
How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

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As the saying goes: "Beauty is in the bones, not in the skin", although the beauty of the bone and the beauty of the skin have their own characteristics, but when these two types of beauties take a photo in the same frame, you know who is better.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

The characteristics of skin beauty mainly lie in the beauty of the facial features and skin, the skin beauty facial soft tissue is plump, the skin is white and tender, the face lines are softer, and it looks smart and juvenile, which is generally more durable from the front.

is like Zhao Lusi in "The Rumored Chen Qianqian", which can be described as a typical representative of skin-looking beauty, with a round and soft face, more of a cute type, although it is beautiful but not amazing enough.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

In the case of bony beauty, there are relatively few soft tissues on the face, but the three-dimensional sense of bones in the face is strong enough to support the entire face, and the contour is relatively clear, both the front and the side are exquisite.

is like Yang Ying, the resident guest before "Running Man", a proper bony beauty, with three-dimensional facial features, full forehead, and an absolute cold and glamorous beauty.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

Looking at it alone, whether it is a bone beauty or a skin beauty, it is very distinctive, but often when two types of beauties take a group photo, who is better can be seen at a glance.

"The most beautiful Hong Kong sister" Li Jiaxin's beauty is undoubted, but when she took a photo with Wang Zuxian, her face was bigger than Wang Zuxian, although she was very beautiful, but she was not as three-dimensional and delicate as Wang Zuxian's facial features.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

Looking at the recent photo of Gao Yuanyuan and Chen Zihan, the two stood together one after the other, but their eyes were attracted by the bright and atmospheric Gao Yuanyuan, and Chen Zihan, who was beautiful in comparison, looked a little ordinary.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

Therefore, when a skin-like beauty meets a skin-like beauty, the skin-like beauty will be completely crushed, especially when there is a need to be photogenic, the requirements for the appearance of the star will be higher.

Who is better, the top skin beauty Jing Tian and the top bone beauty Cecilia Cheung

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

Jing Tian is a very recognizable beauty in the entertainment industry, her appearance belongs to the bright and atmospheric type, her facial features are relatively atmospheric, and she belongs to a more typical bone beauty.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

Jing Tian has the softness of a skin-looking beauty, the smooth lines of her face, and her plump apples, she has a kind of pearl and jade luxury.

Especially in the role of "Sito", the willow leaves and thin eyebrows are full of tenderness, which has a classical Chinese atmosphere.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

However, the Reuters revelation of "Like Jin" starring Jing Tian has caused a lot of heated discussions, because without the blessing of beauty and no filter, Jing Tian's face is swollen like a steamed bun, full of haggardness.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

And when she laughs, she will have deep nasolabial folds, just looking at the birth picture and feeling that her state is not very good, although she has the title of "the rich flower of the world", but the swelling is really not eye-catching.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

However, when Jing Tian is in a good state, her appearance is still very good, compared with Zhang Shaohan, who is also beautiful in skin, she overwhelms Zhang Shaohan in temperament, and her posture is upright, while Zhang Shaohan is a submissive look, and she loses in momentum.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

But when Jing Tian met Cecilia Cheung, a bony beauty, I have to say that Zhang Jingtian lost very thoroughly.

The two stand together like a pair of "wealthy sisters", Cecilia Cheung walks in front with full aura, quite the limelight of the eldest sister, and Jing Tian follows behind her obediently like a little sister.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

I feel that Cecilia Cheung can exude personal charm no matter where she is, and I see an absolute sense of relaxation in her, just looking at her face is definitely a "beautiful face in the prosperous age".

Cecilia Cheung once interviewed in a certain interview, and even the host couldn't help but praise Cecilia Cheung's skull for being very good-looking, Cecilia Cheung was very surprised by this question, she didn't expect that the beauty of the skull could also become a compliment.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

But this just shows that Cecilia Cheung is called a bone beauty, and even Fan Bingbing, who was once the largest beauty in the inland, has never taken a slight advantage of Cecilia Cheung.

The two once starred in "Hedong Lion's Roar" together, in which Fan Bingbing was dressed in gorgeous, gold and silver costumes, and was fully worthy of the identity of the lord of the county, but she was compared to Cecilia Cheung, who was made of simple makeup with a gray face.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

This also explains the gap between the beauty of bone and skin.

Looking at Cecilia Cheung's early masterpiece "The King of Comedy", I understand why Xing Ye chose Cecilia Cheung as the heroine at that time, even if she appeared without makeup, she could completely withstand the test of the camera.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

It is precisely because of this bony and beautiful face that the soul of this drama is given, the delicate little face, three-dimensional facial features, and those big eyes that can talk are all plus points for Cecilia Cheung to reach the peak.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

And Jing Tian is like a little white flower, fresh and delicate, but if you see too many such skin-looking beauties, you will inevitably be a little tired, and it is indeed not as beautiful as Cecilia Cheung.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

The skin-like beauty Zhao Liying defeated the skin-looking beauty Liu Yifei

Zhao Liying starred in the romantic idol drama "Shanshan is Coming" with her cute appearance and quickly got out of the circle, with thick eyebrows, a round face with flesh, and a typical skin-like beauty.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

Her appearance is very consistent with the character design in the play, she looks soft and cute, she is a cute girl who needs people to protect her everywhere, and this image is often very pleasing.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

Even outside the play, Zhao Liying's popularity is very good, everyone knows that Zhao Liying and Zhang Bichen are good friends, and it is not difficult to see that the relationship between the two is good through a group photo, the two are leaning on their heads and touching their shoulders.

But Zhang Bichen, who is also a beauty with skin, has a larger face than Zhao Liying in comparison with Zhao Liying, and she also has a fleshy face, but she doesn't look as delicate as Zhao Liying.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

Everyone knows that Zhao Liying is a petite type, but many people mistakenly think she is fat because of a baby face, but she is actually only more than 80 pounds.

Among the female stars, Liu Yifei is relatively mellow, but Zhao Liying and Liu Yifei stand together, but Liu Yifei is not as round and jade as she looks amazing.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

In the early years, Liu Yifei's face was also fleshy, but because her forehead was fuller and the bridge of her nose was higher, even though she was almost 40 years old now.

The flesh on the face has also faded with age, but the appearance is still amazing, and it is precisely because the facial bones support the entire face that it will not cause the face to sag.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

is worthy of being known as the "fairy sister".

But I have to say that Liu Yifei and Zhao Liying's aesthetics are still quite the same, they have once collided with the same dress, but the feeling of wearing them is very different.

Zhao Liying seems to be a little unable to hold up, so she looks a little mismatched, and Liu Yifei's full figure complements each other even better, and Liu Yifei also overpowers Zhao Liying in temperament.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

Looking closely, it is not difficult to see that Zhao Liying's hairline is actually very good-looking, and her face is more rounded, but the top of her head is too flat and looks a little abrupt, while Liu Yifei's skull is fuller, which makes the whole person's temperament even higher.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying


On the whole, the skin-like beauty not only has a slight advantage over the skin-like beauty in terms of vision and lens, but also has an advantage in aging.

How beautiful is the bone? Cecilia Cheung crushed Jing Tian, and Liu Yifei defeated Zhao Liying

Unlike skin beauties, they rely on collagen tissue to support their faces when they are young, but people always have a day of aging, and without relying on the support of high technology, collagen will always pass one day.

So like Cecilia Cheung and Liu Yifei, they are simply appreciated by God.

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