
Cangxi Ganghua carried out special equipment safety publicity to help high-quality development

author:Unheard of

According to Cangxi Ganghua Tao Chunying:

According to the requirements of the notice of the Sichuan Provincial Administration for Market Supervision on the issuance of the "Sichuan Province "Special Equipment Safety Day" Activity Plan", in order to strengthen the safety management of special equipment and enhance the public's awareness and attention to the protection of gas pipelines, Cangxi Ganghua launched a special equipment safety publicity activity with the theme of "Guarding the Safety of Special Equipment and Helping High-quality Development" in Tongxin Square on June 29.

Cangxi Ganghua carried out special equipment safety publicity to help high-quality development

At the event site, Cangxi Ganghua widely publicized the importance of protecting special equipment, especially the protection of pressure pipelines (special equipment), by setting up publicity booths, hanging banners, and distributing publicity materials such as "Sichuan Gas Management Regulations", "Urban Gas Management Regulations", and "Announcement on Strictly Complying with Gas Safety Laws and Regulations". Professionals answered the public's questions on the spot, taught the knowledge of safe use of gas pipelines and emergency response methods, and popularized the relevant knowledge of gas pipeline protection, so as to improve the public's safety awareness and self-protection ability. In addition, Cangxi Ganghua also called on the general public to actively participate in the protection of gas pipelines, and once potential safety hazards are found, they will report to relevant departments in a timely manner to jointly maintain urban gas safety.

Cangxi Ganghua carried out special equipment safety publicity to help high-quality development

Li Lin, general manager of Cangxi Ganghua, said that he will continue to assume social responsibility, strengthen the protection of gas pipelines, and carry out regular safety inspections and maintenance to ensure the safe and stable operation of gas pipelines. At the same time, the company will continue to cooperate with the Market Supervision Bureau and other relevant departments to jointly promote the publicity and implementation of gas pipeline protection laws and regulations, and contribute to the construction of a safe and harmonious social environment.

Cangxi Ganghua carried out special equipment safety publicity to help high-quality development

Editor-in-charge: Wen Ce

Source: Local Development News Agency

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