
Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, preferring to die of exhaustion rather than let their son help

author:Hitomi Entertainment

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Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, preferring to die of exhaustion rather than let their son help

At the beginning of this scorching summer July, in the bustling airport hall, by chance, Yi Nengjing and her son Harry broke into people's sight.

This seemingly ordinary scene has set off a lot of waves in the hearts of many hurried passers-by.

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, preferring to die of exhaustion rather than let their son help

A chance encounter at the airport, a different kind of star mother and son

Yi Nengjing, a dazzling star in the entertainment industry, is wearing casual clothes at the moment, and under the sunglasses, there is a smile full of affinity.

is completely different from the cold and unapproachable star images we usually imagine, she is like a big sister next door, without the slightest star shelf.

The eyes of netizens keenly captured a detail, that is, Yi Nengjing's hand.

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, preferring to die of exhaustion rather than let their son help

These hands, not as slender and delicate as other stars, but appear thick and powerful, as if telling countless stories of hard work.

Some people say that these hands are like hands that often work, which can't help but make us think, in the flashy world of the entertainment industry, how does Yi Nengjing maintain this simplicity and diligence?

She queued up in the crowd to check in, and there was no assistant around her, and there was no deliberate pomp.

Each of the six large suitcases was filled with unknown stories, but Yi Nengjing took on the heavy responsibility of carrying it alone.

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, preferring to die of exhaustion rather than let their son help

The moment she bends down and lifts her suitcase hard, we no longer see a radiant star on stage, but a strong, independent mother.

The son's silent protection

A mother, struggling to drag a heavy suitcase, sweat running down her forehead, her body trembling slightly from the tremendous pressure.

Beside her, her son, Harry, stood silently, his hands not reaching out to help.

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, preferring to die of exhaustion rather than let their son help

This scene, at first glance, may make people wonder, and some people may even secretly accuse Harry of indifference in their hearts.

After all, the mother worked so hard, why didn't he lend a hand?

But if you look closely at Harry's expression, you'll see the clues.

His gaze never took half a minute off his mother, and his eyes were full of deep concern and endless distress.

The gaze seemed to be a warm beam of light, tightly surrounding her mother, trying to relieve her of even the slightest burden.

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, preferring to die of exhaustion rather than let their son help

In our daily lives, care and love are often thought of as practical actions, hands-on help.

But Harry's performance makes us revisit this definition.

Think about it, are there such moments around us? When a friend encounters a setback, we silently accompany him, no need to say much, just an understanding look, can give the other party great strength; When our lovers are struggling for their dreams, we are waiting quietly, and that kind of wordless support has become the driving force for them to move forward bravely.

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, preferring to die of exhaustion rather than let their son help

Like Harry, he knows his mother's tenacity.

He knew that his mother had always been a strong, independent woman who was able to cope with all the difficulties in life on her own.

His indifference is not indifference, but respect for his mother's tenacity.

He believed that his mother was capable enough to deal with the situation in front of him, and his presence, his affectionate gaze, was his mother's most solid backing.

I still remember when we were children, we always relied on our parents and took everything they did for us.

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, preferring to die of exhaustion rather than let their son help

As time goes by, we grow up and realize that our parents also have their vulnerabilities and difficulties.

Sometimes, they need more than just our help, but also our understanding and companionship.

Harry's gaze was such an understanding and companionship.

In this seemingly silent companionship, there is his deep love for his mother.

This love is not noisy or public, but it is like a trickle and refreshing.

One might wonder why Harry didn't just help. But perhaps, this is the unique way of getting along with each other between mother and son.

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, preferring to die of exhaustion rather than let their son help

Harry must have learned respect and independence from his mother as he grew up, believing that he was capable enough to deal with the difficulties in front of him, while also protecting his mother in his own way.

Mysterious little daughter

Their gathering is full of warmth and joy, and every smile and hug seems to warm the air around them.

In this seemingly perfect picture, there is a puzzling puzzle, like a dark cloud, hanging over everyone's hearts.

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, preferring to die of exhaustion rather than let their son help

Yi Nengjing's youngest daughter, Mi Li, disappeared! This unexpected absence instantly ignited everyone's curiosity.

People can't help but wonder where the rice grains are. Could it be that he left early with the nanny?

Or hide in some unknown corner of the bustling city of Shanghai? Perhaps, Mi Li is immersed in her own little world, full of anticipation for the upcoming reunion.

Her little world may have colorful fairytale castles, talking animals, and never-ending sweets.

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, preferring to die of exhaustion rather than let their son help

In this small world, she is happily preparing to greet her mother and brother, imagining a big surprise for them.

But it's also possible that she didn't know what her mother and brother were going through at the airport.

She may be in kindergarten, singing cheerful nursery rhymes with her friends, playing fun games, and enjoying her childhood without worry.

She was completely unaware of the disturbances from the outside world, let alone how many people were puzzled and curious about her absence.

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, preferring to die of exhaustion rather than let their son help

Whatever the truth, Mi Li's absence undoubtedly adds a touch of mystery to this chance encounter at the airport.

It's like a wonderful TV series, at the moment of climax, there is suddenly an unexpected plot twist, which makes the audience's heart instantly grip tightly.

As a mother, everything Yi Nengjing pays for her child seems so natural.

Her shine in the entertainment industry did not make her forget her family responsibilities, but made her cherish every moment with her children even more.

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, preferring to die of exhaustion rather than let their son help

And this episode at the airport also let us see a real and kind Yi Nengjing, a star family full of love and warmth.

This is a small fragment of life, but it is enough to make us feel the beauty of human nature and the power of family affection.

Yi Nengjing's mother and son appeared at the airport, thin and carrying six boxes, preferring to die of exhaustion rather than let their son help

Maybe one day in the future, when we meet them again at the airport, it will be a different sight.

(Only published on the headline account, other platforms are ported)

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