
Ma Yili's amazing comparison after removing makeup, the truth of Liu Tao's lack of makeup, Jing Tian is like this?

author:Lively streams

Today's headlines are the first to be released, and the handling must be investigated

I heard that you treasures have been discussing celebrities' makeup recently, so I have to talk about it. This star, after removing his makeup, it is really varied, each with its own merits. Some people are still so beautiful that they are bubbling, and some people are a little "dying of light".

Let's talk about Jing Tian first, this girl was rumored to be amazing before, saying that she has the support of a big guy, and she can cooperate with the actor as soon as she debuts, and the blockbusters she makes are one after another. But! Since she started washing her face and removing makeup in the live broadcast, her popularity has skyrocketed, why? Because people are still so smart when they remove their makeup, they are basically the same as makeup, this is the confidence of real beauties!

Ma Yili's amazing comparison after removing makeup, the truth of Liu Tao's lack of makeup, Jing Tian is like this?

Let's take a look at Liu Tao again, this sister has been in the entertainment industry for many years, and originally wanted to marry into a wealthy family to enjoy Qingfu, but her husband went bankrupt, and she could only return to the entertainment industry again. Liu Tao took off his makeup, lost the gorgeousness in front of the camera, his skin was yellow, and his acne and dark circles also came out from time to time to show his face. But you look at her eyes, firm, shining, that is unyielding to life, her face has traces of time, that is the testimony of her growth.

Ma Yili has also posted photos of herself without makeup. As a mother of two, her life is more of a plain one. may be because of smoking, Ma Yili, who has removed her makeup, does not look very good, and her skin looks ordinary, but this is the real her, and she is not hidden.

Ma Yili's amazing comparison after removing makeup, the truth of Liu Tao's lack of makeup, Jing Tian is like this?

Let's talk about Gao Yuanyuan, the darling of time who is known as the goddess of immortality. Gao Yuanyuan, who took off her makeup, may have had a faint shadow under her eyes and her face drooped slightly because she had not slept all night, but this is the gentle imprint left by time. Her realism allows us to see the ordinariness and truth behind the goddess, but it adds a bit of kindness and loveliness.

Treasures, in fact, whether it is a celebrity or an ordinary person, we are all human beings, and we all have skin challenges and troubles. Some celebrities are still so beautiful after removing their makeup, but there are a few lucky ones like that. What we see is their truest side, and this reality is the most moving scenery.

Ma Yili's amazing comparison after removing makeup, the truth of Liu Tao's lack of makeup, Jing Tian is like this?

So, treasures, don't patronize and watch the stars shine after makeup, they are the most authentic selves when they remove their makeup. Don't forget to like and retweet, let's talk about who the goddess without makeup is in your heart!

Ma Yili's amazing comparison after removing makeup, the truth of Liu Tao's lack of makeup, Jing Tian is like this?

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