
46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 24-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

author:Hitomi Entertainment

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46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 24-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Chen Sicheng is a talented screenwriter and director, and his emotional world is like a wonderful drama.

Recently, Chen Sicheng and his young girlfriend Ruan Ju were met by netizens abroad, and this news instantly caused an uproar on the Internet.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 24-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

New love, old love, whirlpool of public opinion

Ruan Ju once again entered the public's field of vision, she was wearing a long pink knit sweater, her posture was really different from when she appeared in July 2023, and her whole person was much plump.

This change instantly ignited everyone's curiosity.

What is it that has made this young actress change so much? Is it the sweet outpouring of love that makes her heart wide and fat?

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 24-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Or is there some unknown factor in life at work? Let's take a guess.

If it is the power of love, then who will be the mysterious lover behind it? Is it someone insider, or is it some lucky person outside the circle?

What kind of charm does he have that can make Ruan Ju change like this in his company? Or is it the stress of life that makes her seek solace through food?

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 24-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Or is it a body shape that has been specially adjusted for the sake of a new character? This series of questions, like layers of fog, tightly wraps the truth.

At the same time, Chen Sicheng's ex-wife Tong Liya was once again involved in the whirlpool of public opinion because of this incident.

Thinking about the beginning, "520", a day that was regarded as the pinnacle of romance by countless couples, but they announced the news of a peaceful divorce, which was like a thunderbolt, which exploded when everyone was defenseless, which was shocking.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 24-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

What is surprising is that after separation, they can still get along in front of the public.

The warm picture of taking care of the children together often appears in front of the public, which makes people feel a different kind of warmth.

But is it really as harmonious as we see it to be all that seems to be beautiful?

Perhaps, outside the camera, they have unknown contradictions and conflicts.

After all, how can the relationship between husband and wife break down without suspicion? Perhaps they just wanted to maintain their image in front of the public, so they had to stage this "drama of harmony".

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 24-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

After all, in the entertainment industry, image is everything, and if you are not careful, you may be drowned by the torrent of public opinion.

Or, they have really let go of the past, just to give their children a warm environment to grow up.

Children are innocent, they know this, so they are willing to put aside their personal grievances for the time being and work together for the happiness of their children.

This possibility is not out of the question.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 24-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

But no matter what the truth is, the twists and turns and hidden secrets in this are enough to make us think deeply.

Is the love and life in the entertainment industry a real emotional outpouring or a well-choreographed performance? What we see is often just the tip of the iceberg, and the huge part hidden underwater may be the real story.

Take Ruan Ju as an example, is her plumpness a symbol of happiness or a mark of trouble? Perhaps only she knows it best in her own heart.

And is the relationship between Tong Liya and Chen Sicheng a sincere reconciliation or a helpless disguise? And only they know the answer.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 24-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

In this entertainment industry full of temptations and challenges, every decision, every change, can trigger endless speculation and discussion.

And we, as bystanders, can only try to find the real clue in this complicated appearance, trying to uncover the veil of mystery.

But often, the truth is always confusing, making us full of confusion on the road of pursuit.

Chen Sicheng's love life after the divorce can be described as colorful, and there have been many scandals with different women.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 24-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Is this his unstoppable charm, or is there something else hidden? Is he constantly exploring on the road to find true love, or is he just playing the world?

The career is successful, but the love road is uncertain

Chen Sicheng's achievements in his career are undoubted.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 24-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

The success of the "Gone Her" and "Detective Chinatown" series has given him a firm foothold in the field of screenwriting and directing, and has become the center of attention.

His works are full of innovations and surprises, and they have achieved a bumper harvest at both the box office and word of mouth.

In the world of feelings, he doesn't seem to be so smooth sailing.

The romance with Ruan Ju gradually came to light, from various social occasions and interactions in the media, to public appearances, each of their appearances sparked countless speculations and discussions.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 24-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

In 2022, Ruan Ju was revealed to be hugging Chen Sicheng passionately on the street, like a couple in love.

At that moment, they only looked at each other, as if the whole world did not exist.

But can love really be so hot and lasting? In 2023, in the video of Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju dating exposed by the gossip media, although the two do not have any intimate actions, the love that can be revealed from their eyes makes people feel that their feelings are deep and sincere.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 24-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

But love in the entertainment industry is always full of variables, can today's sweetness stand the test of time? Will they walk through the storm together, or will they eventually become passers-by in each other's lives?

The road ahead, where to go

The love affair between Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju continued to move forward amid everyone's attention and speculation.

Their future is full of uncertainty, will they go to the palace of marriage, or will they break up one day?

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 24-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

For Chen Sicheng, can the success of his career make up for the emotional twists and turns? And Ruan Ju, this young girl, can find her true happiness in this relationship with a large age gap?

Perhaps, only time will tell.

But no matter what the outcome is, their story has become a legend in the entertainment industry.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 24-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

We, as spectators, can only wait quietly to see how this emotional drama ends.

In this world of temptation and change, what is the definition of true love? Is it a momentary passion, or a long-term companionship?

Is it an external attraction, or is it an inner fit? Can the love between Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju give us a satisfactory answer and make us look forward to love again? All this is still unknown.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 24-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

But it is this unknown that makes us full of curiosity and concern about their stories.

It is this uncertainty that makes the story of the entertainment industry full of charm.

We look forward to Ruan Ju being able to reveal the mystery of her changes for us as soon as possible, and also looking forward to a clear direction in the relationship between Tong Liya and Chen Sicheng.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 24-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend's figure soared, much stronger than Tong Liya

Perhaps, the next revelation will bring us one step closer to the truth.

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