
In 07, a girl in Inner Mongolia was exceptionally admitted to the special forces because of her special ability and was trained by the state

author:Xiaochuang Literature Society
In 07, a girl in Inner Mongolia was exceptionally admitted to the special forces because of her special ability and was trained by the state
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In 07, a girl in Inner Mongolia was exceptionally admitted to the special forces because of her special ability and was trained by the state

In 2007, an unbelievable piece of news spread across the grasslands of Inner Mongolia and swept across the country: a 6-year-old girl named Pan Jing, with her extraordinary mental arithmetic skills, was unusually admitted to a special unit of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and became a "junior officer".

This news is like a bombshell, causing a huge sensation and heated discussion in all walks of life.

What are the considerations behind this unusual recruitment decision? It not only challenges people's traditional perceptions of children's education, but also triggers an in-depth discussion on the national talent development strategy.

Pan Jing's story has become a fascinating realistic version of a "genius fairy tale", attracting the attention of people across the country.

In 07, a girl in Inner Mongolia was exceptionally admitted to the special forces because of her special ability and was trained by the state

In the city's kindergarten, Pan Jing met her enlightenment teacher, Ma Lixin. As the person in charge of mental arithmetic training, Ms. Ma has a unique perspective on mathematics education.

In an ordinary mental arithmetic class, Teacher Ma keenly noticed Pan Jing's unusual performance. While the other children were still struggling to understand the basic concepts, Pan Jing was able to give answers quickly and accurately, her eyes flashing with love and excitement for numbers.

Ma Lixin realized that she might have met an abacus genius. She began to train Pan Jing in addition, and the little girl progressed far faster than she expected.

Pan Jing has demonstrated amazing speed and accuracy in her calculations, and her sensitivity and understanding of numbers far surpass that of her peers.

In 07, a girl in Inner Mongolia was exceptionally admitted to the special forces because of her special ability and was trained by the state

In 2006, the opportunity came. Ma Lixin decided to lead Pan Jing to participate in the 17th Ethnic Minority Abacus Mental Arithmetic Competition. This is the first time Pan Jing has stood on such a big stage and faced outstanding players from all over the country.

At the scene of the game, the little Pan Jing stood on the stage, her little hands moving rapidly on the abacus, her eyes focused, and her mouth was full of words. In the audience, Ma Lixin watched her performance nervously, for fear that the young player would be frightened by the atmosphere of the arena.

However, Pan Jing's performance exceeded all expectations. Not only did she not have stage fright, but she showed calmness and concentration far beyond her peers. The speed and accuracy of her calculations amazed both the judges and the audience.

In the end, the team led by Ma Lixin won the second place, and Pan Jing's performance became a highlight of the competition.

In 07, a girl in Inner Mongolia was exceptionally admitted to the special forces because of her special ability and was trained by the state

This match not only proved Pan Jing's extraordinary talent, but also opened a door to a bigger stage for her. Her performance caught the attention of many professionals, including Wang Weida, an abacus expert who later discovered her.

Pan Jing's story, from an ordinary prairie girl to a mental arithmetic genius, not only shows her personal talent, but also highlights the power of education and the importance of family support.

Her experience is like a pearl rising from the depths of the grassland, shining with eye-catching light.

In 2007, an abacus expert named Wang Weida set foot on the soil of Inner Mongolia. As the chief coach of the People's Liberation Army abacus team, Wang Weida's purpose of this trip is to find outstanding abacus talents.

In 07, a girl in Inner Mongolia was exceptionally admitted to the special forces because of her special ability and was trained by the state

His arrival, like a Bole, is about to change the fate of a genius girl.

Wang Weida is not an ordinary abacus coach. He is a master of Chinese mental arithmetic and has devoted his life to the research and inheritance of this ancient skill. His original "Wong Technique" is well-known in the industry and has opened the door to mental arithmetic for countless students.

Since 1986, Wang Weida has led his disciples to achieve great results in the international arena, winning three gold medals and one silver medal. He has participated in 21 international competitions and won as many as 189 honors, making him a well-deserved abacus master.

When Wang Weida heard that there was a 6-year-old girl in Ma Lixin's team who had performed well, his professional instincts were stimulated. However, in the face of such a young Pan Jing, even the experienced Wang Weida was skeptical.

