
Commendable! Fat Donglai rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan and compensated 8.83 million yuan to customers, an example in the industry!

author:Xiao Xinxi said something


Have you heard? Recently, a supermarket called Fat Donglai lost more than 8 million yuan at once because of food safety problems! Such a large amount of compensation is really unheard of! We ordinary people usually buy something, if something goes wrong, it would be good to lose ten or eight yuan, how have you ever seen such a generous boss? This fat Donglai is really a conscientious enterprise!

Commendable! Fat Donglai rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan and compensated 8.83 million yuan to customers, an example in the industry!

We have to start from the beginning. A few days ago, a customer went to Fat Dong to buy something and found that there was a problem with the rolling dough they were selling. The customer was not ambiguous, so he took a video on the spot and showed the evidence to the supermarket. You know what? Fat Donglai didn't say a word, and immediately closed the stall that sold rolling dough, and fined people 5,000 yuan! This can make me happy, this supermarket is beautiful, it is worthy of being a good helper for our people!

Commendable! Fat Donglai rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan and compensated 8.83 million yuan to customers, an example in the industry!

However, Fat Donglai's power doesn't stop there. Not only did they close the problem stall, but they also found out all the customers who had bought the dough rolling, refunded the money one by one, and gave an additional 1,000 yuan in compensation. What a conscience you say this company has! I lost more than 8 million in one fell swoop, and I changed to another boss, I'm afraid that my flesh hurts so much, right? But the fat Donglai is so atmospheric, for the health of our people, I am willing to cut the meat!

Commendable! Fat Donglai rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan and compensated 8.83 million yuan to customers, an example in the industry!

Not only that, Fat Donglai also sent a reward of 100,000 yuan to the customer who reported it! This is good, if anyone finds any problems in the future, they must not rush to report it? In this way, those merchants who want to cut corners and cheat will have no way to live. I see, this fat Donglai is telling everyone with his own practical actions: do business with conscience and be worthy of customers!

Commendable! Fat Donglai rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan and compensated 8.83 million yuan to customers, an example in the industry!

When it comes to food safety, that's a big problem. A few years ago, didn't we often hear about gutter oil and poisoned milk powder? Every time this kind of thing happens, everyone dares to be angry and dare not speak. Tell me, isn't the life of our people? Those black-hearted merchants, in order to make a few stinky money, don't even want a conscience! It's infuriating to think about!

Commendable! Fat Donglai rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan and compensated 8.83 million yuan to customers, an example in the industry!

However, companies like Fat Donglai have given us hope. They tell us with practical actions: there are still good enterprises, and there are still conscientious bosses! This reminds me of an old saying: you can't have the heart to hurt others, and you can't have the heart to prevent people. Yes, we can't be skeptical of all businesses, but we can't let our guard down completely. Only if each of us actively participates in supervision, can those black-hearted merchants have nowhere to hide!

Commendable! Fat Donglai rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan and compensated 8.83 million yuan to customers, an example in the industry!

Speaking of which, I was reminded of an incident I encountered at the wet market the other day. There was a meat stall owner who secretly poured water into the meat and was caught red-handed by an aunt. You know what? The stall owner not only did not admit his mistake, but also scolded him, saying that his aunt was nosy. This me off! I thought at the time, if our vegetable market can also reward whistleblowers like Fat Donglai, those black sheep must not be exterminated?

Commendable! Fat Donglai rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan and compensated 8.83 million yuan to customers, an example in the industry!

In fact, food safety is not only a matter of enterprises, but also of each of us. As the saying goes: everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high. If each of us can be like the customer who reported Fat Donglai, have the courage to stand up and not be afraid of offending people, can those merchants who want to take advantage of loopholes still have a way to live? I see, we won't have to worry about eating at the table anymore!

Commendable! Fat Donglai rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan and compensated 8.83 million yuan to customers, an example in the industry!

But then again, the strength of our people alone is not enough. The government also has to do its best! If you want me to say, you should learn from Fat Donglai and strike hard at those businesses that violate laws and regulations! Punish them for bankruptcy, see if they dare to commit it again! At the same time, we should also praise good companies like Fat Donglai, let them become role models, and drive more enterprises to do good!

Commendable! Fat Donglai rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan and compensated 8.83 million yuan to customers, an example in the industry!

