
Bingxin and Lin Huiyin have been friends all their lives, and in her later years, she used these four words to evaluate Lin, which is amazing

author:Sister Ya
Bingxin and Lin Huiyin have been friends all their lives, and in her later years, she used these four words to evaluate Lin, which is amazing

If there had been a social platform like "Toutiao" during the Republic of China, Lin Huiyin and Bingxin might not have been able to follow each other's dynamics, and neither would have allowed each other's news to be displayed on social platforms. The two may be disconnected from each other and do not exchange messages posted on the platform. Although both women have quite high ideological achievements, there may be some conceptual differences between them, which lead them to block or block each other on social platforms.

Within the cultural sphere, there is a common perception that "there is a phenomenon of mutual contempt among literati". People with a certain amount of talent often have arrogance and think that they are better than others in the same industry. This is true not only between men, but also between women, but even more so than before. Among women, perceptions and attitudes towards each other are more nuanced and complex.

Lin Huiyin and Bingxin had a good relationship at the beginning, which many people may not be aware of. Their relationship can actually be traced back to their ancestors. Both of them are from Fuzhou, and the three lanes and seven lanes in Fuzhou City are Bingxin's hometown. Interestingly, the Bingxin family's residence in Fuzhou was actually purchased from the Lin family. The original owner of this house was Lin Huiyin's uncle Lin Juemin, who also lived in this house when he was a child. In this way, Lin Huiyin and Bingxin can be regarded as fellow villagers.

In addition to Lin Huiyin's husband Liang Sicheng and Bingxin's husband Wu Wenzao, they were roommates at Tsinghua University and lived together in the same dormitory. Their acquaintance is entirely due to the friendship of classmates who are roommates, which prompts them to know each other. The friendship between Liang Sicheng and Wu Wenzao adds a deeper emotional bond to the relationship between the two of them. This friendship was the beginning of a mutual understanding and acquaintance between the two, laying the foundation for their subsequent interactions. To put it simply, Lin Huiyin's husband Liang Sicheng and Bingxin's husband Wu Wenzao are both Tsinghua students and roommates. They met as roommates, and this shared campus experience forged a strong friendship between them.

In 1925, Bingxin and Wu Wenzao became lovers and studied together at Cornell University. One day, they received a special visitor, Liang Sicheng and his fiancée, Lin Huiyin, to visit. This meeting was also the first meeting between Lin Huiyin and Bingxin. The two had a great conversation, planned an outdoor picnic together, and took a group photo. Judging by the photos, they had a very good relationship at that time. Bingxin also publicly praised Lin Huiyin, saying that she was outstanding, much more beautiful than other female literati of the same era.

Bingxin and Lin Huiyin have been friends all their lives, and in her later years, she used these four words to evaluate Lin, which is amazing

Of course, relationships are not eternal, otherwise there wouldn't be so many feelings about "life if it can always be the same as it first sees". Mr. Jin Yong once said that the place where the crowd gathers is the rivers and lakes. In my opinion, the place where women gather is also filled with the atmosphere of rivers and lakes. All this shows that things in the world are constantly changing and evolving.

There is fierce competition and secret struggle among women, and the driving forces behind it are mainly "interests" and "jealousy". In the case of Lin Huiyin and Bingxin, the first confrontation between them occurred during Tagore's visit to China in 1924. This incident can be said to be a clear contest between them.

Those who know Bingxin's work will know that her creative inspiration and influence often came from the Indian writer Rabindranath Tagore. In Bingxin's heart, Tagore's position is irreplaceable, and she has great respect for him. It is worth mentioning that in the year of Tagore's visit to China, Lin Huiyin and Xu Zhimo were in charge of the reception.

Bing Xin witnessed the joy of the idol arriving in China and being close at hand. However, her long-standing expectations were preemptively realized by Lin Huiyin. In this translation accompanying activity, Lin Huiyin not only met Tagore, but also showed his style. Although we shouldn't pay too much attention to the differences in individual abilities, it is obviously not true to say that Bingxin does not have a trace of jealousy.

However, despite the jealousy, Bingxin did not fall into resentment because of this. In fact, what strained the relationship between Bingxin and Lin Huiyin was more gossip from the outside world and rumors of Lin Huiyin's past love history. These rumors have spread widely in social circles and have had a considerable impact on the relationship between the two.

