
What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!



Others don't provoke them, they go to other people's houses to make trouble, and as soon as the bald head fights back, these two bears pull the banner of protecting the forest

What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!


What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!


What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!

Her husband is the one who can't be calm. inexplicably brought a green hat, got a son who was not his, and finally took his life

What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!


What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!

If he collects your money, he will definitely do things for you, and the efficiency is high, which is the advantage. ‬

What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!

‬别入宫这个事,妃子本身是没权利的,秦始皇那时候什么概念? You dare to oppose your country is gone. However, Yi Xiaochuan's setting is too disgusting, liking Qin Shihuang's concubine is considered disloyal, and it can be regarded as unrighteous to Gao Yao. The male protagonist's unfaithful and unrighteous setting is simply explosive

What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!

‬这就是大佬啊,见人说人话见鬼说鬼话! There will be things to do, and things can still be done!

What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!

Yes, why is he to blame for the grievances of the previous generation?

What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!


What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!


What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!


What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!


What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!


What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!


What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!


What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!


What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!


What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!


What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!


What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!


What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!


What characters you hated as a child! But growing up suddenly understood? Netizen: Replace me with a harder piercing!