
Wu Weiguo: I have been in love with Liu Xiaoqing for 5 years, and after breaking up, I don't fall in love or get married, what happened now?

author:Storm Hour Tracker


The love story between Wu Weiguo, a good man in the entertainment industry, and Liu Xiaoqing is eye-opening. From the first acquaintance to the breakup, to the bottleneck period of his career, the emotional setback, and finally to find true love and marry his girlfriend, Wu Weiguo's life experience has been full of ups and downs, which is emotional. Want to know how this good man has gone through the ups and downs and challenges of life? Let's look down!

Looking back on the name Wu Weiguo, it always reminds people of the image of a handsome and sunny boy.

Moreover, he has been in the entertainment industry for many years, and he has rarely had scandals, and he has always maintained a good public image.

It wasn't until Wu Weiguo talked about his love affair with Liu Xiaoqing in an interview.

It was surprising to find that Wu Weiguo turned out to be a good man with affection and righteousness.

Wu Weiguo: I have been in love with Liu Xiaoqing for 5 years, and after breaking up, I don't fall in love or get married, what happened now?

When did he and Liu Xiaoqing meet? Why did they break up?

met Liu Xiaoqing for the first time and started a relationship for five years

1997 was the day when Wu Weiguo and Liu Xiaoqing met.

It was also the beginning of their relationship.

Prior to this, Wu Weiguo's impression of Liu Xiaoqing only stayed on the TV series "Latent".

In this drama, the heroine "Chen Jin" played by Liu Xiaoqing is fierce and cruel.

In Wu Weiguo's view, she has superb acting skills, but she is an unapproachable image of a woman.

Until a certain party, he got acquainted with Liu Xiaoqing.

Wu Weiguo discovered that Liu Xiaoqing was a cheerful and grinning woman.

The two soon became friends.

After getting along, Wu Weiguo learned that Liu Xiaoqing looked very fierce and powerful on the surface.

Wu Weiguo: I have been in love with Liu Xiaoqing for 5 years, and after breaking up, I don't fall in love or get married, what happened now?

But in fact, she is kind and generous at heart.

Both of them like art, and they talk and behave very well.

It's opportunistic to talk together.

Slowly, Wu Weiguo developed a good impression of Liu Xiaoqing.

So he ignored the dissuasion and strange eyes of his friends and confessed to Liu Xiaoqing.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xiaoqing happily accepted him.

The two began a relationship in this way.

After five years of getting along, Wu Weiguo and Liu Xiaoqing broke up.

He did not specify the reason for the breakup in the interview.

But it is reported that the main reason for the breakup is the age gap and the strange eyes of the people around him.

Career encountered a bottleneck period, and the relationship was frustrated

After breaking up with Liu Xiaoqing, Wu Weiguo began to devote more energy to his career.

Wu Weiguo: I have been in love with Liu Xiaoqing for 5 years, and after breaking up, I don't fall in love or get married, what happened now?

He has been in the film industry for many years, and he has certain network resources inside and outside the circle.

Therefore, there are often film and television dramas and variety shows coming to the door.

Prior to this, Wu Weiguo had starred in many excellent works.

and also became popular with the role of "Jiang Ziya" in the movie "Legend of the Gods".

Wu Weiguo starred as Jiang Ziya

Due to his excellent appearance and superb acting skills, he often plays the role of a villain in later episodes.

For example, the annoying and unforgettable "Prince Heshuo" in the TV series "Huanzhu Gege".

and the hateful character of "Jia Zheng" in the TV series "Dream of Red Mansions".

With these works, he has successfully created multiple and diverse villain images, which are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Wu Weiguo: I have been in love with Liu Xiaoqing for 5 years, and after breaking up, I don't fall in love or get married, what happened now?

But as time passed, the audience gradually became aesthetically tired of his handsome appearance.

In addition, as you grow older, it is difficult to deduce the image of youth and sunshine, fresh and handsome.

As a result, he gradually did not receive many good works.

Although he felt frustrated and helpless for a while, Wu Weiguo did not give up his career, but worked harder to overcome these problems.

He participated in various variety shows and filmed various types of film and television dramas to improve his popularity and recognition in the eyes of the audience.

He even tried to transform into a director, screenwriter and other work to enrich his experience in the film and television industry.

During this period, there were also several scandals.

Wu Weiguo: I have been in love with Liu Xiaoqing for 5 years, and after breaking up, I don't fall in love or get married, what happened now?

For example, there have been scandals with actresses such as Zhao Yazhi and Cecilia Cheung.

But as time passed, these rumors gradually dispelled.

Although I have encountered some bottlenecks in my career, I have also suffered some blows and setbacks emotionally.

But Wu Weiguo has never given up the pursuit of true love.

Until he meets true love......

Find true love again and marry your girlfriend

At the beginning of 2020, Wu Weiguo talked about his current state in an interview:

"My biggest satisfaction now is that I can stay at home with peace of mind."

He chose to fade out of the public eye, not because there was no filming to consume the topic, but because he made a deliberate decision.

Wu Weiguo: I have been in love with Liu Xiaoqing for 5 years, and after breaking up, I don't fall in love or get married, what happened now?

Over the years, for the sake of his career and feelings, Wu Weiguo has put in a lot of hard work and effort.

But none of them got the results they wanted.

even suffered blows and setbacks such as career troughs and emotional failures.

Along the way, he was already exhausted, exhausted, and full of unwillingness and loss......

He decided to put aside all his worries and worries for a while and take a good rest.

Use time to heal the wounds and frustrations in your heart, learn to be alone, and learn to cherish the people in front of you......

And when interviewing and talking about emotional problems, he also said freely:

"Everyone has a past and has experienced something about it."

Now that the past is over, you should also learn to let go of your burdens and pursue a new life......

Wu Weiguo: I have been in love with Liu Xiaoqing for 5 years, and after breaking up, I don't fall in love or get married, what happened now?

Although I have encountered many problems and difficulties in my career, I have also experienced some twists and turns and struggles emotionally......

But I finally survived!

The "peace of mind at home" mentioned in the interview at that time was the result of truly finding peace and satisfaction in my heart after letting go of my feelings and letting go of my burden......

Today's Wu Weiguo has found his own happy life!

Now he is no longer single, and he is still accompanied by a kind and considerate woman at home......

The two cherish each other, snuggle up to each other, and enjoy the joy and happiness that love brings to them together!

Although the current wife is younger and unknown......

But she is very considerate and understanding, and after the two have been together for a long time, she understands Wu Weiguo's character and habits......

Wu Weiguo: I have been in love with Liu Xiaoqing for 5 years, and after breaking up, I don't fall in love or get married, what happened now?

At the same time, she also respects her husband's choice to be a good wife and mother at home!

At this moment, Wu Weiguo shows the happy life he has with a happy and satisfied smile!


Wu Weiguo's life experience is embarrassing, but in the end he found his happiness. No matter what setbacks he encountered in his career or relationship, he never gave up his belief in pursuing true love. In the face of the ups and downs of life, he chose to let go of his burden, cherish the people in front of him, and finally gained inner peace and satisfaction. It is worth learning and understanding. Come and like and leave a message to share your views on Wu Weiguo!

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