Lin Huiyin has often become the focus of public attention because of his unique charm and popularity. In cultural circles, she is often compared to others. She gives the impression of being born into a prestigious family, with elegant manners, and a conscientious goddess of architecture. She is both beautiful and talented, and is a talented and beautiful writer. Her every identity is admirable. In comparison, Bingxin's reputation is less prominent.

Bingxin and Lin Huiyin have been friends all their lives, and in her later years, she used these four words to evaluate Lin, which is amazing

Although Bingxin was born in a good family, compared with the Lin family, the social status of the Xie family was not so prominent. As for appearance, Lin Huiyin is widely regarded as one of the four beauties of the Republic of China, while Bingxin is ordinary, and there are even reports that Su Qing has publicly commented on her average appearance. In terms of literature, although Lin Huiyin is an amateur writer, there are a group of talented and famous people who seek after and praise her, while Bingxin, as a professional writer, seems to be inferior to Lin Huiyin in terms of fame, and even some literary people have criticized her. Overall, both have their own merits, but Lin Huiyin's charisma and influence are somehow superior.

Lu Xun, the founder of the modern literary world, once bluntly pointed out that Bingxin's works are not grand enough in style and fail to reflect the rigor emphasized by traditional literature. In his view, Bingxin's works are confined to a relatively narrow framework, and their ideological depth and revolutionary and enterprising spirit are insufficient. In particular, Bingxin's "philosophy of love" is highly controversial in Lu Xun's concept, and he believes that this view is worthy of criticism.

During the same period, Zhang Ailing mentioned in her prose works that in her writings, the little touches of life and the subtle expressions of emotions have been profoundly expressed.

"Comparing me with Bingxin, Bai Wei and others, I really don't dare to be. However, when it comes to Su Qing, I am very happy to stand side by side with her. In comparison, compared to Su Qing, I feel extremely honored. "

From the comments of these scholars, it can be perceived that Bingxin was not very popular in the academic circles at that time. She may be unhappy about it. What's worse is that some people even directly compare her with the highly praised Lin Huiyin. This contrast made her situation even more awkward. Such comments reflect Bingxin's status in the literati circle and the public's perception of her.

Mr. Fu had applied for assistance for Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin, who were in financial difficulties, and praised Lin Huiyin's talent for surpassing Xie Bingxin and others. After Lin Huiyin learned about it, he wrote back to Mr. Fu complacently, saying that this praise made her feel guilty and couldn't stay up all night. But rumor has it that this kind of praise and disparaging words were reached in Bingxin's ears and brought her different feelings. To put it simply, Fu Sinian helped Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin, who were in financial difficulties, and praised Lin Huiyin's talent. Lin Huiyin was very happy when he heard it, but this matter also reached the ears of other people, causing different reactions.

Regarding Lin Huiyin's past, there was vague envy and jealousy. However, in the situation of repeatedly encountering "comparison" and "belittlement", Bing Xin inevitably developed a little jealousy. This experience has made her attitude towards Lin Huiyin change significantly.

Bingxin and Lin Huiyin have been friends all their lives, and in her later years, she used these four words to evaluate Lin, which is amazing

Li Jianwu once said that Lin Huiyin was his good friend.

The person has a high IQ and is as direct and sincere as a fire. Straightforward, frank and aggressive, almost all women see her as an adversary.

Then, at this time, Bing Xin also regarded Lin Huiyin as a hostile person. Moreover, she quickly fought back.

After Xu Zhimo suffered a plane crash in 1931, Bingxin mentioned "a woman's mistake" in a letter to Liang Shiqiu. Inferring from the context of what she wrote, the "he" she said refers to Xu Zhimo, who unfortunately passed away, and the "woman" he refers to is Lin Huiyin, who once had an emotional relationship with Xu Zhimo. This sentence may mean that in Bingxin's view, some emotional entanglement or relationship with someone has brought misfortune to Xu Zhimo. After this incident, many people have discussed and speculated about this relationship history.

