
The situation of this round of heavy rainfall and high temperature has changed greatly, and the center of the rain belt has moved northward, and the weather will be on July 3~4 the day after tomorrow

author:The pinnacle says the weather
The situation of this round of heavy rainfall and high temperature has changed greatly, and the center of the rain belt has moved northward, and the weather will be on July 3~4 the day after tomorrow

In this hot summer season, the sky seems to be playing a wonderful "weather drama". The current round of heavy rainfall and high temperature is quietly changing the weather map of the continent, especially the northward shift of the center of the rain belt, which undoubtedly brings a new weather pattern to the upcoming day after tomorrow - July 3 to 4. Today, let's unveil this mystery and see how this weather variation will play out.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall and high temperature has changed greatly, and the center of the rain belt has moved northward, and the weather will be on July 3~4 the day after tomorrow

Imagine that a moment ago, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River were still immersed in continuous rain, and in the blink of an eye, the rain belt was like an elegant dancer, turning lightly and moving towards the northern sky. This "great shift" of rain and heat not only alleviated the drought in some parts of the south, but also brought long-lost coolness and sweet rain to friends in the north. And the day after tomorrow, the weather stage from July 3rd to 4th, will stage a unique weather show, which is full of expectations.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall and high temperature has changed greatly, and the center of the rain belt has moved northward, and the weather will be on July 3~4 the day after tomorrow

With the strong northward lift of the subtropical high, the heavy rainfall belt originally entrenched in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River began to gradually move northward, and the Huanghuai region of North China became a new rainfall center. The day after tomorrow, Henan, Shandong and other places will usher in continuous heavy rainfall, and some areas may even have heavy rain to heavy rain, which is undoubtedly good news for alleviating the local drought and replenishing water sources. At the same time, it is also necessary to be vigilant against secondary disasters such as urban waterlogging and flash floods that may be triggered by heavy rainfall, and it is very important to do a good job of prevention.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall and high temperature has changed greatly, and the center of the rain belt has moved northward, and the weather will be on July 3~4 the day after tomorrow

At the same time, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River finally ushered in a period of intermittent rainfall after many days of rain. The sun will once again shine on the land, but it brings not only light and warmth, but also the challenge of high temperatures. It is expected that the region will be plunged into persistent hot weather in the next few days, with highs generally between 35-38°C, and some areas may feel temperatures exceeding 40°C, and it is difficult to escape the sultry heat at night. Citizens and friends need to take heatstroke prevention and cooling measures to ensure good health.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall and high temperature has changed greatly, and the center of the rain belt has moved northward, and the weather will be on July 3~4 the day after tomorrow

On the other hand, the hot weather in Xinjiang has also been alleviated by the eastward shift of the mainland high pressure. Although the high temperatures are still present, the range and intensity have been significantly reduced, which is undoubtedly good news for local residents. But even so, it is still necessary to remain vigilant and pay attention to heat prevention and cooling.

Looking back at the confrontation between heavy rainfall and high temperatures, it is not difficult to find that the weather changes are always so unpredictable. But it is this unpredictability that makes us cherish every sunny and rainy day more, and know how to protect ourselves in different weather conditions. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, whether you are immersed in the coolness of the rain in the north or meet the challenge of the scorching sun in the south, please remember to pay attention to the weather forecast, arrange your life and work reasonably, and jointly protect our safety line.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall and high temperature has changed greatly, and the center of the rain belt has moved northward, and the weather will be on July 3~4 the day after tomorrow

Next, let me share with you a quote full of the wisdom of the ancients: The sky hooks the clouds, and the earth is drenched with rain.

In the daily life of our people, there are many crystallization of wisdom left by our ancestors, which are short and concise, but contain rich meteorological knowledge and life philosophy. Among them, the proverb "the sky hooks the clouds, the earth is drenched with rain" is like a warm reminder from an old friend, telling us the secrets of the sky and the upcoming changes of the earth.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall and high temperature has changed greatly, and the center of the rain belt has moved northward, and the weather will be on July 3~4 the day after tomorrow

Speaking of which, this "hooked cloud" is not an unusual cloud, but when it appears in the sky, it often indicates a turning point in the weather. Imagine that in the clear sky, suddenly there are several strangely shaped clouds, their edges are curved, like hooks gently outlined by an invisible hand, this is what we call "hook hook clouds". This cloud looks light, but in fact, there are a lot of doorways.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall and high temperature has changed greatly, and the center of the rain belt has moved northward, and the weather will be on July 3~4 the day after tomorrow

People of the older generation often say that as soon as this hook cloud appears, it must be no good thing, and it will rain nine times out of ten. Why? Actually, there is a scientific truth in this. You see, the wind and the water vapor in the atmosphere, they are restless, they are always moving. When certain conditions are met, such as cold air meets warm and humid airflow, it is like two groups of people with incompatible personalities meeting each other, and they have to make some noise. At this time, the water vapor begins to condense and form clouds. The hook cloud is often the shape of these water vapors under specific atmospheric conditions, which are shaped by complex processes such as wind shear and uplift.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall and high temperature has changed greatly, and the center of the rain belt has moved northward, and the weather will be on July 3~4 the day after tomorrow

To put it simply, the appearance of hook clouds often means that a change is brewing in the atmosphere, which may be a change in wind direction, or an adjustment in temperature and humidity. And these changes will eventually lead to the arrival of rain. Therefore, by observing the sky, the ancients discovered this subtle connection between hooked clouds and rainfall, and summed up the proverb "hooked clouds in the sky, and rain on the ground".

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall and high temperature has changed greatly, and the center of the rain belt has moved northward, and the weather will be on July 3~4 the day after tomorrow

I remember when I was a child, whenever I saw such clouds hanging in the sky, my grandmother would recite this proverb, and then hurriedly put away her clothes and closed the windows, for fear that the rain would come suddenly. At that time, I didn't understand, I just felt that my grandmother was chattering, but now that I think about it, it is the valuable experience accumulated by the older generation based on long-term observation.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall and high temperature has changed greatly, and the center of the rain belt has moved northward, and the weather will be on July 3~4 the day after tomorrow

But, then again, while this proverb is valid, we can't rely on it completely. After all, the weather is complex and changeable, and there are too many factors that affect it. For example, sometimes the hook cloud appears, but the rain does not fall because other conditions are not met; Or, there was no hook cloud, but because of a sudden cold air, it still rained heavily. Therefore, we still have to learn to read the weather forecast and understand the weather from a scientific perspective.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall and high temperature has changed greatly, and the center of the rain belt has moved northward, and the weather will be on July 3~4 the day after tomorrow

But then again, there's so much more to this proverb than that. It is more like a window into the ancient people's reverence for nature, and their wisdom to adapt to nature and use nature through careful observation and summary of laws. In today's fast-paced world of technology, we may be accustomed to checking the weather forecast on our phones, but it's not unpleasant to look up at the sky once in a while and feel the charm behind those old proverbs.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall and high temperature has changed greatly, and the center of the rain belt has moved northward, and the weather will be on July 3~4 the day after tomorrow

In short, this simple but wise proverb is not only a tip for us to understand the changes in the weather, but also a bridge between the past and the present, man and nature. It reminds us that no matter how times change, reverence for nature and the ability to observe it are precious treasures for mankind.

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