
Big S Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant business is booming! Making money is not lost to Wang Xiaofei, and the two sides have completely opposite ideas

author:Insider entertainment

Big S Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant counterattacks! The small and beautiful model is popular, which is completely opposite to Wang Xiaofei's business model

In the catering industry, it is not new for celebrities to open stores, but it is not easy to run a store well.

July 2nd.

Big S and Gu Junye have a booming business in South Korea's barbecue restaurant, and their earning power is not inferior to that of their ex-husband Wang Xiaofei's "Ma Liuji" chain restaurant, which has caused heated discussions on social media.

Big S Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant business is booming! Making money is not lost to Wang Xiaofei, and the two sides have completely opposite ideas

Different from Wang Xiaofei's chain model, the big S couple chose the business strategy of "small and beautiful", which not only prospered in business, but also won the high stickiness of customers.

Small and beautiful, not losing to the big chain

In the fiercely competitive catering market, it is not easy for the barbecue restaurant of Da S and Gu Junye to stand out.

They chose a completely different path from Wang Xiaofei, not blindly expanding the chain stores, but focusing on the quality and service of each store.

This "small but beautiful" business model allows them to achieve the ultimate in a limited number of stores.

Big S Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant business is booming! Making money is not lost to Wang Xiaofei, and the two sides have completely opposite ideas

And, it must be said that the price of their barbecue restaurant is really cheap, only a dozen yuan a piece, which looks quite affordable.

However, low prices also mean low profits and incomes, and it also means that customer groups generally do not have high spending power.

Such a restaurant will have a hard time no matter whether the business is good or not.

Do it yourself, win customers with high stickiness

It is worth mentioning that in order to improve customer satisfaction and stickiness, the big S couple has made great efforts.

Not only are they personally involved in the day-to-day operations of the store, but they also often cook and interact with customers.

This hands-on attitude not only makes customers feel their intentions, but also increases customers' trust and goodwill towards the store.

Big S Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant business is booming! Making money is not lost to Wang Xiaofei, and the two sides have completely opposite ideas

According to customers, the barbecue restaurant of Mr. and Mrs. Da S has fresh ingredients, unique taste, and very good service attitude.

They often chat and share food tips with customers in the store, and this intimacy makes customers feel like they are at home.

As a result, customers are not only willing to visit their stores, but also recommend them to their friends.

Big S Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant business is booming! Making money is not lost to Wang Xiaofei, and the two sides have completely opposite ideas

Innovative ideas, breaking the tradition

In addition to focusing on quality and service, the big S couple has also innovated in business ideas.

Instead of relying too much on advertising and marketing to attract customers, as traditional F&B outlets do, they are expanding their awareness through channels such as word-of-mouth and social media.

This innovative approach not only reduces operating costs, but also increases customer awareness and favorability of the store.

In addition, the big S couple also focus on establishing long-term interactive relationships with customers.

They will set up a membership system in the store to provide members with benefits and privileges; Various events and promotions are held on a regular basis to attract more customers.

This long-term engagement not only increases customer loyalty to the store, but also brings them more repeat business.

Big S Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant business is booming! Making money is not lost to Wang Xiaofei, and the two sides have completely opposite ideas

Compared with Wang Xiaofei's chain model, which opened branches across the country and relied on scale effect to make money, Gu Junye and Da S needed to take less risk.

Of course, he may earn more than Wang Xiaofei in the early stage, but he may not be able to outrun Wang Xiaofei in the later stage.

After all, the disadvantage of the chain model is that it requires a huge investment in the early stage, and it may also get a huge debriefing in the later stage.

It's not a small fight that can be compared.

Big S Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant business is booming! Making money is not lost to Wang Xiaofei, and the two sides have completely opposite ideas


It is no accident that the barbecue restaurant of Da S and Gu Junye has been able to stand out and succeed in the highly competitive catering market.

They did not choose to expand blindly, but to hold their ground, stick to small investment, big return.

It may not be the biggest winner in the future, but it certainly won't be a bad loss.

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