
In the thirteen provinces of the world, Hua Pi Linghan covers the quilt at night and wears a skirt during the day.

author:The sky is high and the earth is wide, and I want to see it
In the thirteen provinces of the world, Hua Pi Linghan covers the quilt at night and wears a skirt during the day.

"Walk on the road to the sky, walk in the clouds." If you have limited time and want to see the grassland scenery and experience the life of the people on horseback, then you don't have to run to Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, and even fly to the United States Highway 66 on the other side of the world... Because, in the mountain city of Zhangjiakou, there is a place known as the "Heavenly Road", also known as China's "Route 66".

In the thirteen provinces of the world, Hua Pi Linghan covers the quilt at night and wears a skirt during the day.

Zhangbei Grassland, located in Hebei Province, northwest of Zhangjiakou City, is the Bashang area on the southern edge of the Inner Mongolia Plateau, known as the grassland paradise by the capital. It is composed of two major grasslands, Zhongdu and Anguli. This vast grassland area is not only the Xilin Gol Grassland (Gol Grassland, one of the famous grasslands in China, is located in the eastern part of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and is a vast natural grassland area. Zhangbei grassland is not only beautiful and pleasant, but also a place for royal hunting, summer retreat and patrol. ), but also carries a rich historical and cultural significance.

In the thirteen provinces of the world, Hua Pi Linghan covers the quilt at night and wears a skirt during the day.

The origin of Zhangbei grassland can be traced back to about 4,000 years ago, when there were human activities in this area, which belonged to the contact period between Neolithic culture and Yangshao culture. With the passage of time, the Zhangbei area has undergone many historical changes. As early as the Qin Dynasty, there were already human activities here. It is also the location of the central capital of the Yuan Dynasty, and one of the three capitals with the same name as Dadu and Shangdu. "A central capital city, half of the history of the Yuan Dynasty" is talking about here. Yuanzhongdu National Archaeological Site Park was rated as one of the "Top Ten New Archaeological Discoveries in China in 1999". Because you can see the 2,000-year-old history of the Great Wall in Zhangbei, it is also known as the place to solve the "mystery of the Great Wall".

In the thirteen provinces of the world, Hua Pi Linghan covers the quilt at night and wears a skirt during the day.

Zhangbei Grassland Tianlu is located in Huanghuaping Village, Youlianggou Township, Zhangbei County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, also known as "China Highway 66". Starting from Zhangchengjie, passing through Chicheng County, Zhangbei County, Chongli District, Guyuan County, Wanquan District, Shangyi County, and ending at Jimengjie, with a total length of about 323.9 kilometers, it was rated as "the road at my doorstep - the most poetic road" by the Ministry of Communications, because this route not only connects Zhangbei County Saiwai Scenic Area and Zhangbei Grassland Style Area, but also is one of the top ten most beautiful highways in the mainland. Walking on this road, the blue sky meets it, and the white clouds echo it, as if walking in the clouds, hence the name "Heavenly Road".

In the thirteen provinces of the world, Hua Pi Linghan covers the quilt at night and wears a skirt during the day.

As for the reason why it is called China Highway 66, it is because this route not only passes through beautiful grasslands, but also is covered with thousands of giant windmills along the way, providing an excellent sightseeing experience for travelers. The beauty and magnificence of the Prairie Sky Road make it comparable to the famous Route 66 in the United States, hence the name "China Route 66".

In the thirteen provinces of the world, Hua Pi Linghan covers the quilt at night and wears a skirt during the day.

Some people who have been to Zhangbei grassland come back and say that it is colder than the Northeast, and the reason why Zhangbei is colder than the Northeast is because the altitude is much higher than the Northeast, the altitude of the Northeast is less than 1000 meters, and some are even only 200-500 meters, while the average altitude of Zhangbei is more than 1400 meters, and some places are as high as 2500 meters; Secondly, there are many mountainous areas in Northeast China, dense forests, due to the obstruction of mountains and forests, the cold air can not drive straight in, and the terrain of Zhangbei area is gentle, there is no obstruction of high mountains and mountains, the cold air of the Arctic Ocean and Siberia can be driven straight into, and Zhangbei is just in the junction area of the dam and the dam, and it is in the only way of cold air, and the wind does not stop all year round, so Zhangbei is colder than the Northeast.

In the thirteen provinces of the world, Hua Pi Linghan covers the quilt at night and wears a skirt during the day.

When it comes to Zhangbei Grassland, many people think of music festivals, which was founded in 2009 and was originally named Zhangbei

The Prairie Music Festival was held continuously from 2009 to 2017. Since 2018, the event has been transformed into the Zhangbei Grassland Music Festival, with the number of participants gradually developing from the initial 100,000 to 450,000, with more than 100,000 self-driving cars.

In the thirteen provinces of the world, Hua Pi Linghan covers the quilt at night and wears a skirt during the day.

Zhongdu grassland

Zhongdu was one of the three capitals of the Yuan Dynasty with Dadu (Beijing) and Shangdu (Kaiping), and it was a summer resort for the royal clan. Zhongdu primitive grassland is the most intact primitive grassland so far, pure, magnificent, cool, is the essence of the Inner Mongolia grassland, is the closest to Beijing, the lowest latitude of the primitive natural grassland.

Anguli grassland

Anguli grassland is a natural alpine meadow, where the green grass is full of sky, flowers are in full bloom, birds are numerous, the altitude is 1500 meters, it is a bright pearl inlaid in the grassland on Zhangbei Dam. In addition, there are many beautiful spots such as "Flower Thousand Valley" and "Liulin River", which make people forget to return.

In the thirteen provinces of the world, Hua Pi Linghan covers the quilt at night and wears a skirt during the day.

How are grasslands formed?

About tens of millions of years ago, the Indian Ocean plate collided with the Eurasian plate, forming the roof of the world - the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, on which the rolling Yellow River and the Yangtze River flowed, forming the vast plains of North China and East China, on which the Yellow River civilization and the Yangtze River civilization were born. However, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau also blocks the vast water vapor of the Indian Ocean, making the western part of China very arid, and countless winds and sand blow to precipitate into the Loess Plateau, while the Yinshan Mountains and other mountains block the Loess Plateau, where the rainfall is not as much as the agricultural Central Plains, but more than the desert, can not grow crops, suitable for growing grass, so the formation of grassland.

In the thirteen provinces of the world, Hua Pi Linghan covers the quilt at night and wears a skirt during the day.


In the thirteen provinces of the world, Hua Pi Linghan covers the quilt at night and wears a skirt during the day.

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