
Outrageous! The history of the country in Indian films: the plot is not enough myths to put together, and it is put together

author:Xiao Xinxi said something


History in Indian movies, tsk, what a show! Have you heard of it? It's not a historical drama we watch, people mix history and mythology together, making it colorful and colorful. This can't help but remind me of the old locust tree at the entrance of our village, with lush branches, but no one can tell how old it is. The history in this Indian movie has to fight with this old locust tree, false and real, true and false, who can tell the difference?

Outrageous! The history of the country in Indian films: the plot is not enough myths to put together, and it is put together

That's interesting. This part of India is an ancient civilization, and its history is longer than the old locust tree in our village. However, when they make movies to talk about history, they don't tell it step by step, but they are imaginative, and they can make it up as they want. Do you think this history should be taken seriously? But people are good, they treat history as a hodgepodge, they can add whatever they want, fairies and monsters, heroes and beauties, everything. This can't help but remind me of the old king in our village, every time he drinks too much, he brags, saying how powerful he was when he was young, listening to it, even he himself believed it.

Outrageous! The history of the country in Indian films: the plot is not enough myths to put together, and it is put together

When it comes to the history of India, it's really varied. They don't have historians like us, who specialize in recording history. Their history is like a hodgepodge, a bit like the ghost story told by the old Li Tou in our village, the more you tell it, the more mysterious it becomes. No, they have two big books, called "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana", and the stories in them are even more bizarre than those told by the old Zhang Tou in our village. These stories have become the material for their films, do you think this history can be accurate?

Outrageous! The history of the country in Indian films: the plot is not enough myths to put together, and it is put together

These historical movies they made, that's a real big deal. I heard that there is a movie called "Mughal Emperor", and it took two years to shoot just one dancing scene. This reminds me of the happy events in our village, and I just tossed for an hour, people are good, two years! How much do you think it's going to cost? It is estimated that it is more than the annual harvest in our village.

Outrageous! The history of the country in Indian films: the plot is not enough myths to put together, and it is put together

In these films, there is not only history, but also religion and nationalism. It's like mixing the temple fair, the Spring Festival and the National Day in our village. If you look at it, you can't tell which is history and which is myth. This can't help but remind me of Lao Li in our village, every time he talks about what happened when he was young, he always mixes real things with bragging, and people are confused.

Outrageous! The history of the country in Indian films: the plot is not enough myths to put together, and it is put together

However, it is not without problems to make a movie like this. Isn't history supposed to be realistic? But people are good, for the sake of good looks, in order to attract people, they have changed history beyond recognition. This is like the old king in our village, who only has two acres of land, but always says that he has twenty acres. If this continues, how will the young people of the future know the real history?

Outrageous! The history of the country in Indian films: the plot is not enough myths to put together, and it is put together

Some experts have said that it is not possible to make a movie like this, and that history must be respected. But some people say that this is artistic creation, and it can't be too rigid. What do you think you should do about this? This is like holding a red and white wedding in our village, some people say to be thrifty, some people say to pomp, and the two sides quarrel fiercely.

Outrageous! The history of the country in Indian films: the plot is not enough myths to put together, and it is put together

I've heard that not only India, but also other countries have this problem when making historical films. It's like Lao Zhang and Lao Li in our village, they both love to brag, but the content of the brag is different. This is not a problem that can be solved in a day or two.

Outrageous! The history of the country in Indian films: the plot is not enough myths to put together, and it is put together

From the perspective of filmmakers, they are not easy. Do you want to make money by making movies, who is not good-looking? But if it's too outrageous, you will be scolded again. This is like the old king who sells tofu in our village, the tofu is so real that no one buys it, and he is afraid of being scolded if he makes it too watery. What a dilemma!

Outrageous! The history of the country in Indian films: the plot is not enough myths to put together, and it is put together

If you want me to say, you still have to have a degree to make this kind of historical movie. Where it should be real, it should be real, and where it should be imagined, it should be imagined. It's like Lao Li Tou in our village telling a story, everyone knows that he has something to add fuel and vinegar, but the main thing is still not wrong. It's appealing without making history too outrageous.

Outrageous! The history of the country in Indian films: the plot is not enough myths to put together, and it is put together

In general, the history in this Indian movie is like a hodgepodge, there are true and false, history and words. It's nice to look at, but it's not right to take it seriously. I think watching this kind of movie is like listening to the old people in our village talk about the ancients, listen to the excitement, and just know about it. If you want to really understand history, you have to read books and ask experts.

Outrageous! The history of the country in Indian films: the plot is not enough myths to put together, and it is put together

Finally, I would like to say that whether you are making movies or watching movies, you should be more in awe of history. History is not child's play, let alone a random story. We should cherish history, understand history, and learn from history. Just like the old locust tree in our village, although we don't know the exact age, we all know that it has witnessed many things and deserves our respect.

Outrageous! The history of the country in Indian films: the plot is not enough myths to put together, and it is put together

I hope that future filmmakers will be able to find a balance between creation and respect for history. This will not only make the audience happy to watch, but also allow history to be treated with the respect it deserves. is like the old Li Tou in our village, although he loves to brag, everyone knows that he is a good person and has a sense of proportion. I hope these movies can also be like Lao Litou, which is both interesting and measured.

Outrageous! The history of the country in Indian films: the plot is not enough myths to put together, and it is put together

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