
The father suffered from cerebral infarction and quit smoking and drinking for more than 10 years, and before his death, his son took out cigarettes and alcohol to leave no regrets for the elderly

author:The day after tomorrow, I walked around

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

Uncle Li is 50 years old this year, and he has worked hard all his life, but because of long-term smoking and drinking, his physical condition has deteriorated. Last month, he suddenly felt dizzy and was taken to the hospital, where doctors diagnosed him with a cerebral infarction. The doctor sternly told Uncle Li that if he didn't quit smoking and drinking, his life would be in jeopardy.

"Uncle Li, you must quit smoking and drinking immediately, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable." The doctor's tone was firm.

The father suffered from cerebral infarction and quit smoking and drinking for more than 10 years, and before his death, his son took out cigarettes and alcohol to leave no regrets for the elderly

Li Qiang was so anxious that he was sweating profusely: "Dad, listen to the doctor, let's go home and throw away all the cigarettes and alcohol, and we can't touch it again!" ”

After returning home, Li Qiang really cleaned up all the tobacco and alcohol at home. He threw cigarette cases and bottles into the trash one by one, as if he were throwing away his father's deadly poison.

Uncle Li looked at the discarded cigarettes and alcohol, and felt a pain in his heart, but he still said in his mouth: "Okay, okay, I'll listen to you." ”

However, whenever he walked down the street and saw his friends smoking and drinking, he always had mixed feelings in his heart. They used to be good friends who talked about everything, but now because he quit smoking and drinking, these friends are gradually becoming estranged. An acquaintance saw him on the street and greeted him with a smile: "Brother Li, long time no see, come one?" ”

The father suffered from cerebral infarction and quit smoking and drinking for more than 10 years, and before his death, his son took out cigarettes and alcohol to leave no regrets for the elderly

Uncle Li could only smile bitterly and shake his head: "No, the doctor said that he wouldn't let me smoke." ”

The friend sighed: "Alas, our old fellows are not interesting without you." ”

Uncle Li nodded silently, feeling a sense of loss in his heart. Back at home, he sat in the empty living room, looking at the old photos on the wall, and his heart was even more indescribable. His son Li Qiang is busy with everything else, and in order to take care of his diet and daily life, he has very little time for himself.

One night, Li Qiang walked into the living room with a bowl of porridge, and when he saw his father's lonely expression, he couldn't help asking, "Dad, are you still not used to it?" ”

The father suffered from cerebral infarction and quit smoking and drinking for more than 10 years, and before his death, his son took out cigarettes and alcohol to leave no regrets for the elderly

Uncle Li sighed and said, "Qiangzi, it's not that I don't want to quit, it's just that I ...... Alas, I always feel empty in my heart. ”

Li Qiang sat down and patted his father on the shoulder: "Dad, I know it's hard for you, but for the sake of your health, we must persevere." ”

Uncle Li nodded, but the pain in his heart did not decrease. In the dead of night, he always recalls the old days when he smoked and drank with his friends, and his heart is full of melancholy. He knew that for the sake of his family, he had to quit smoking and drinking, but this loneliness and loneliness made it more and more difficult for him to bear.

A few days later, Li Qiang took his father shopping, hoping to distract him with some new activities. The two were wandering on the street, and Li Qiang pointed to a newly opened calligraphy class: "Dad, haven't you always liked to write?" Let's take a look. ”

The father suffered from cerebral infarction and quit smoking and drinking for more than 10 years, and before his death, his son took out cigarettes and alcohol to leave no regrets for the elderly

Uncle Li nodded, and the two walked into the calligraphy class. The calligraphy teacher warmly received them and invited Uncle Li to try to write a few strokes. Uncle Li picked up the brush and wrote a few lines attentively, as if returning to the years of his youth.

Li Qiang encouraged on the side: "Dad, you write so well, let's sign up, so that you have something to do every day and won't be bored anymore." ”

Although Uncle Li was still a little resistant in his heart, he had no choice but to agree when he saw his son being so attentive. From that day on, Uncle Li went to the calligraphy class every day to practice calligraphy, and slowly, he found that he gradually liked this activity. But whenever he passes by those places where he smokes and drinks, he can't help but feel a sense of loss in his heart.

