
In 21, the woman returned home after being abducted for many years and found that her parents had died: her parents, and the traffickers had caught them

author:Xiaochuang Literature Society
In 21, the woman returned home after being abducted for many years and found that her parents had died: her parents, and the traffickers had caught them
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In 21, the woman returned home after being abducted for many years and found that her parents had died: her parents, and the traffickers had caught them

In June 2021, in a remote mountain village in Bijie, Guizhou, a heart-rending cry was heard. 21-year-old Yang Niuhua knelt in front of the two tombstones, tears raining down, and her voice choked: "Mom and Dad, the traffickers have finally been caught!" The Miao girl finally found her home after 26 years of disappearance, but she had to face her parents' graves.

Her journey home is full of twists and turns, and a heartbreaking family tragedy awaits her. Yang Niuhua's story reveals a harsh reality: the disappearance of a child not only destroys her childhood, but also completely changes the fate of a family.

What kind of thrilling story is hidden behind this seemingly simple reunion? What happened to Yang Niuhua? Why is she separated from her parents? Let's unravel this heartbreaking family tragedy together.

On that hot summer day in 1995, 5-year-old Yang Niuhua was playing with her sister at home when she was seduced by a neighbor who seemed familiar. This ill-intentioned person took her from Bijie, Guizhou, to Handan, far away in Hebei.

In 21, the woman returned home after being abducted for many years and found that her parents had died: her parents, and the traffickers had caught them

At the train station, Yang Niuhua tried to resist, but the intimidation and violence of the traffickers made her dare not mention the idea of finding her parents. Once, the man even poured hot water on her head, leaving the young Yang Niuhua with a fear that she will never forget.

In the end, Yang Niuhua was sold to an old grandmother and became the adopted daughter of a deaf-mute person. In this strange family, she was loved by her adoptive father and grandmother.

Despite the changes in her living environment, Yang Niuhua has always buried her thoughts of her biological parents deep in her heart. In the dead of night, she would secretly recall those vague childhood memories, trying not to let herself forget her roots.

Time flies, and in 2012, 22-year-old Yang Niuhua entered the palace of marriage. After becoming a mother, she realized the greatness of maternal love more deeply.

In 21, the woman returned home after being abducted for many years and found that her parents had died: her parents, and the traffickers had caught them

Whenever she holds her child, she always thinks of her parents. "Are they okay now? Are you still looking for me? These questions tormented her day and night.

With the longing for her family and the thirst for the truth, Yang Niuhua began a long road to find her relatives. She plucked up the courage to walk into the Handan Public Security Bureau and provided a sample of her own blood.

She contacted various family tracing websites to tell volunteers her story. However, nine years later, she has grown from a mother of one child to a mother of three, and she has never received any news about her biological parents.

Despite repeatedly hitting a wall, Yang Niuhua never gave up. In 2021, she decided to upload her family search video on the short video platform. She carefully recalled the bits and pieces of her childhood: there was a father named Yang Xinming, a mother named Sang Ying, and an older sister of the same age.

In 21, the woman returned home after being abducted for many years and found that her parents had died: her parents, and the traffickers had caught them

She even remembers a little boy in the neighborhood who had trouble legs and feet and was her playmate. Yang Niuhua hopes that these fragmentary memories can become clues to find her family.

She firmly believes that as long as she keeps working hard, she will one day be able to find her roots again. This perseverance and persistence have become her biggest spiritual pillar in the past 26 years.

The story of Yang Niuhua is not only the tragic experience of an abducted child, but also a moving legend of hope and perseverance.

In April 2021, Yang Niuhua's persistence finally ushered in a turnaround. The video she uploaded on the short video platform to find her relatives caught the attention of a netizen. The person, who claimed to be her cousin, said in the message that Yang Niuhua's experience was very similar to that of her missing sister.

In 21, the woman returned home after being abducted for many years and found that her parents had died: her parents, and the traffickers had caught them

Yang Niuhua's heart beat faster, and her hand trembled slightly and replied to this message. A subsequent DNA comparison confirmed their blood relationship. In an 80-minute video call, Yang Niuhua finally met her sister Yang Sangying after a 26-year absence.

The two were relatively silent, tears blurring each other's faces. The sisters looked back fondly on the bits and pieces of their childhood, and those memories that had been sealed by time came flooding back.

"Niu Niu, Mom and Dad... It's gone. Yang Sangying choked up and said.

This bad news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, instantly shattering Yang Niuhua's dream of reuniting her family. Her sister told her that after her disappearance, her parents searched for her, but to no avail.

In 21, the woman returned home after being abducted for many years and found that her parents had died: her parents, and the traffickers had caught them

Grief and despair gradually erode the family. In 1997, his father died of stomach bleeding caused by alcoholism; Just a year later, my mother passed away from depression.

Yang Niuhua listened to these past events and felt dizzy. She had imagined the scene of reuniting with her parents countless times, but she never expected that two cold tombstones would await her.

Remorse, self-blame, and grief were intertwined, almost drowning her.

Despite this, Yang Niuhua decided to return to her hometown. She wants to see with her own eyes the place where she was born and raised, and she also wants to do her filial piety at the grave of her parents. In May 2021, accompanied by volunteers, she set out on her way home.

In 21, the woman returned home after being abducted for many years and found that her parents had died: her parents, and the traffickers had caught them

The road back to home was not smooth. The mountain road was rugged, and Yang Niuhua fell down more than 20 times, but she always gritted her teeth and persevered. When she finally knelt in front of her parents' tombstones, years of pent-up emotions poured out like a flood that burst the embankment.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back!" She cried, her voice echoing through the valley, "I'm sorry I came back too late... "

At this moment, Yang Niuhua deeply experienced the pain of "the son wants to raise but does not wait". She found her home, but lost her most important loved one forever. This complex emotion will accompany her for the rest of her life.

