
There is a kind of "heat" that makes children love to kick the quilt, but in fact, it is not only hot, but the baby has a "bitter" mother who doesn't know

author:Festive breeze


Dear parents and friends, have you ever encountered such a problem? Every night, your baby always likes to kick the quilt and bothers you very much. However, behind what you may inadvertently ignore, children actually hide some "bitterness", let's reveal the secret together!

Secret 1: The temperature control is not accurate, and the reason for the baby to kick the quilt

There is a kind of "heat" that makes children love to kick the quilt, but in fact, it is not only hot, but the baby has a "bitter" mother who doesn't know

We all know that children's bodies are very sensitive to temperature changes, and they often can't express their comfort level. When they feel hot, kicking the quilt becomes their only way to acclimatize. This is because children's self-regulation skills are not yet fully developed, and they are often unable to accurately judge their body temperature.

Secret 2: The quality of sleep decreases, and the baby kicks are affected

There is a kind of "heat" that makes children love to kick the quilt, but in fact, it is not only hot, but the baby has a "bitter" mother who doesn't know

You might not have thought that your child's love of kicking the quilt can also lead to a decrease in their sleep quality. When the child sleeps, the quilt will play a role in keeping warm, but if the child kicks the quilt frequently, the quilt will not have a stable thermal insulation effect. As a result, children are prone to feeling cold in their sleep, which leads to more frequent awakenings, which in turn affects sleep quality and physical health.

Secret 3: The psychological dependence of children, the truth of the baby's kicking quilt

There is a kind of "heat" that makes children love to kick the quilt, but in fact, it is not only hot, but the baby has a "bitter" mother who doesn't know

Some children kick the quilt out of a kind of psychological dependence. They think that they can only fall asleep by kicking the quilt, which has become one of their bedtime habits. When this habit is formed, even if it is hot, even if it is no longer suitable for kicking the quilt, it is difficult for the child to give up. This is because they see kicking under the covers as a source of security, and the lack of this feeling can make them feel anxious and uneasy.

Solution: Suitable temperature + sleep cultivation = solve the problem

There is a kind of "heat" that makes children love to kick the quilt, but in fact, it is not only hot, but the baby has a "bitter" mother who doesn't know

Now that we know the reason why the baby loves to kick the quilt, how to solve this problem? The key is to provide a comfortable temperature environment and develop good sleep habits.

- Appropriate temperature: According to the child's age and season, the indoor temperature should be reasonably adjusted to provide a comfortable sleeping environment for the child. You can choose the right pajama material and quilt thickness for your child to help adjust the temperature.

There is a kind of "heat" that makes children love to kick the quilt, but in fact, it is not only hot, but the baby has a "bitter" mother who doesn't know

- Sleep cultivation: Establish a fixed sleep time and form a regular work and rest habit. Cultivate your child's ability to fall asleep independently and give them a sense of security to help them get rid of their dependence on kicking the quilt.

Dear parents, when we find that our children love to kick the quilt, we should not ignore it easily, because it may be some kind of need and distress that they express in a non-verbal way. Understanding the reasons behind your child's behaviour and helping them develop good sleep habits and regulation will lay a solid foundation for their healthy development.

There is a kind of "heat" that makes children love to kick the quilt, but in fact, it is not only hot, but the baby has a "bitter" mother who doesn't know

I hope this article has helped you, and if you have other questions and needs about parenting life, parenting, sleep habits, family chores, and children's health, please feel free to ask. We'll be happy to answer your questions!

(The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted)

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