
Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng was confused: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizens commented and laughed to death

author:Fun facts about science


"Missile repair professional? Missiles also need to be repaired, so isn't he always working? After hearing such a profession, Zhang Xuefeng was stunned all of a sudden, because in his impression, missiles are obviously a kind of weapon, although they can be used many times, but there is always a limit to the number of times they can be used, so they should have nothing to repair.

But the missile still has to be repaired, and Zhang Xuefeng talked about his monthly salary in the next topic, which makes others feel incredible, and some netizens commented: "It seems that the monthly salary of those who want to protect the family and defend the country is higher than the salary of my life!"

Missiles need to be repaired, so what parts of it need to be repaired?

And Zhang Xuefeng's monthly salary is as high as more than 1.6 million, so does it mean that his salary in a year is nearly 20 million?

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng was confused: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizens commented and laughed to death

Where is a missile?

Generally speaking, I believe that everyone is no stranger to missiles, because there will be knowledge about missiles in China's basic education, especially in recent years, the mainland's scientific and technological development has become more and more powerful, and the power of missiles has become more and more powerful, and you can see missile-related news everywhere.

So there's more and more attention to this information.

Missiles are not only seen in the military field, but also have many other functions, so why do they appear in other fields?

That's because more and more people are participating in various competitions, for example, many people play the game League of Legends, there are various leaderboards on it, and if you want to be on the list in various items, you need ballistic knowledge, and missiles are also a ballistic weapon, and it is also a weapon for aiming, so many people want to understand it in order to have a cooler performance in the game, and want to understand how it works.

But according to the Internet, the working principle of missiles is actually not so simple, not everyone can understand it casually, so with this development, many people have appeared in this field, including Zhang Xuefeng, a student.

Zhang Xuefeng signed up for this major in order to graduate, but after this incident came out, netizens complained about it, directly saying that he was too obsessed with movies.

Although these netizens say so, but in fact, Zhang Xuefeng's love is worthy of affirmation, ordinary people have always worked hard in ordinary work, so it is not easy for someone to be willing to take their tuition fees to chase the career they love.

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng was confused: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizens commented and laughed to death

And in this kind of complaint, what exactly is this profession?

Many people are also confused about this, since this major comes out, what kind of job will they go to?

Not to mention that Zhang Xuefeng said that his monthly salary was as high as more than 1.6 million, and even this figure made many people incomprehensible, and some netizens said: "It seems that the monthly salary of those who want to protect the family and defend the country is higher than the salary of my life!"

So what is the significance of Zhang Xuefeng saying this?

What is the origin of the profession of ballistics?

What is Ballistics Major?

Many people may not be unfamiliar with this, because it appeared relatively early, and it is still a relatively partial discipline, and it is also very professional, and its appearance is still because of the emergence of missiles, the development of these products is inseparable from the participation of scientists, these participants include scientists, as well as engineers in various fields.

Ballistics is mainly a discipline that studies missiles, downgrade and downgrade ballistics, aerospace ballistics and some interstellar ballistics.

It is mainly used to calculate the trajectory of some flying warheads, and in history, the concept of ballistics first appeared as a science to study the linear motion of constant velocity.

The term ballistics was first coined by Galileo in the 16th century.

Historically, ballistics is basically related to military or artillery technology, because it is a discipline that studies the flight trajectory of a projectile, and many people will also regard it as a discipline in the science of launching shells, missiles, and artillery shells.

In the wartime, artillery has become a necessary type of arms in the war, including artillery, bows and arrows, etc., and the main purpose of ballistics is to study the firing trajectory of artillery shells, range, hit rate and so on.

Its appearance also raised the combat effectiveness of artillery to a new level.

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng was confused: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizens commented and laughed to death

In modern missiles, ballistics is actually adding some nouns to the technical terminology.

Ballistics is not a part of engineering, it is a discipline, at first because it is too difficult and no one has been willing to learn, the study of this discipline requires a certain degree and a lot of mathematical knowledge as a foundation, to know linear algebra, calculus and so on.

It also requires a certain amount of physics knowledge, which takes time to learn.

Because this discipline is so difficult, when it appeared, no one signed up for this major, although it has appeared for a long time, but there are still only a handful of people who know that it exists.

With the changes of the times, the importance of this discipline has also become prominent, so many people have slowly paid attention to it, and many people have slowly learned about this major, and with the improvement of understanding, love and enthusiasm for it have also appeared.

Missiles also need to be repaired?

In this way, with the enthusiasm and attention of everyone, the enrollment of this discipline has begun to increase slowly, and some schools have begun to open related courses, just like in Guangdong University of Technology, this course is a ballistics major.

This course is also sought after by many people because of its particularity, after all, he can understand the development of aircraft in the mainland in advance, and in the introduction of this course, the tutor also prepared foreign course materials for students, which is a very rare learning opportunity.

But it is precisely because of the particularity of this course that when Zhang Xuefeng signed up, his relatives and friends were very supportive of him, but some netizens complained, saying that this major looks fun, but it is also difficult to find a job.

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng was confused: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizens commented and laughed to death

These netizens also guessed how much Zhang Xuefeng's monthly salary was, after all, the people engaged in this work are basically ordinary workers, and the average salary is about 10,000 points a month, but Zhang Xuefeng's monthly salary is as high as more than 1.6 million.

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng was confused: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizens commented and laughed to death

And the student program team also deliberately mentioned this in the program, are these high-paying people real?

Could it be his Angelo?

So he also said in the show that it was because he had many different sources of income, but in this way, netizens admired him, and a wave of netizens directly said: If I can't earn so much in a month, I will go directly to learn ballistics, do you think I have lived in vain in this life?

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng was confused: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizens commented and laughed to death

So what's going on, and how did Zhang Xuefeng earn all this money?

Missile repair professional? Zhang Xuefeng was confused: The missile needs to be repaired? Netizens commented and laughed to death


Although the mentor was also asked this question during the recording of the show, the mentor said for a while that he didn't know, and even if he was clear, he couldn't say it, after all, Zhang Xuefeng is an ordinary person, and it is indeed worthy of recognition that he can earn so much money, but he can't let others know casually, so it's better not to consider these questions.

Since some people have chosen this industry, it means that they are willing to contribute to this industry, I hope everyone can understand, and thank them for their efforts.

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