
High blood lipids, arteriosclerosis, frequent dizziness and headaches, Chinese medicine has a recipe

author:Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular Zhao Yong

Today I will share with you a case of hyperlipidemia + arteriosclerosis, the patient is 56 years old, as soon as I enter the clinic, I see that the patient's face is red, oily, obese, and weighs more than 200 pounds. The patient also reported frequent dizziness, bad breath and dry stools, and stools once every 7 or 8 days.

The patient's tongue is yellow and thick, the pulse is like a string, and the force is strong. He eats the thick taste of sorghum on weekdays, causing phlegm and food to accumulate and block each other's stomach and intestines, the three cokes are not smooth, the lifting is lost, the phlegm blocks the meridians, and there is a risk of stroke over time.

High blood lipids, arteriosclerosis, frequent dizziness and headaches, Chinese medicine has a recipe

Western medical examination confirmed that he had hyperlipidemia and arteriosclerosis, which was in line with the phlegm, heat and stasis of traditional Chinese medicine. First, use the method of dissipating phlegm.

Sulforaphane seeds, pot-bellied skin, Suzi, white mustard seeds, soaphorn, saffron seeds, Jiao Sanxian, rhubarb, hyssop, etc.

High blood lipids, arteriosclerosis, frequent dizziness and headaches, Chinese medicine has a recipe

Second visit

The patient said that the stool was smooth, the dizziness had been reduced, and the night was gradually resting, and the heart was comfortable. The tongue coating is gradual, the pulse is still smooth, and the phlegm and stasis are intertwined, which can be removed in one day. It is necessary to eat sparingly, quit bad tastes, and exercise regularly, which is the fundamental policy. Otherwise, there is no benefit in relying on drugs either. According to his condition, I adjusted the prescription for him again and continued to take it for a while.

Third diagnosis

The patient took the medicine for a period of time, and also followed the doctor's instructions to implement dieting, basic vegetarianism, and strengthen exercise, walking 2~3 hours a day, losing more than 10 pounds of weight, moving more quickly than before, no dizziness, increased energy, and felt younger. I told the patient that the drug could be stopped, and that the diet should be arranged reasonably, and vegetarian diet should be the mainstay.

High blood lipids, arteriosclerosis, frequent dizziness and headaches, Chinese medicine has a recipe


Why do patients get better so quickly? In addition to patients listening to doctors' orders, Fang Zi also helped a lot:

Sulforaphane and Jiao Sanxian can eliminate qi and eliminate food and bloating, reduce gas, dissolve phlegm and reduce lipids

Suzi, white mustard seeds, and soaphorn can dissolve phlegm

The big-bellied skin conducts qi stagnation, and regulates qi in the wide

Rhubarb, saffron seeds, and hyssop can invigorate blood and pass through menstruation

Most of the people who are fat and have a smooth and powerful pulse are phlegm and stasis, which can be manifested as different symptoms such as dizziness, numbness, and pain.

High blood lipids, arteriosclerosis, frequent dizziness and headaches, Chinese medicine has a recipe

If you have hyperlipidemia or arteriosclerosis, you can let me know or reply to the corresponding number below:

(1) High blood pressure

(2) Arteriosclerosis

(3) Myocardial infarction

(4) Coronary heart disease

(5) Blockage of blood vessels

(6) Carotid plaque

(7) Arrhythmia

(8) Heart failure

(9) Membrane countercurrent


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