
The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked, the daughter of the merry old man in the subway refuses to admit her mistake, and the daughter shouts injustice and is scolded

author:Yue Yue Kan Dajiang
The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked, the daughter of the merry old man in the subway refuses to admit her mistake, and the daughter shouts injustice and is scolded


"Do you know how we've been here for the past seven days?"

The middle-aged woman with teary eyes trembled and said this, as if she had suffered a great grievance.

As everyone knows, her father has just been punished for bullying a young girl on the subway. The old man's daughter did not repent, but came to Xingshi to ask for sin!


1. Event review

Inside the Beijing subway car, a disturbing farce is unfolding. An old man with gray hair, with an arrogance in his eyes that could not be denied, looked down condescendingly at the young girl in his seat. "I'll ask you if you can give up your seat to the old man." His tone was aggressive, and his index finger kept pointing at the girl, as if directing a disobedient student.

The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked, the daughter of the merry old man in the subway refuses to admit her mistake, and the daughter shouts injustice and is scolded

Where does this old man's demeanor look like he needs to be taken care of? He was full of confidence and his voice was loud, not at all like a frail old man who really needed someone else to give up his seat. What's even more puzzling is that there is a vacant seat next to him, but he wants to compete with this girl. Is this pure stubbornness, or is it deliberately difficult?

The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked, the daughter of the merry old man in the subway refuses to admit her mistake, and the daughter shouts injustice and is scolded

Just as the girl was about to open her mouth to refute, the old man suddenly made a surprising move. He quickly reached out and gaged the girl's mouth alive! This scene instantly ignited the powder keg of the entire carriage. The passengers gasped and looked at each other. Where is this "asking to give up your seat", it is clearly naked bullying!

The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked, the daughter of the merry old man in the subway refuses to admit her mistake, and the daughter shouts injustice and is scolded

However, the situation did not stop there. The old man seemed to have been greatly insulted, and he was furious. He grabbed the cane in his hand—which was supposed to help him walk—but became a tool for him to vent his anger. I saw him stretch his crutches between the girl's legs, pulling from side to side, and his movements were so rude that it was chilling.

The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked, the daughter of the merry old man in the subway refuses to admit her mistake, and the daughter shouts injustice and is scolded

The absurdity and cruelty of this scene can't help but make people think: Could it be that the word "old man" is a pass to do whatever he wants? When did the virtue of respecting the old and loving the young become an excuse for indulgence and domineering? According to insiders, the old man has long been "notorious" in the community, and such behavior is commonplace for him. A troubling question then arises: Could such a person have been the children's teacher?

The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked, the daughter of the merry old man in the subway refuses to admit her mistake, and the daughter shouts injustice and is scolded

2. Reversal: Expose the true face of the elderly

As we dig deeper into the old man's background, a disturbing truth gradually emerges. What kind of "old man" is this who needs special care? He is clearly a bully who bullies others!

He stood in the carriage with his waist straight, his voice loud, and his eyes like torches. That aggressive posture, where is half weakness at all? On the contrary, he is very much like an "old cadre" who once called for wind and rain, and is accustomed to giving orders and not allowing others to put their beaks. Do such people really need others to give up their seats? Or is it purely satisfying your own desire for control?

The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked, the daughter of the merry old man in the subway refuses to admit her mistake, and the daughter shouts injustice and is scolded

What's even more shocking is that this is not the first time he has done so. Insiders broke the news that the old man had long been "notorious" in the community. When the neighbors talked about this person, they all shook their heads and sighed. His arrogant and domineering style has already made the people around him dare not speak. This farce on the subway is just the tip of the iceberg of his daily behavior.

The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked, the daughter of the merry old man in the subway refuses to admit her mistake, and the daughter shouts injustice and is scolded

Some speculate that he may have been a high-ranking cadre. Otherwise, how can you be so arrogant? This speculation casts a deeper shadow over the whole thing. Could it be that the former position of power can become a pass to the current hegemony? If this is the case, isn't our social climate even more worrying than we think?

