
"Yongzheng Dynasty": Why is the old thirteen called the chivalrous king? Take a look at these 5 things to understand

author:Dada chats

The drama "Yongzheng Dynasty" is the pinnacle of domestic TV dramas, in addition to excellent scripts, the shaping of character images is also successful, among which the chivalrous and righteous old thirteen can be called the most perfect person in this play, and the government and the opposition respect him as the "chivalrous king", so what did the thirteenth master do to have such a good name? Next, Dada will talk to you carefully.

1. Rescue Alain

"Yongzheng Dynasty": Why is the old thirteen called the chivalrous king? Take a look at these 5 things to understand

The fourth master and the thirteenth master passed through Jiangxia Town, which was run by Ren Bo'an and Liu Banu, for disaster relief in the south of the Yangtze River, because they needed to hide their identities, so they had a closed door when they entered the city. After entering the interior of Jiangxia Town, because it was too late, coupled with the vigilance of strangers, no one dared to stay overnight in the thirteenth master and the fourth master, only the kind-hearted Fifth Brother Zhang's family took them in, but they got into trouble because of this, and the Qian Zong stationed in Jiangxia Town took the opportunity to make things difficult for Fifth Brother Zhang's family, not only to tie up Zhang Laohan, but also to Fifth Brother Zhang's sister Alan to speak lightly, wanting to do indecent things. Seeing this, the thirteenth master couldn't hold back the anger in his heart anymore, after many years of military career, it was easy to deal with a few soldiers, and he knocked a group of villains to the ground in an instant.

"Yongzheng Dynasty": Why is the old thirteen called the chivalrous king? Take a look at these 5 things to understand

Afterwards, Liu Ba Nu relied on the identity of her brother-in-law Ren Bo'an on the Jiangnan Salt Road, and was still aggressive towards the fourth master and the thirteenth master, but she was shocked by the righteous words of the fourth master, and did not dare to act rashly, so she had to personally untie Zhang Laohan and apologize to him, and this incident also laid the groundwork for the fall of Jiangxia Town in the future.

2. Avenge Fifth Brother Zhang

"Yongzheng Dynasty": Why is the old thirteen called the chivalrous king? Take a look at these 5 things to understand

Because of the chance encounter in Jiangxia Town, the Thirteenth Master and Fifth Brother Zhang's family formed an indissoluble bond, one day when the Thirteenth Master returned home, he met an unkempt woman, and looked at the former Alain, it turned out that Alan came to the capital alone to save Fifth Brother Zhang, hoping that the Thirteenth Master could help, the Thirteenth Master gently settled Alain, listened to the ins and outs of the whole thing, and took Kangxi to the execution ground the next day, and staged a drama of revenge for leaving people under the knife. It also unveiled the first case of buying life with money since the founding of the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Kangxi, who was furious, decided to thoroughly investigate the criminal department, and it was the prince Yinren who was in charge of the criminal department.

"Yongzheng Dynasty": Why is the old thirteen called the chivalrous king? Take a look at these 5 things to understand

The thirteenth master's righteous action this time not only provided an assist for the fourth master's accession to the throne in the future, but also won the beauty himself, and since then he has gained a confidante who has followed him with all his heart.

3 In order to save Wen Baosheng, he did not hesitate to be threatened by the prince

"Yongzheng Dynasty": Why is the old thirteen called the chivalrous king? Take a look at these 5 things to understand

If the above two things are because the thirteenth master has a certain friendship with the parties, then this incident fully reflects the chivalrous spirit of the thirteenth master, the prince and the party in order to get the hundred officials to get their hands on it, designed to lead the thirteenth master into the game, first pretended to ask the thirteenth master to rescue Zheng Chunhua who was assigned to the Xin Zhiku, and then the east window incident, and ordered someone to arrest Wen Baosheng, at this time the thirteenth master can stay out of the matter, but the thirteenth master knows that Wen Baosheng is precisely because of himself, there will be this unwarranted disaster, and the prince's party also sees the responsibility of the thirteenth master, will not stand idly by, so he has to blackmail the thirteenth master and release the death row prisoner Liu Banu Ren Ji'an from the prison.

"Yongzheng Dynasty": Why is the old thirteen called the chivalrous king? Take a look at these 5 things to understand

4 The prince was in trouble, but he still did not give up

"Yongzheng Dynasty": Why is the old thirteen called the chivalrous king? Take a look at these 5 things to understand

The thirteenth master and the fourth master originally belonged to the prince's camp, but later because of the prince's various behaviors, they were really not the talents of the king, and after being deposed twice, the prince was finally completely out, and the thirteenth master was implicated twice. For the first time in Bada Villa, the ugly affair between the prince and Zheng Chunhua was discovered by Kangxi, and the Eight Masters took the opportunity to design and frame the fake prince to plot to transfer troops.

"Yongzheng Dynasty": Why is the old thirteen called the chivalrous king? Take a look at these 5 things to understand
"Yongzheng Dynasty": Why is the old thirteen called the chivalrous king? Take a look at these 5 things to understand

5 for Liu Molin

"Yongzheng Dynasty": Why is the old thirteen called the chivalrous king? Take a look at these 5 things to understand

Some netizens joked that in the Yongzheng Dynasty, if you offend the emperor, there is still a trace of vitality, but if you offend the thirteenth master, then even if the thirteenth master does not care, the emperor will not spare you. Because of this special power above 10,000 people under one person, the Thirteenth Master is also nicknamed the "Executive Deputy Emperor" by netizens, but even if the identity is so noble, but the heart of chivalry and righteousness has never changed, Liu Molin and Long Keduo's eldest son, for Su Xianqing's jealousy, Long Gongzi used his relationship to let Su Xianqing return to the land of fireworks again, the helpless Liu Molin could only find the thirteenth master, the thirteenth master lightly shot, and let the arrogant Long Gongzi be deflated, Liu Molin and Su Xianqing, the hard-working mandarin ducks, Finally, a lover finally became a family.

"Yongzheng Dynasty": Why is the old thirteen called the chivalrous king? Take a look at these 5 things to understand