The father suffered from cerebral infarction and quit smoking and drinking for more than 10 years, and before his death, his son took out cigarettes and alcohol to leave no regrets for the elderly

In order to fill his father's loneliness, Li Qiang racked his brains and thought of various ways. He first took his father to participate in a square dance, hoping to make his father feel happier through dancing. However, every time Uncle Li just stood aside, looking at the dancing old people, there was always a trace of sadness on his face.

"Dad, you can try it too, how interesting it is to dance with them." Li Qiang danced to the rhythm while encouraging his father.

Uncle Li shook his head and smiled reluctantly: "You jump yours, I'll just take a look here." ”

Li Qiang saw that his father was not in high spirits, so he took him to participate in the morning exercise. Every morning, the two go to the park together for a run and exercise. Although Uncle Li cooperated on the surface, he always felt that something was missing in his heart.

The father suffered from cerebral infarction and quit smoking and drinking for more than 10 years, and before his death, his son took out cigarettes and alcohol to leave no regrets for the elderly

"Qiangzi, don't worry about me, I'm so old, how many days can I have?" One day, Uncle Li finally couldn't help it and said what was in his heart to Li Qiang.

Li Qiang suddenly choked up a little: "Dad, how can you say that?" We still have a lot of time to spend together, so you have to take care of yourself. ”

In order to let his father find a new interest, Li Qiang enrolled him in a calligraphy class at the University for the Elderly. Uncle Li loved to write when he was young, and this hobby may be able to rekindle his enthusiasm for life.

At first, Uncle Li was not very enthusiastic. Every day when he goes to class, he just writes mechanically, and his heart is still empty. Until one day, he met Lao Liu, an old man who also quit smoking and drinking, in a calligraphy class.

The father suffered from cerebral infarction and quit smoking and drinking for more than 10 years, and before his death, his son took out cigarettes and alcohol to leave no regrets for the elderly

"Yo, Brother Li, you write well!" Lao Liu came over with a smile, looked at Uncle Li's words and praised.

Uncle Li looked up and found that Lao Liu was also in good spirits, so he became a little interested: "Wherever you are, write whatever you want." Brother, you're pretty good at writing, too. ”

Lao Liu smiled and waved his hand: "I, I've just started learning." However, if you can have a hobby, life will not be so boring. ”

The two hit it off at first sight and chatted about their experiences. Uncle Li learned that Lao Liu also had to quit smoking and drinking for health reasons, and a feeling of sympathy suddenly arose in his heart.

The father suffered from cerebral infarction and quit smoking and drinking for more than 10 years, and before his death, his son took out cigarettes and alcohol to leave no regrets for the elderly

"Brother Li, it must have been difficult at first, right? At that time, I also didn't think life was interesting. Lao Liu patted Uncle Li on the shoulder and continued, "But you see, now I'm used to it, and my life is quite fulfilling." ”

Uncle Li nodded, feeling a little better: "Yes, it was really uncomfortable at first. Tell me, how did you get through it? ”

Lao Liu smiled: "I, just find some healthy hobbies, such as calligraphy, fishing, and learn some health methods." The most important thing is to spend more time with our family, after all, they are our most important support. ”

From that day on, Uncle Li and Lao Liu became good friends. The two not only attend classes together, but also often exchange calligraphy experiences and health care experiences after class. Lao Liu taught Uncle Li some simple health methods, such as foot soaking, massage, and doing some relaxing exercises. Uncle Li slowly found that his physical condition had also improved, and his mood had also improved.

The father suffered from cerebral infarction and quit smoking and drinking for more than 10 years, and before his death, his son took out cigarettes and alcohol to leave no regrets for the elderly

Once, Uncle Li and Li Qiang were having dinner at home, and Uncle Li suddenly mentioned Lao Liu: "Qiangzi, let me tell you, I have a good friend now, Lao Liu." He also quit smoking and drinking, and his health is getting better. We'll have time to invite him to our house. ”

Li Qiang listened to it and was very happy: "That's great, Dad." You can have a friend to talk to, and life will be less lonely. We found a time to invite him to our house for dinner. ”

Uncle Li nodded, his heart full of anticipation. He finally stopped feeling so empty in life because he found new friends and new interests, and life began to slowly fill up.

