
The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

author:Passerby A documentary

Since the lunar soil was brought back to the mainland, many countries have been eyeing it. Today's achievements are the silent efforts of countless heroes.

The following six outstanding mathematicians have made important contributions to the mainland.

Chern Shiingshen

On October 28, 1911, Jiaxing, Zhejiang, was born, a future mathematical giant, Chern Shiingshen. His outstanding contributions to the field of differential geometry are known as the "father of integral differential geometry".

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

Chern's path to study began at Nankai University in Tianjin and ended at the University of Hamburg in Germany. After returning to China, he taught at Tsinghua University and Southwest Associated University, and trained a large number of mathematical talents for the country.

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

In 1943, Chernself set foot on American soil and became a member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, where he continued to earn a brilliant career as a professor at the University of Chicago, the University of California, Berkeley, and eventually became an American citizen.

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

Chern's achievements are not limited to his teaching and position, but his research in the fields of differential geometry and topology has led the development of mathematics around the world.

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

His Gauss-Bonet-Chan theorem and Hermitian's indicative class theory of manifolds revolutionized the mathematical community. As a result, he has received numerous honors, including a former member of the Academia Sinica, a member of the National Academy of Sciences, and others.

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

On December 3, 2004, Chern died in Tianjin at the age of 93. In honor of this great mathematician, the Chern Prize established by IMU has become the highest honor sought by mathematicians around the world.

Source: Berkeley's official website
The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

Hua Luogeng

Born in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, this mathematician has left a strong mark in the history of mathematics in China and even the world with his outstanding mathematical talent and persistent pursuit of science.

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

In a poor family environment, Hua Luogeng completed the mathematics courses in high school and lower college through self-study, laying a solid foundation in mathematics. His talent and hard work were soon recognized, and in 1931, Hua Luogeng was transferred to work in the Department of Mathematics of Tsinghua University.

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

At Tsinghua University, his research covers many fields such as analytic number theory and matrix geometry, and has made remarkable achievements. Hua Luogeng is also the founder of the Chinese school of analytic number theory, which has made many significant contributions to the problem of prime number distribution and the Goldbach conjecture.

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

Hua Luogeng's achievements have not only been praised in China, but also recognized in the international mathematical community. In 1936, he went to Cambridge University in England to study, which further broadened his academic horizons. In 1948, Hua Luogeng was elected as a foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences, which was the highest recognition of his mathematical achievements.

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

Despite the superior scientific research environment and living conditions in the United States, Hua Luogeng still chose to return to China. He gave up his job in the United States and returned to Tsinghua University as the head of the Department of Mathematics, dedicated to cultivating more mathematical talents.

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

On June 12, 1985, this great mathematician passed away, and his life was a relentless pursuit of knowledge and an infinite love for the cause of science.

Source: China Network Television
The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

Chen Jingrun

Born on May 22, 1933 in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, Chen Jingrun was an outstanding mathematician at the Institute of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and was elected as a member (academician) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

He was admitted to the Department of Mathematics and Physics of Xiamen University in 1950 and graduated in 1953. After graduating, Chen Jingrun was first assigned to Beijing No. 4 Middle School as a teacher, and then returned to Xiamen University as a data clerk. In 1957, he was appreciated by Hua Luogeng and was transferred to the Institute of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

Chen's main research area is analytic number theory, and he has made significant contributions to the study of Goldbach's conjecture. In 1966, he proved the famous "1+2" proposition, which advanced the long-unsolved Goldbach conjecture by a big step, so his achievement was praised as "Chen's theorem" by the international mathematical community.

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

In his later years, Chen Jingrun suffered from Parkinson's disease for a long time. Finally, he died of respiratory failure in Beijing on March 19, 1996.

Source: Chinese Academy of Sciences
The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

Su Buqing

Born in 1902, he is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a famous Chinese mathematician and educator. With his outstanding mathematical talent and academic achievements, he has won the lofty titles of "Brilliant Mathematical Star of the Eastern Country", "The First Geometer of the East" and "King of Mathematics".

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

He was also the founder of the Chinese school of differential geometry. His research interests are mainly in differential geometry and computational geometry, especially in affine differential geometry and projective differential geometry. In addition, his research on the geometry and projective curves of the "K exhibition space" has also made important contributions to the development of mathematics.

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

He has taught at Zhejiang University and has made great contributions to the development of the Department of Mathematics at Zhejiang University. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he was elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and served as the president of Fudan University, the director of the Institute of Mathematics, and the honorary president of Fudan University.

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

He died in Shanghai in 2003, ending his new and colorful life.

Source: Web of Science
The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

Chen Jiangong

In the ancient city of Shaoxing, Zhejiang, on September 8, 1893, a future mathematical superstar Chen Jiangong was born. He not only has high achievements in the field of trigonometric series, but also as an educator, he has cultivated countless talents for the rise of Chinese mathematics.

Source: Baidu Encyclopedia
The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

In 1913 and 1920, he traveled to Japan twice in search of the true meaning of mathematics. In 1923, Chen Jiangong, who had returned from his studies, took charge of the teaching whip at the Zhejiang Industrial College and the Department of Mathematics of National Wuchang University, passing on the advanced knowledge he had learned in a foreign country to the Chinese people.

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

In 1926, Chen Jiangong once again embarked on the road to the east, this time he studied trigonometric series theory in depth and made a breakthrough in the field of function theory. His research not only established China's position in the international mathematical community, but also injected new vitality into mathematics education in China. In 1955, his outstanding contributions were recognized by the country's highest academic institution and he was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

Unfortunately, he died of illness on April 11, 1971.

Wu Wenjun

He is an outstanding mathematician in mainland China, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the founder of topology and mathematical mechanization.

On May 12, 1919, Wu Wenjun was born in a scholarly family in Shanghai, and his ancestral home was Jiaxing, Zhejiang. He was bright from an early age and had a keen interest in mathematics.

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

With his outstanding talent and hard work, Wu Wenjun graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and then went to the University of Strasbourg in France for further study, and finally obtained a doctorate.

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

In the field of topology, his research on demonstrative classes and demonstrative embedding classes has been praised by the international mathematical community as "Wu formula", "Wu demonstrative class" and "Wu demonstrative embedding class", which has become an important milestone in topology. In addition, he also made pioneering work in the field of mathematical mechanization, proposing the "Wu method" of proving geometric theorems with computers, which opened up a new path for the development of computer science.

The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

Wu Wenjun was elected a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1957 and an academician of the Third World Academy of Sciences in 1991. He was awarded the highest national science and technology award and was hailed as one of the "Ten Dead National Backbones". In 2019, he was awarded the national honorary title of "People's Scientist", and was selected into the list of "The Most Beautiful Strugglers" and the list of "70 Chinese Returnees in 70 Years".

He passed away in Beijing on May 7, 2017.

Source: Sina
The 6 most influential mathematicians in China in the last century, who else do you know besides Hua Luogeng and Chen Jingrun?

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