After returning to her hometown, Yang Niuhua found that the old house no longer existed. Her sister told her that in the year of her disappearance, the family had just started building a new house, but her parents had stopped the work because of her disappearance.

In 21, the woman returned home after being abducted for many years and found that her parents had died: her parents, and the traffickers had caught them

Today, it has become my cousin's new home.

Faced with the scene of things being people, Yang Niuhua was full of emotion. She looked at the familiar and unfamiliar surroundings around her, recalling the bits and pieces of her childhood. The home that was once full of laughter and laughter is now only two lonely graves.

This trip home is not only a warm reunion, but also a painful farewell. Yang Niuhua found her roots, but lost the opportunity to reunite with her parents forever.

This complex emotion will become an indelible imprint for the rest of her life.

In 21, the woman returned home after being abducted for many years and found that her parents had died: her parents, and the traffickers had caught them

The lost family affection brought comfort, but it also inspired Yang Niuhua's inner sense of justice. She is determined to get justice for her parents and bring to justice the trafficker who ruined her family.

This thought took root in her heart and gradually became a new goal in her life.

In January 2022, with the full support of her family and lawyer, Yang Niuhua mustered up the courage to submit detailed report materials to the Bijie Police Station in Guizhou. She clearly described how she was abducted and what the trafficker looked like.

This face lingered in her memory, becoming a nightmare that she had lingered for 26 years.

In 21, the woman returned home after being abducted for many years and found that her parents had died: her parents, and the traffickers had caught them

The police accepted Yang Niuhua's report and began an inter-provincial investigation. The police in Guizhou worked tirelessly and traveled thousands of miles to Handan, Hebei Province, where they worked closely with the local police to follow the line.

Through an in-depth investigation of the middleman who bought Yang Niuhua that year, the police finally locked up the suspect Yu who was hiding in Chongqing.

It is gratifying that just 24 days later, 59-year-old Yu fell into the legal net. In July 2022, when Yang Niuhua stood in the police station and faced a row of suspects, she did not hesitate to identify Yu.

The face that gave her nightmares 26 years ago is finally about to pay for her crimes.

In 21, the woman returned home after being abducted for many years and found that her parents had died: her parents, and the traffickers had caught them

"This man, that's him!" Yang Niuhua's voice trembled a little, but her tone was firm, "I will never forget this face." "

As the investigation deepened, the police found that Yu was not the first time to commit a crime. Since 2004, he has been abducting and trafficking children in Yunnan and other places. This discovery made Yang Niuhua more determined to pursue it to the end.

She hopes that through her actions, she can bring a glimmer of hope to other victims' families.

The progress of the case gave Yang Niuhua some comfort. She came to her parents' grave again, gently stroked the cold stone tablet, and whispered, "Mom and Dad, you can rest in peace."

In 21, the woman returned home after being abducted for many years and found that her parents had died: her parents, and the traffickers had caught them

The person who hurt us will finally be punished.

Although she can't change the past, Yang Niuhua believes that this victory will at least bring some comfort to her parents' spirits in the sky. At the same time, she hopes that her experience will draw attention to the problem of child trafficking and bring more victims like her home.

The story of Yang Niuhua is not only a person's joys and sorrows, but also a warning to the whole society. Her perseverance and courage have contributed to the fight against child trafficking.

Although she can't make up for the lost 26 years, Yang Niuhua believes that through the sanction of the law, she can finally get justice for her parents and turn a new page in her life.

In 21, the woman returned home after being abducted for many years and found that her parents had died: her parents, and the traffickers had caught them

After experiencing the joy of loss and irreparable regret, Yang Niuhua's heart is full of complex emotions. She is grateful to her adoptive parents because it was their love that allowed her to grow up healthy in an unfamiliar environment.

Whenever the festival comes, the adoptive father will always carefully prepare gifts and red envelopes to make Yang Niuhua feel the warmth of home. Even after she got married, her adoptive father often saved money and prepared delicious meals for her.

This selfless love made Yang Niuhua feel deeply warm, and also made her understand the true meaning of family.

However, the longing and guilt of her original family always lingered in her heart. She often imagines what her life would have been like if she hadn't been abducted. Are the parents still alive? These assumptions kept her awake at night.

In 21, the woman returned home after being abducted for many years and found that her parents had died: her parents, and the traffickers had caught them

Yang Niuhua struggles to balance her feelings for both families, and this inner struggle becomes an inevitable part of her life.

Despite this, Yang Niuhua was not crushed by grief. On the contrary, her experience has made her cherish her current life even more, and it has also given her a deeper understanding and support for the fight against trafficking.

She began to think about how she could use her experience to help others who had suffered similar fates.

"I hope that my story will be a wake-up call to more people," Ms. Yang said in an interview, "and that we will not let the tragedy happen again." Every child deserves to grow up healthy and happy in their own family.

In 21, the woman returned home after being abducted for many years and found that her parents had died: her parents, and the traffickers had caught them

Looking forward to the future, Yang Niuhua hopes to participate in public welfare activities against child trafficking and use her own personal experience to help the families of other victims. She believes that with the joint efforts of all sectors of society, one day, the word "abducted" will no longer appear in any family.

This once broken family is now being reborn in another way. The story of Yang Niuhua is not only a personal joys and sorrows, but also a warning and appeal to the whole society.

Her story reminds us that the safety of every child is a matter of concern to society as a whole, and we need to work together to protect it.

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