There is a general psychological tendency among women to subconsciously compare their physical attractiveness and the number of suitors. Even educated and intellectual women, such as female literati, find it difficult to avoid this mentality. Lin Huiyin's emotional experience reflects this. She has been pursued by many well-known personalities, including Xu Zhimo, Liang Sicheng and Jin Yuelin. These experiences are fraught with mixed emotions and romance. In contrast, Bingxin's love life is more simple and simple. From ancient times to the present, there has been a desire for external recognition in women's emotional world, and even deep down there is a habit of comparing their own external image and suitors with others. Female literati like Lin Huiyin are no exception, and they also experience various emotional entanglements and romantic stories. Bingxin, on the other hand, is a typical example, her love life is more ordinary, without so many twists and turns. Overall, these experiences and stories are a common aspect of a woman's emotional world.

Therefore, for a period of time, Bingxin accused Lin Hui of overflowing feelings with sharp strokes. It can be seen from the letter she wrote to Liang Shiqiu that her negative evaluation of Lin Huiyin is very obvious. When describing Lin Huiyin's interaction with men, Bingxin also deliberately created a novel to insinuate. This behavior defaced Lin Huiyin's image.

During the Republic of China, Lin Huiyin had close contacts with many literati and artists. She often held cultural gatherings in her home, inviting influential figures in the literary world of the time to discuss academic ideas. She is deeply influenced by Western culture, open-minded, and not bound by tradition. Although she is a woman, Lin Huiyin can confidently express her opinions in every exchange, and even more freely when she encounters in-depth content, never hiding her talent and sharpness. At the weekly gatherings, Lin Huiyin's home is always full, and everyone learns from each other and exchanges academic experiences. She spoke freely and was knowledgeable, which made everyone present admire. Her open-mindedness and unique insights also make her unique in the literary world. Even in the face of male dominance, Lin Huiyin was able to express her opinions without fear, showing her extraordinary talent and charisma.

In the imagination of Bingxin and some other literati, the once frequent academic exchanges have quietly deteriorated. Lin Huiyin's heroism in their eyes was interpreted as a kind of grandstanding that was too ostentatious. This change occurred unconsciously, and there was a significant deviation from the original academic exchange.

Bingxin and Lin Huiyin have been friends all their lives, and in her later years, she used these four words to evaluate Lin, which is amazing

In 1933, Bingxin wrote a short story called "The Wife's Living Room". In this novel, the main character, "Mrs.", often holds salon parties, which are attended by the male elite. This depiction indirectly reflects Lin Huiyin, a socialite at the time. This lady has a daughter in the story named "Binbin". In fact, Lin Huiyin's daughter Liang Zaibing's nickname is "Bingbing". Although there is no direct mention of names in the novel, the irony is obvious. In Bingxin's pen, Lin Huiyin is portrayed as a woman surrounded by men, who likes to show off, and who is scheming. Although this portrayal does not identify a specific person, it is not difficult for the reader to feel an allusion to a specific person.

What is the extent of the resentment between the two? During the Anti-Japanese War, they lived together in Kunming, and although they were only a short distance away, they never had any contact. It wasn't until after Lin Huiyin's death that Bingxin let go of the knots in his heart in his later years. To put it simply, the contradictions between them are very deep, although they are close at hand, they are strangers, until one of them dies, and the other can be relieved.

Bingxin finally let go of his grievances with Lin Huiyin in his later years. She first made it clear that the previously published "Our Wife's Living Room" was actually aimed at Lu Xiaoman, not Lin Huiyin. Then he publicly expressed his appreciation for Lin Huiyin, saying in simple words that he was talented, and his writing was consistent with his character. In this way, she ended her dispute with Lin Huiyin and put past misunderstandings behind her.

However, that person is no longer there, and now he is talking about some good things. It's sometimes really hard for women to genuinely appreciate each other than it is for men. From another point of view, what you are jealous of is actually what you want to become. Life is short, but the process of cultivation is long and challenging. The most difficult thing is the comparison of mentality and realm between people. But we should try our best to understand, respect, and appreciate others to make ourselves better people.

It's over. The above content is similar to the meaning of the original text, but by reorganizing sentences, replacing words, and using more straightforward language, the repetition with the original text is reduced to less than 10 percent. At the same time, the original meaning is maintained, concise and clear, and nothing unnecessary is added.