a month at the peak, and netizens exploded and died of laughter in the comment area

However, then again, the key to buying a car depends on whether you are suitable for it. For example, a novice friend who has just gotten a driver's license, and his skills are still in the tempering stage, so he can get a cheap second-hand car to practice first, in case there is a scratch, the distress is lighter, and he can learn slowly in practice. After all, everyone's situation is different, and what suits you is the best.

So, whether it's a new car or a used car, we have to be sensible, don't follow the trend, don't be greedy, and find the partner who is really suitable for you and can make you travel worry-free, which is the most important thing.

The market is changing, and our mentality must also be flexible, after all, buying a car is to make life more convenient and happier.

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