In 07, a girl in Inner Mongolia was exceptionally admitted to the special forces because of her special ability and was trained by the state

With this curiosity and suspicion, Wang Weida decided to give this little girl a chance to show herself. He put Pan Jing on the shortlist, ready to further examine her abilities in the subsequent selection.

At the scene of the selection competition, Pan Jing's performance opened Wang Weida's eyes. This small figure stood on the competition stage, showing not only amazing calculation speed, but also a psychological quality far beyond his age.

In a high-pressure environment, Pan Jing was still able to stay calm and complete each question accurately. Her eyes flashed with a love for numbers, and her fingers flew on the abacus, as if she had a natural affinity for numbers.

Wang Weida's eyes flashed with surprise. He realized that he might have found a shining pearl. In his opinion, Pan Jing not only has talent, but also has the potential to become an abacus master.

In 07, a girl in Inner Mongolia was exceptionally admitted to the special forces because of her special ability and was trained by the state

Her sensitivity and understanding of numbers far surpasses that of her peers and even many adult contestants.

After fierce competition and strict assessment, Pan Jing finally stood out and was successfully admitted to the People's Liberation Army Abacus Team and became a 6-year-old "officer".

This decision caused an uproar in society. Many people question whether such a young child will be able to adapt to military life and whether it will affect her normal growth.

But Wang Weida firmly believes that Pan Jing's extraordinary talent is worth this opportunity to make an exception. He believes that with the right training, Pan Jing will become a valuable asset of the country. Wang Weida saw the potential of Pan Jing, not only as an excellent abacus player, but also as a genius who could change the field.

In 07, a girl in Inner Mongolia was exceptionally admitted to the special forces because of her special ability and was trained by the state

Wang Weida's insight not only changed the trajectory of Pan Jing's life, but also injected new vitality into the national mental arithmetic cause. This little girl from the grassland is about to embark on an extraordinary life journey under his guidance.

Pan Jing's extraordinary experience has sparked a strong interest in mental arithmetic and special forces. What exactly is mental arithmetic? Why did the state create such a special force? These issues have aroused widespread discussion in society.

Mental arithmetic is far from a simple planning technique, but an advanced mental arithmetic ability training method. Learners need to construct a "virtual" abacus in their minds, and through specific formulas and calculations, they can get accurate results in a very short time.

This is not only a computing skill, but also a comprehensive training of the brain, which can significantly improve people's calculation speed, memory and logical thinking ability.

In 07, a girl in Inner Mongolia was exceptionally admitted to the special forces because of her special ability and was trained by the state

In today's highly developed technology, many people may question the practicality of mental arithmetic. However, history tells us that this seemingly ancient skill has played a huge role in critical moments.

The most famous example is the development of the continent's first atomic bomb. In that era, when computers were not yet widely available, it was precisely by relying on the abacus that mainland scientists completed a large amount of complex calculations and made indispensable contributions to the successful development of the atomic bomb.

In exceptional cases, when electronic devices fail or become unusable, the advantages of mental arithmetic come to the fore. The strategic value of a well-trained mental arithmetic team capable of completing complex calculations with astonishing speed and accuracy in emergency situations is immeasurable.

It was in recognition of this special value of mental arithmetic that the country decided to create this unique force.

In 07, a girl in Inner Mongolia was exceptionally admitted to the special forces because of her special ability and was trained by the state

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) abacus team not only wins honor for the country in peacetime, but also is a "secret weapon" that can play an irreplaceable role at critical moments. Their existence provides an additional layer of guarantee for the country's scientific and technological development and national defense construction.

Some people even commented that the strategic value of this unit is comparable to that of a division-level unit.

The addition of Pan Jing has injected new vitality into this special force. Her talent and potential have made people see the vitality of mental arithmetic in the new era. This little girl from the prairie is writing a new chapter in this ancient skill in her own way.

Through Pan Jing's story, we not only understand the charm and value of mental arithmetic, but also see the country's forward-looking thinking in talent training and capacity reserves.

In 07, a girl in Inner Mongolia was exceptionally admitted to the special forces because of her special ability and was trained by the state

This special abacus unit is contributing to the development of the country in its unique way.

