
CCTV celebrity Huang Wei: With Cai Guoqing's childhood sweetheart, at the age of 60, she still has to fulfill her filial piety to her ninety-year-old mother

author:ANC talks about sports

Hello everyone, I'm the editor! Today I want to talk to you about the story of CCTV's famous Huang Wei. Speaking of Huang Wei, many people's first reaction may be the host of "Sunset Red", but do you know? She also has a "childhood sweetheart" relationship with Cai Guoqing! What's even more touching is that at the age of 60, she is still filial to her 90-year-old mother. Such Huang Wei, does it make you feel both cordial and admirable?

Huang Wei's story can be said to have been wonderful since childhood. Born in Beijing in 1964, she entered the Children's Palace at the age of 6 to study and became a small emcee and voice actor. At this time, the gears of fate began to turn, and Beijing Film Studio took a fancy to her and invited her to be a children's voice actor. And the other one who was selected is the familiar Cai Guoqing!

CCTV celebrity Huang Wei: With Cai Guoqing's childhood sweetheart, at the age of 60, she still has to fulfill her filial piety to her ninety-year-old mother

Imagine the scene where two children play on the set, don't you feel super loving? No wonder Cai Guoqing said many years later: "Sister Huang Wei and I can be regarded as childhood sweethearts." "This childhood friendship is probably something that many people can't envy.

The road of life is always full of accidents. Originally, her parents hoped that Huang Wei would inherit her father's business and embark on the road of diplomacy. But the goddess of fate gave her a surprise, Beijing Broadcasting Institute came to her school to enroll, Huang Wei relied on her literary and artistic talent, passed all the way and successfully entered the broadcasting department. This step allowed her to embark on the path of host.

CCTV celebrity Huang Wei: With Cai Guoqing's childhood sweetheart, at the age of 60, she still has to fulfill her filial piety to her ninety-year-old mother

In college, Huang Wei is not the most outstanding beauty, and she even feels that she is not qualified to go to CCTV. However, life always likes to joke. When she graduated, she became the only girl in her class to enter CCTV. Why? Because she has a "temperament"! This made me think that life really can't just look at the surface, the inner charm is the most attractive.

After entering CCTV, Huang Wei hosted many programs, but what really made her feel was "Sunset Red", which she began hosting in 1996. Her steady and friendly hosting style made the audience give a thumbs up. Moreover, she has also become a special actor of "Deng Yingchao", which is simply a clear stream in the entertainment industry!

CCTV celebrity Huang Wei: With Cai Guoqing's childhood sweetheart, at the age of 60, she still has to fulfill her filial piety to her ninety-year-old mother

Speaking of Huang Wei's marriage, it is even more impressive. Her criteria for choosing a mate are: How can a person who is not filial to his parents really love you? I think this point of view is simply too reasonable! Her husband Ding Jingshun is a dutiful son, which also makes Huang Wei feel happy in her married life.

However, there are always times in life when things don't go your way. In 1997, Huang Wei's father was paralyzed in bed due to illness. Huang Wei never gave up, took care of her, and even bought a new house for her parents to move in. Unfortunately, my father passed away. This made Huang Wei grief-stricken, but she was not knocked down by grief, but gave all her love to her mother.

CCTV celebrity Huang Wei: With Cai Guoqing's childhood sweetheart, at the age of 60, she still has to fulfill her filial piety to her ninety-year-old mother

Huang Wei's filial piety to her mother really moved people to cry. She not only eats with her mother every day after work, but also encourages her mother to go out more and make friends. This kind of delicate care is really heartwarming. No wonder she won the title of "Top Ten Filial Sons in the Entertainment Industry", which is definitely well deserved!

Huang Wei, who is now 60 years old, is still active in front of the screen, taking care of her mother in her 90s. Her story teaches us that no matter how successful you are, filial piety to your parents is always the most important thing. This kind of family concept is really rare in today's society.

CCTV celebrity Huang Wei: With Cai Guoqing's childhood sweetheart, at the age of 60, she still has to fulfill her filial piety to her ninety-year-old mother

After reading Huang Wei's story, what do you think? Do you also want to call your parents and say "I love you"? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section!

CCTV celebrity Huang Wei: With Cai Guoqing's childhood sweetheart, at the age of 60, she still has to fulfill her filial piety to her ninety-year-old mother

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