Speaking of this, I am reminded of an old saying: A gentleman loves money and takes it in a proper way. Who doesn't want to make money in business? However, there are more ways to make money, so why do you have to rely on cheating customers? Like Fat Donglai, honest management, on the contrary, has won the trust and support of more people. No, it has been spread all over the Internet, saying that Fat Donglai is a conscientious enterprise and a role model in the industry!

Commendable! Fat Donglai rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan and compensated 8.83 million yuan to customers, an example in the industry!

You see, Fat Donglai's move is high! They seem to have lost more than 8 million, but they actually earned! What do you earn? It's word of mouth, it's reputation! As the saying goes: gold and silver cups are not as good as the reputation of the common people. With such a good reputation, do you still worry that no one will go to them to buy things in the future? What is it called? This is called retreating as advance, and overcoming rigidity with softness! High, really high!

Commendable! Fat Donglai rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan and compensated 8.83 million yuan to customers, an example in the industry!

Ah, I'm still a little worried. You say, Fat Donglai is doing well now, but who can guarantee that they won't become bad in the future? As the saying goes, money makes the devil grind. What if one day they can't resist the temptation and start cutting corners? So I think we still have to be vigilant and continue to monitor. In this way, good companies can continue to be good, and bad companies have nowhere to hide!

Commendable! Fat Donglai rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan and compensated 8.83 million yuan to customers, an example in the industry!

In the final analysis, food safety is a system engineering. It is not enough to rely on the conscience of one or two enterprises, but also requires strict supervision by the government and the active participation of each of us. As the old saying goes: a thousand-mile embankment collapses in an anthill. If there is only one link that goes wrong, it can have serious consequences. Therefore, each of us must take a good pass and contribute to food safety!

Commendable! Fat Donglai rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan and compensated 8.83 million yuan to customers, an example in the industry!

Finally, I would like to say that Fat Donglai's approach is worth learning from all enterprises. They tell us with practical actions: integrity management is not empty words, it can be implemented. I hope that more companies like Fat Donglai will emerge in the future to make our lives safer and more assured!

Commendable! Fat Donglai rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan and compensated 8.83 million yuan to customers, an example in the industry!

As the saying goes, a grain of rat droppings spoils a pot of porridge. But on the other hand, a good example can also drive a large area. Fat Donglai's approach is like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing layers of ripples. I believe that as long as each of us does our part, our food safety problems can be fundamentally solved sooner or later!

Commendable! Fat Donglai rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan and compensated 8.83 million yuan to customers, an example in the industry!

In retrospect, our country has indeed made a lot of progress in food safety over the years. I remember when I was a child, there were street stalls everywhere, the sanitary conditions were very poor, and it was common to eat bad stomachs. Now it is much better, there are more and more big supermarkets and big brands, and the quality is guaranteed. However, we should not take it lightly. As the saying goes: those who travel a hundred miles are half ninety. We are still a long way from true food safety!

Commendable! Fat Donglai rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan and compensated 8.83 million yuan to customers, an example in the industry!

Speaking of this, I am reminded of the old Li Tou in our village. He has been farming all his life, never using pesticides and fertilizers, relying on his own manure. Although the yield is not high, the dishes are particularly delicious, and the people in the village love to buy his dishes. You see, although this old Li Tou has no culture, he knows what it means to do things with a conscience. If everyone in business could be like him, would we still have to worry about food?

Commendable! Fat Donglai rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan and compensated 8.83 million yuan to customers, an example in the industry!

In fact, doing good deeds and being honest is not only for others, but also for yourself. Take Fat Dong as an example, they may lose some money in the short term this time, but in the long run, they will definitely make a lot of money! Because they have won the trust of consumers, which money can't buy! As the saying goes: credibility is gold. Fat Donglai used more than 8 million to create a gold mountain this time!

Commendable! Fat Donglai rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan and compensated 8.83 million yuan to customers, an example in the industry!

Finally, I would like to say that the issue of food safety cannot be solved overnight, and requires the joint efforts of each and every one of us. The government should strengthen supervision, enterprises should operate in good faith, and we, the people, should also actively supervise. Only in this way can our dining table be truly safe and our lives truly reassured. Let's work together, for ourselves and for our next generation!

Commendable! Fat Donglai rewarded the whistleblower with 100,000 yuan and compensated 8.83 million yuan to customers, an example in the industry!

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