
Unbelievable! Little Tiger Team "Tiger Head" Chen Zhipeng, old trees sprout? At the age of 53, he announced his reappearance

author:Hitomi Entertainment

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Unbelievable! Little Tiger Team "Tiger Head" Chen Zhipeng, old trees sprout? At the age of 53, he announced his reappearance

In the bright starry sky of the Chinese music scene, the "Little Tigers" are undoubtedly one of the most dazzling stars.

Wu Qilong's handsomeness, Su Youpeng's cuteness, and Chen Zhipeng's agility constitute the best memories of countless people's youth.

Unbelievable! Little Tiger Team "Tiger Head" Chen Zhipeng, old trees sprout? At the age of 53, he announced his reappearance

The popular songs, such as "Green Apple Paradise" and "Love", have spread all over the streets and alleys and become classic melodies of an era.

The glory of the "Little Tigers" in the past

Time passes, the years change, and the members of the "Little Tigers" have embarked on different life paths.

Wu Qilong is thriving in the field of film and television, Su Youpeng has made remarkable achievements in transforming into a director, and Chen Zhipeng's development path seems to be slightly tortuous.

Unbelievable! Little Tiger Team "Tiger Head" Chen Zhipeng, old trees sprout? At the age of 53, he announced his reappearance

Once, Chen Zhipeng won the love of countless fans with his outstanding performance in the "Little Tigers".

But after the group disbanded, his star journey was not all smooth sailing.

On the highly competitive stage of the entertainment industry, he constantly tried a variety of different styles and roles, but he never found his own unique positioning.

At times, his styling was too avant-garde, causing controversy; Sometimes, his works fail to make much of a splash, and gradually become a little dim in the public eye.

Unbelievable! Little Tiger Team "Tiger Head" Chen Zhipeng, old trees sprout? At the age of 53, he announced his reappearance

But Chen Zhipeng never gave up, and he has been trying to find an opportunity to rise again.

Signed a contract with Worry-Free Media

Once, Chen Zhipeng's name gradually lost its former luster in the wave of the entertainment industry, and many people felt that he might gradually fade out of the public's field of vision and become a vague image in people's memory.

Unbelievable! Little Tiger Team "Tiger Head" Chen Zhipeng, old trees sprout? At the age of 53, he announced his reappearance

Life is always full of surprises and turns, just when everyone thought that Chen Zhipeng's acting career was about to be dull, and even buried by the dust of the years, an earth-shattering news was like a lightning bolt that pierced the silent night sky of the entertainment industry - 53-year-old Chen Zhipeng actually signed a contract with a new company, Wuwu Media!

This news spread far and wide, instantly setting off storms in the entertainment industry and becoming the focus of heated discussions among countless people after dinner.

On the day of the signing ceremony, the scene was crowded and lively.

Unbelievable! Little Tiger Team "Tiger Head" Chen Zhipeng, old trees sprout? At the age of 53, he announced his reappearance

Many enthusiastic fans rushed to the scene early to witness this historic moment.

They waited anxiously with their expectations and blessings for Chen Zhipeng.

When Chen Zhipeng finally appeared on the stage, the crowd instantly erupted in a deafening cheer.

The voice seemed to break through the clouds and reach the sky.

Unbelievable! Little Tiger Team "Tiger Head" Chen Zhipeng, old trees sprout? At the age of 53, he announced his reappearance

He stood in the center of the stage like that, the sun shining on him, outlining a fascinating outline.

The confidence and firmness on his face are like flowers blooming in spring, gorgeous and dazzling.

The glitter in his eyes seemed to announce to the world: This is the starting point for me to start anew, and I, Chen Zhipeng, are back!

At this moment, people seem to see the young man who once shined on the stage, and he has regained his glory.

Unbelievable! Little Tiger Team "Tiger Head" Chen Zhipeng, old trees sprout? At the age of 53, he announced his reappearance

But everyone knows that the hardships and hardships along the way are only known to Chen Zhipeng himself.

