
Ma Li accompanies her husband out shopping! The relationship between husband and wife is sweet and sweet, and the fate with Shen Teng is limited to the big screen

author:Insider entertainment

Ma Li and his wife love to go shopping, revealing the true relationship with Shen Teng

July 2nd.

The well-known actress Ma Li and her husband appeared in a shopping mall in a low-key manner, and the sweet interaction between the two sparked heated discussions.

As a frequent guest on the screen, the tacit cooperation between Ma Li and Shen Teng has made countless audiences mistakenly think that the two have an off-screen relationship, but this is not the case.

Ma Li accompanies her husband out shopping! The relationship between husband and wife is sweet and sweet, and the fate with Shen Teng is limited to the big screen

Today, we will reveal the real relationship behind the screen duo, as well as their respective love lives.

1. Ma Li and his wife love to go shopping, and the sweetness is exposed instantly

In the photos exposed by netizens, Ma Li and her husband walked hand in hand in the mall, and the two bowed their heads and whispered from time to time, smiling.

It is reported that Ma Li's husband Xu Wenhe, who is also a little fresh meat in the circle, was born in 1993, 11 years younger than Ma Li, and this pair of sisters and brothers is enviable.

They began a public relationship in 2017 and subsequently got married and had children.

Ma Li accompanies her husband out shopping! The relationship between husband and wife is sweet and sweet, and the fate with Shen Teng is limited to the big screen

Although Ma Li's husband is not too famous and cannot be compared with Ma Li's achievements, the tacit understanding and affection between the two are not inferior to any star couple.

This low-key shopping trip once again proves the deep relationship between the two.

Ma Li accompanies her husband out shopping! The relationship between husband and wife is sweet and sweet, and the fate with Shen Teng is limited to the big screen

Second, he has a deep love with Shen Teng on the screen and pure friendship outside the play

Ma Li and Shen Teng, as golden partners in the comedy industry, have cooperated on the big screen many times, bringing countless laughs to the audience.

The tacit performance style of the two makes many people mistakenly think that they have the same relationship in real life.

However, this is not the case.

It is understood that Ma Li and Shen Teng have been friends for many years in private, respecting and supporting each other.

While they often play couples or couples on the big screen, they maintain a purely friendly relationship off the screen.

Ma Li accompanies her husband out shopping! The relationship between husband and wife is sweet and sweet, and the fate with Shen Teng is limited to the big screen

3. Review of Ma Li's emotional history

It is reported that Ma Li has been in the entertainment industry for many years and has won the love of the audience with her excellent acting skills and unique comedy style.

While her career was successful, she also gained a happy love.

Ma Li and her husband have known each other for many years, and the two have a stable relationship and have always supported each other.

In the world of the entertainment industry, which is full of temptations and variables, it is rare for them to be able to maintain their original intentions and support each other.

Ma Li accompanies her husband out shopping! The relationship between husband and wife is sweet and sweet, and the fate with Shen Teng is limited to the big screen

Fourth, Shen Teng's family situation is revealed

Like Ma Li, Shen Teng is also a leader in the entertainment industry.

He became popular with many comedy works and became the king of comedy in the hearts of the audience.

While his career is successful, Shen Teng also has a happy family.

He and his wife met Yu Wei, and the two went through many ups and downs together, and finally came together.

Today, they have a lovely child, and the family of three is happy.

Ma Li accompanies her husband out shopping! The relationship between husband and wife is sweet and sweet, and the fate with Shen Teng is limited to the big screen

Fifth, confidantes, pure friendship is enviable

The friendship between Ma Li and Shen Teng is undoubtedly a rare story in the entertainment industry.

In this Vanity Fair, they always maintain a clear head and an innocent friendship.

Whether on the big screen or in real life, they are able to understand and support each other. This pure friendship is not only enviable, but also sets a good example for us.

Ma Li accompanies her husband out shopping! The relationship between husband and wife is sweet and sweet, and the fate with Shen Teng is limited to the big screen

In short, the friendship between Ma Li and Shen Teng and their respective love lives are full of positive energy. They proved by their actions that there can be pure friendship between men and women.

In this complex world, let's cherish every friend and loved one around us!

Of course, some people question this kind of relationship, they think that there can be no pure friendship between men and women, especially when Shen Teng and Ma Lan, a pair of screen CPs, often cooperate.

It's harder to stay awake.

However, facts speak louder than words, and they each have wonderful families.

What do you think about this?

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