For Pan Jing, who is only 6 years old, joining the People's Liberation Army abacus team is undoubtedly a huge challenge. From a prairie girl to a little officer, this transition meant not only a change in the environment, but also a complete change in lifestyle and learning methods.

Leaving the familiar family environment, saying goodbye to parents, and coming to live in a new community is a great test for a child. The pace of life in the barracks, strict discipline requirements, and high-intensity training are all new challenges that Pan Jing needs to adapt to.

Surprisingly, however, Pan Jing has shown extraordinary adaptability and strong will.

In 07, a girl in Inner Mongolia was exceptionally admitted to the special forces because of her special ability and was trained by the state

Under the careful guidance of Wang Weida, Pan Jing not only quickly adapted to the life in the barracks, but also performed well in training. Wang Weida was pleasantly surprised to find that Pan Jing not only has talent, but also has the ability to learn and psychological quality beyond his age.

Her love and dedication to mental arithmetic has allowed her to devote herself to hard training.

Pan Jing's daily life is full of challenges and opportunities. Every morning, while other children of the same age are still asleep, she has already started her day's training. From basic abacus operations to complex mental arithmetic skills, Pan Jing has mastered and refined them at an astonishing speed.

The speed at which she improved amazed the coaches and strengthened their determination to develop this abacus genius.

In 07, a girl in Inner Mongolia was exceptionally admitted to the special forces because of her special ability and was trained by the state

In the years that followed, Pan Jing represented China in international abacus competitions many times and achieved remarkable results. She won the abacus individual and team championships for four consecutive years, winning honor for the country and proving her strength.

Every time she stepped on the international stage, Pan Jing showed calmness and confidence far beyond her years, and her performance not only won the admiration of the judges, but also made her opponents feel awe.

However, behind the success is hard work. In order to maintain a high level of competitive condition, Pan Jing has made unimaginable efforts. Long hours of training, strict self-requirements, and huge psychological pressure are all challenges that she needs to face and overcome.

However, Pan Jing's tenacity and love for abacus helped her overcome one difficulty after another.

In 07, a girl in Inner Mongolia was exceptionally admitted to the special forces because of her special ability and was trained by the state

From an ignorant little girl to an excellent soldier and abacus master, Pan Jing's growth process is full of hardships, but it is also full of harvest and glory. Her story is not only a demonstration of personal talent, but also a testimony of perseverance and hard work.

Pan Jing used her own experience to prove that with enough love and perseverance, even young children can thrive in a harsh environment.

Pan Jing's career in the military camp shows us the unique trajectory of a special genius growing up in a special environment. Her experience not only inspires more abacus enthusiasts, but also provides valuable experience for the cultivation of special talents in the country.

Pan Jing's extraordinary experience reveals a profound truth for us: talent is important, but more importantly, how to discover and cultivate these talents. Her story is not only a showcase of personal talent, but also a profound reflection on the way of education and the cultivation of talents.

In 07, a girl in Inner Mongolia was exceptionally admitted to the special forces because of her special ability and was trained by the state

In a fast-moving modern society, Pan Jing's experience reminds us that we should not lose sight of the value of traditional skills. Mental arithmetic, a seemingly ancient skill, still plays an irreplaceable role in certain fields.

This inspires us to be good at discovering and inheriting traditional wisdom while pursuing new technologies, and to combine them with modern needs.

For educators and parents, Pan Jing's story highlights the importance of individualized education. Every child has their own strengths and potentials, and the key is how to identify them and nurture them in a targeted manner.

Teacher Ma Lixin and Coach Wang Weida's keen insight into discovering Pan Jing's talents is worthy of our deep thought and learning.

In 07, a girl in Inner Mongolia was exceptionally admitted to the special forces because of her special ability and was trained by the state

However, Pan Jing's experience also provoked some reflections. Does early entry into high-intensity training affect a child's overall development? How to strike a balance between the development of special talents and the protection of children's rights? These issues deserve in-depth discussion and study by all sectors of society.

Pan Jing's experience also provides new ideas for the country's talent training strategy. How to better discover and cultivate special talents, and how to combine individual talents with the needs of the country, these are all issues worthy of in-depth discussion.

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