The father suffered from cerebral infarction and quit smoking and drinking for more than 10 years, and before his death, his son took out cigarettes and alcohol to leave no regrets for the elderly

More than ten years have passed, and Uncle Li's health has improved significantly, but the erosion of time is inevitable after all. His hair was all white, and the wrinkles on his face were getting deeper. Although his body was gradually weakening, he felt in his heart that the past ten years had been more fulfilling than the previous decades.

One day, Uncle Li's condition suddenly worsened and he was admitted to the hospital. Li Qiang and his family were all in front of the hospital bed, looking at his father's weak appearance, and their hearts were mixed. The doctor told Li Qiang that Uncle Li's condition was already very critical and he might not survive the night.

It was late at night, and only Li Qiang and Uncle Li were left in the ward. Li Qiang held his father's hand, and tears couldn't help but fall. He knew that his father had paid too much to quit smoking and drinking, and he had always had an unfulfilled wish in his heart.

"Dad, you've worked hard all these years." Li Qiang choked up and said, "I know that you have been enduring it and not touching cigarettes and alcohol, just to stay with us for a few more years." ”

The father suffered from cerebral infarction and quit smoking and drinking for more than 10 years, and before his death, his son took out cigarettes and alcohol to leave no regrets for the elderly

Uncle Li smiled slightly and shook his head weakly: "Qiangzi, don't talk about this." As long as you are good, I am satisfied. ”

Li Qiang suddenly took out a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of wine from his bag and put them on his father's bedside, with tears in his eyes: "Dad, don't have any regrets." ”

When Uncle Li saw the cigarettes and wine, his eyes were suddenly full of tears. With trembling hands, he picked up the pack of cigarettes, lit one, and took a deep breath. The familiar smell of tobacco made him feel like he was back in his youth. Then, he picked up the bottle of wine again, took a sip, and smiled contentedly: "This time, there are really no regrets." ”

Li Qiang held his father's hand tightly, and tears couldn't help but roll down. Uncle Li smiled with satisfaction on his face and closed his eyes gently. Accompanied by his son, he passed away peacefully.

The father suffered from cerebral infarction and quit smoking and drinking for more than 10 years, and before his death, his son took out cigarettes and alcohol to leave no regrets for the elderly

Li Qiang cried silently, and the whole family gathered around, although he felt sad in his heart, he also felt a trace of comfort. Uncle Li left without regrets, and this family relationship left a good memory in their hearts forever.

A few days later, the whole family got together to reminisce about the bits and pieces of Uncle Li's life. Li Qiang's wife, Li Fang, brought a bowl of hot porridge and said to Li Qiang with a smile: "Qiangzi, your father's favorite is this bowl of porridge I made." Every time he drank it, he said that it tasted so good. ”

Li Qiang nodded, tears flashing in his eyes: "Yes, Dad always says that the most important thing in our family is this family affection." ”

Son Li Ming ran over and took Li Qiang's hand: "Dad, is Grandpa watching us from the sky?" ”

The father suffered from cerebral infarction and quit smoking and drinking for more than 10 years, and before his death, his son took out cigarettes and alcohol to leave no regrets for the elderly

Li Qiang stroked his son's head and said gently: "Yes, grandpa is watching us from the sky, and he will always bless us with peace and happiness." ”

The whole family sat around, and although Uncle Li had left, his love and warmth still remained in everyone's hearts. Li Qiang looked up at the starry sky outside the window, as if he saw his father's kind smile.

"Dad, don't worry, we will take good care of ourselves and live well." Li Qiang said silently in his heart.

At that moment, all the sadness turned into hope and faith for the future. They know that Uncle Li's love will always accompany them and become strength and courage in their lives.

The father suffered from cerebral infarction and quit smoking and drinking for more than 10 years, and before his death, his son took out cigarettes and alcohol to leave no regrets for the elderly

The whole family hugged each other tightly, laughing with tears, sighing at this family relationship without regrets, and their hearts were full of expectations and confidence for the future.