
Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

author:Retired Xiao Li

"What did our team doctor do, wouldn't it be simple first aid?"

"Is it serious that the medical team has no knowledge of AEDs and first aid in such a large competition?"

"In the event of an emergency, the referee actually signaled that it was okay, is this game really professional?"

This is the soul torture of netizens about Zhang Zhijie's death in the comment area.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

On July 1, 17-year-old Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie passed away suddenly, and after the news spread, many netizens deeply regretted it. Despite his young age, he has already won many championships and the future should be bright.

Unfortunately, in that match, the indifferent observation of the Indonesian referee and the negligence of the first aid team on the field led to this tragedy. If it weren't for their dereliction of duty, the Chinese badminton world would not have lost such a promising talent; Zhang Zhijie's family will not experience the grief of a white-haired person sending a black-haired person to lose this filial and excellent child.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

The circumstances of the incident

On June 30, in the mixed team group stage of the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships held in Indonesia, our Chinese teenager Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell face down to the ground when he was competing with Japanese players. In the face of this sudden situation, the referee not only did not immediately stop the game and called the first responders to enter the stadium, but acted like his butt was glued to the seat, and he didn't even bother to get up to check.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

A few seconds later, Zhang Zhijie began to convulse, and his coach realized that something was wrong and rushed forward. However, the referee waved to stop it. The coach was really obedient, and stood stunned for a few seconds before going to the first responders. At this time, it had been more than forty seconds since Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground. First responders were finally late, but their performance was simply speechless.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

The three of them were in a hurry, except for turning Zhang Zhijie over and inhaling oxygen, they didn't even do basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation, let alone any professional defibrillator. Seeing that the time was passing minute by minute, it was almost two minutes before Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, so he was put on a stretcher and rushed to the hospital.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

What's even more infuriating is that during the whole process, the buttocks of the two referees seemed to have nails, and they didn't mean to move at all, delaying the precious rescue time. Afterwards, the official Indonesian report also emphasized that they sent Zhang Zhijie to the hospital within two minutes, which not only failed to calm the anger of netizens, but made everyone even more dissatisfied.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

Zhang Zhijie's sister posted a question, grieving the reason for her brother's death

After hearing the bad news, Zhang Zhijie's sister wrote a long article, expressing her deep longing for her younger brother and strong doubts about the organizers and related personnel. She believes that her brother's death was mainly due to untimely medical treatment and poor medical conditions. She also mentioned that her brother's guaranteed college certificate had just been sent home, and his brother was a very filial person.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

My sister's speech was full of sadness, and she wrote: "My brother is only 17 years old, and he is gone. "Think about it, a teenager in the flowering season was supposed to shine, but suddenly withered. The most distressing thing is Zhang Zhijie's mother. Hearing this bad news, her whole body felt like she had been shocked.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

What parent can accept their child to go first? Isn't this just a white-haired person sending a black-haired person? My sister's long text is bloody, which makes people empathize.

Zhang Zhijie suddenly and unexpectedly fell to the ground in the game, and the slow response of professional rescue was questioned

After the video of Zhang Zhijie fainting and falling to the ground during the game was transmitted back to China, an emergency department expert from a well-known tertiary hospital in Chongqing watched the video and analyzed: "Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground and had convulsions without any external contact, and was finally sent to the hospital for treatment, which is very consistent with the situation of sudden sports death." ”

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

Domestic emergency experts also watched the video, and they believed: "The on-site rescue response is obviously slow. For sudden sports death, the most important thing is to race against time for the initial rescue. When the medical staff determines that the player is unconscious, he should immediately follow the first aid procedure for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and use the AED equipment as soon as possible. ”

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

However, there is no AED and cardiopulmonary resuscitation operation in the video, and the whole rescue process looks very chaotic, and it feels like everyone is busy with their own work. It can only be said that the rescue of the organizer is really unprofessional! After the incident, some netizens recalled Zhang Zhijie's appearance when he was interviewed by CCTV and found that he had puffy bags under his eyes and serious dark circles under his eyes.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

It's normal to have dark circles if you don't sleep well at night, but what everyone is more concerned about is: Doesn't each of our teams have a special medical security specialist? Does Zhang Zhijie have regular physical examinations? If you have a physical examination, how can you suddenly die? In an interview, Zhang Zhijie once said that he wanted to prove himself in the competition. In order to realize his value and success, he increased the intensity of his training and overwork, but he certainly did not expect to die young.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

Mystical prophecy? Netizens predicted the death of a badminton player in advance

Interestingly, some omnipotent netizens turned up a mysterious comment on June 23. The netizen left a message at the bottom of the video, saying that he was a time-traveler and predicted that a badminton player would die on July 1. Although he did not say who it was or which country it was from, the comment received more than 10,000 likes.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

At first, many people thought he was joking and just grandstanding, but who would have thought that this prophecy would come true. Is this a coincidence or something else? We can't tell. But if this is really a prophecy, does the time-traveler really exist? If it wasn't a prophecy, would Zhang Zhijie's death be related to this netizen? I hope the relevant departments can investigate, maybe there are some insiders that we don't know?

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

I hope that everyone can stay calm in the face of this kind of thing, do not blindly speculate and spread, and do not be disrespectful to the deceased. We must believe in the investigation of the relevant departments, they will definitely give us an explanation, and they will also give justice to the deceased.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

However, there are also many sensible netizens who believe that this kind of thing is a game to test IQ. Anyone can make a prophecy at will, and if it comes true, people will think that you are a prophet and a traverser. If it doesn't come true, everyone won't remember such trivial things and won't care.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

Therefore, in the face of this mysterious prophecy, we should be more rational and less blindly obedient.

Netizens are hotly discussed

Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground and died during the game, which caused a strong reaction and anger from netizens. Some netizens said angrily: "For such a big competition, there is no emergency plan and emergency measures!" There is no one who will do CPR first aid on the spot! "This anger is not only a dissatisfaction with the organizers of the event, but also a heartache for the fact that lives have been so easily neglected.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

Another netizen said: "It's a pity, Zhang Zhijie is a very talented badminton player, and his death is a huge loss for the badminton world." May he go all the way. The words are full of regret and lament for young life.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

Someone else said bitterly: "I am very sorry! My parents have worked hard all my life, and I have worked hard for so long, but the result came to an abrupt end! What a shame! Who can not be moved by this kind of heartache?

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

Some netizens shared their own experiences: "A colleague of mine also died like this, no matter what water he drinks, it must be cold, even if he is thirsty in the middle of the night, he has to take it from the refrigerator and drink it cold." 38 years old, died of myocarditis last year. I went to work normally in the morning, but it was suddenly gone at one o'clock in the afternoon. "This kind of experience makes people feel even more about the fragility of life and the unpredictability of emergencies.

Zhang Zhijie was interviewed by CCTV before his death, his eyes were seriously dark, and someone predicted his death a week ago

Xiao Li has something to say

Regardless of whether there is a so-called time-traveler prophecy, maybe it is just a blind one. If they are really prophets or time-travelers, how can they have time for such frivolous little things? Wouldn't it make more sense to solve bigger problems a long time ago, such as the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the war in the Middle East, or even exploring the stars and seas of the universe?

The fact that the death of a young athlete is a real loss for our country. It takes a lot of time and money to develop a good athlete and, most importantly, talent, which cannot be replaced.

What do you think about the prophet and the traverser? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.