Back then, Chen Zhipeng, as one of the members of the Little Tigers, won the love of countless audiences with his handsome appearance and outstanding singing and dancing talents.

The songs of the Little Tigers spread all over the streets and alleys and became the memories of a generation's youth.

As time went by, the members of the Little Tigers flew their own heads, but Chen Zhipeng's development was not all smooth sailing.

In the highly competitive environment of the entertainment industry, he constantly tried various styles and roles, but never found his own unique positioning.

Unbelievable! Little Tiger Team "Tiger Head" Chen Zhipeng, old trees sprout? At the age of 53, he announced his reappearance

Sometimes, his styling and performance have even been questioned and criticized by the outside world, which undoubtedly casts a shadow on his acting career.

But Chen Zhipeng never gave up, he has been working hard and persevering.

It's like the big tree that still stands in the storm, silently accumulating strength, waiting for its own spring.

And now, the signing of the contract with worry-free media is undoubtedly an important turning point in his acting career.

Unbelievable! Little Tiger Team "Tiger Head" Chen Zhipeng, old trees sprout? At the age of 53, he announced his reappearance

At the signing ceremony, Chen Zhipeng stood side by side with the founder of Wuwu Media to complete the signature.

That simple stroke seems to be an understatement, but in fact it is as heavy as a thousand pounds.

It symbolizes the firm determination of the two sides to work together, and also carries Chen Zhipeng's infinite vision and expectation for the future.

Worry-free Media's ambitions

Worry-free Media, as a leader in the industry, has always had an outstanding performance in the field of artist management.

Unbelievable! Little Tiger Team "Tiger Head" Chen Zhipeng, old trees sprout? At the age of 53, he announced his reappearance

The cooperation with Chen Zhipeng is also an important strategic layout for them.

Founder Lei Binyi said at the signing ceremony that he extended a warm welcome to Chen Zhipeng's joining.

He emphasized that this signing is a milestone for the company's development in the star artist sector.

Worry-free Media will give full play to its own resource advantages and the strength of its professional team to tailor a series of development plans for Chen Zhipeng to help him achieve another take-off of his career.

Chen Zhipeng's cooperation with Wuwu Media is not limited to the traditional performing arts field.

Unbelievable! Little Tiger Team "Tiger Head" Chen Zhipeng, old trees sprout? At the age of 53, he announced his reappearance

He promised to carry out all-round cooperation in music, e-commerce, film and television and other fields to bring more wonderful works and surprises to the audience.

In terms of music, Chen Zhipeng said that he will re-examine his music style, integrate more elements and creativity, and bring a new listening enjoyment to fans.

In the field of e-commerce, he will try to interact more intimately with fans through live broadcasts and other forms, sharing his life and good things recommendations.

Mo Han, President of the Worry-Free Artist Development Center, also said that the company will fully support Chen Zhipeng's diversified development.

Unbelievable! Little Tiger Team "Tiger Head" Chen Zhipeng, old trees sprout? At the age of 53, he announced his reappearance

Especially when it comes to experimenting with offline tours, the company will provide a full range of support and guarantees to ensure that every performance can be spectacular.

Fans' expectations and blessings

For Chen Zhipeng's gorgeous turnaround, fans are undoubtedly the most excited and looking forward to it.

They have left messages on social media to express their support and blessings to him.

"Brother Zhipeng, come on! I'm sure you'll be able to shine again! ”

Unbelievable! Little Tiger Team "Tiger Head" Chen Zhipeng, old trees sprout? At the age of 53, he announced his reappearance

"Looking forward to your new work, we will always be by your side!"

With the support of many fans, Chen Zhipeng is full of confidence and motivation.

The road ahead may be full of challenges, but he firmly believes that as long as there are dreams and perseverance, he will be able to create his own brilliance.

Unbelievable! Little Tiger Team "Tiger Head" Chen Zhipeng, old trees sprout? At the age of 53, he announced his reappearance

Let's wait and see how Chen Zhipeng rewrites his acting legend with the help of worry-free media!

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