The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked, the daughter of the merry old man in the subway refuses to admit her mistake, and the daughter shouts injustice and is scolded

3. Crowd reaction: Anger and helplessness coexist

The old man's domineering behavior was like a bomb, detonated in a crowded subway car. The expressions of the surrounding passengers ranged from shock to anger to helplessness, as if they had experienced a silent emotional storm. Some clenched their fists and gritted their teeth; Some people bowed their heads to avoid it, for fear of getting into trouble. Does this contradictory reaction reflect the "nothing to do with yourself" mentality that prevails in our society?

The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked, the daughter of the merry old man in the subway refuses to admit her mistake, and the daughter shouts injustice and is scolded

The most dumb thing is the subway safety officer standing next to the old man. His predicament was almost written on his face: if he wanted to manage it, he was worried that the old man would blackmail him; Anyway, watching the bullying happen. Has his indecision exposed some flaws in our law enforcement system? When power and morality collide, how should ordinary people deal with themselves?

The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked, the daughter of the merry old man in the subway refuses to admit her mistake, and the daughter shouts injustice and is scolded

And when the incident fermented on the Internet, the comments of netizens were like a monstrous wave, drowning the old man. "Not all gray hair deserves respect", "an old thing that bullies people", "this kind of person is simply a social cancer"... The wording is staggering. But is there also a deep concern about the deterioration of public morality?

The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked, the daughter of the merry old man in the subway refuses to admit her mistake, and the daughter shouts injustice and is scolded

Is this turmoil the moral decline of one person, or the collective lack of the whole society? When we witness injustice but are powerless to intervene, is the inner powerlessness also eroding our conscience a little bit?

The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked, the daughter of the merry old man in the subway refuses to admit her mistake, and the daughter shouts injustice and is scolded

4. Plot escalation: The shocking remarks of the old man's daughter

Just when people thought that this farce was about to come to an end, the old man's daughter suddenly appeared on the stage and rekindled the anger of public opinion with one sentence: "Just because of a small matter of giving up a seat, it became like this." These remarks are tantamount to pouring a spoonful of cold water into a boiling oil pot, stirring up a thousand waves.

The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked, the daughter of the merry old man in the subway refuses to admit her mistake, and the daughter shouts injustice and is scolded

With tears in her eyes, she felt as if she was the victim of the turmoil. "Do you know how our family has spent the past 7 days?" Her words were filled with dissatisfaction and anger at the public reaction. What is incomprehensible is that in the face of her father's bad behavior, she did not feel anything wrong at all, but tried her best to defend her father.

The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked, the daughter of the merry old man in the subway refuses to admit her mistake, and the daughter shouts injustice and is scolded

This astonishing remark can't help but make people think: What kind of family education can cultivate such distorted values? The old man's arrogance and domineering became a "trivial matter" in the eyes of his daughter. Does this mean that such behavior has long been commonplace in their families?

The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked, the daughter of the merry old man in the subway refuses to admit her mistake, and the daughter shouts injustice and is scolded

Even more troubling is the daughter's dissatisfaction with the public reaction, which seems to expose her cognitive bias about the whole incident. In her opinion, it was the injustice of her father's punishment, not the fault of her father's behavior itself. Does this attitude of reversing right and wrong indicate that the family may create more similar social problems in the future?

The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked, the daughter of the merry old man in the subway refuses to admit her mistake, and the daughter shouts injustice and is scolded
The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked, the daughter of the merry old man in the subway refuses to admit her mistake, and the daughter shouts injustice and is scolded


This subway turmoil reflects many problems in our society, but it also brings us an opportunity for deep thinking and change. Respect for the elderly and love for the young is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, but respect should be mutual, regardless of age. Each of us has the responsibility to maintain civilized order in public places and resolve conflicts with goodwill and reason.

At the same time, it also reminds us that homeschooling is essential to shaping one's values. Let's start with ourselves, practice civility and courtesy in our daily lives, and influence the people around us with practical actions. I believe that as long as we work together, we will be able to create a more harmonious and respectful social environment.

In the face of injustice, we must have the courage to stand up and use the power of reason and law to uphold justice. Let's work together to build a better society full of love and respect, so that every public interaction becomes an opportunity to spread positive energy.

The upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked, the daughter of the merry old man in the subway refuses to admit her mistake, and the daughter shouts injustice and is scolded

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