
Tuo Zonghua debuted at the age of 8, dated Wu Qianlian for 12 years, was violent to his ex-wife, and now he has remarried and had children

author:Fun facts classic stew
Tuo Zonghua debuted at the age of 8, dated Wu Qianlian for 12 years, was violent to his ex-wife, and now he has remarried and had children
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Tuo Zonghua debuted at the age of 8, dated Wu Qianlian for 12 years, was violent to his ex-wife, and now he has remarried and had children

In the Taiwanese entertainment industry, Tuo Zonghua's name is like a legend. His life is like a movie with ups and downs, from an 8-year-old child star to a Golden Bell Award actor, it seems to have performed a perfect success story.

However, behind this dazzling aura, there is a sighing haze.

Tuo Zonghua's love life is equally striking. The 12-year relationship with Wu Qianlian was once a good story in the entertainment industry, but in the end it failed to achieve positive results. The subsequent marriage fell to a low point, and the accusation of domestic violence against his ex-wife made the image of the former idol plummet.

However, fate always seems to be playing tricks on him, and after remarrying, Tuo Zonghua ushered in a newborn son, as if a new chapter in his life had been opened.

Tuo Zonghua debuted at the age of 8, dated Wu Qianlian for 12 years, was violent to his ex-wife, and now he has remarried and had children

From a child star to an actor, from a high-profile romance to a controversial marriage, to a later restructured family, Tuo Zonghua's life is like a dramatic feature-length movie.

What kind of experience has shaped this complex artist? His story, perhaps like so many of the characters he has played, is full of contradictions and struggles, laughter and tears.

Let's unravel the veil of his legendary life and explore this mystery called Tuo Zonghua.

In the golden autumn of October 1962, Tuo Zonghua was born in a family full of artistic atmosphere. His parents are the backbone of the entertainment industry, which planted the seeds for his future acting career.

Tuo Zonghua debuted at the age of 8, dated Wu Qianlian for 12 years, was violent to his ex-wife, and now he has remarried and had children

However, no one expected that the god of fate would favor this boy so much that he stepped into the hall of acting at the age of 8.

In 1973, by chance, the young Tuo Zonghua got the opportunity to play the male protagonist Qingmao in the movie "Mother Thirty Years Old". Standing in front of the camera for the first time, Xiao Tuo Zonghua showed amazing talent.

Director Song Cunshou saw the potential of this child at a glance and called him "a natural actor Puyu". This experience not only opened the door to Tuo Zonghua's acting, but also planted a love for acting in his young heart.

In order to hone his acting skills, Tuo Zonghua entered the Guoguang Drama Art Experimental School. Here, he hungrily absorbed the nutrients of acting, laying a solid foundation for his future acting career.

Tuo Zonghua debuted at the age of 8, dated Wu Qianlian for 12 years, was violent to his ex-wife, and now he has remarried and had children

During his studies, Tuo Zonghua showed professionalism and professionalism far beyond his peers, which made people look forward to his future.

In 1986, 24-year-old Tuo Zonghua ushered in the first peak of his acting career. The movie "Report Squad Leader" starring him caused a sensation as soon as it was released.

With his handsome appearance and superb acting skills, Tuo Zonghua has won the reputation of "the first squad leader in the world". This movie not only hit an amazing box office, but also made Tuo Zonghua a hot young actor at that time.

From an 8-year-old child star to the "first squad leader in the world", Tuo Zonghua has spent 16 years proving that he is not only a potential child star, but also a powerful actor who can carry the whole movie.

Tuo Zonghua debuted at the age of 8, dated Wu Qianlian for 12 years, was violent to his ex-wife, and now he has remarried and had children

This experience, like a bright rising star, pointed out the direction for his future acting career, and also let us see the growth trajectory of an actor. Tuo Zonghua's story seems to tell us that talent is important, but perseverance and hard work are equally indispensable.

After becoming famous, Tuo Zonghua did not rest on his laurels. He knows that in order to gain a long-term foothold in the ever-changing entertainment industry, it is not enough to rely on appearance. With this awareness, he began to take the initiative to seek breakthroughs, challenge various different types of roles, and embarked on the road of transformation from an idol to a powerful actor.

In 1987, the opportunity came. Tuo Zonghua received a very challenging role - playing a "little white face" in the movie "Osmanthus Lane". This character is very different from the sunny image he has created in the past, and is a negative character who is idle and relies on women to live.

At that time, many people advised him to think carefully, fearing that this role would ruin his painstaking image. However, Tuo Zonghua saw an opportunity to break through himself in this role.

Tuo Zonghua debuted at the age of 8, dated Wu Qianlian for 12 years, was violent to his ex-wife, and now he has remarried and had children

In order to play this role well, Tuo Zonghua has made unimaginable efforts. He delves into the psychology of the characters and meticulously portrays the external manifestations of the characters. In the end, he succeeded in creating a character that was both pathetic and hateful, which was well received by the audience and industry insiders alike.

This attempt not only did not ruin his acting career, but made a qualitative leap in his acting skills.

In 1994, Tuo Zonghua ushered in another important turning point. In the movie "Heavenly Rebel", he played the protagonist Key. This role requires him to show a complex inner world and rich emotional layers.

In order to perfectly interpret this role, Tuo Zonghua has put in extraordinary efforts.

Tuo Zonghua debuted at the age of 8, dated Wu Qianlian for 12 years, was violent to his ex-wife, and now he has remarried and had children

During the filming, there was a scene that required Tuo Zonghua to be in tears as soon as he appeared on the stage, and then let the tears slide down after he finished his lines. This seemingly simple shot, Tuo Zonghua has shot it many times.

Even though the director thinks it's okay, he still insists on trying again, just to present the perfect result. This kind of dedication and rigor to art not only touched everyone in the crew, but also allowed the audience to see a new Tuo Zonghua.

Through the attempts and breakthroughs of these roles, Tuo Zonghua has successfully realized the transformation from an idol to a powerful actor. He proved with practical actions that he is not only a star with a handsome appearance, but also an excellent actor who can control various roles.

This experience, like a difficult butterfly change, Tuo Zonghua grew up in the challenge, and found his own path of interpretation in the breakthrough. His story tells us that only by constantly challenging ourselves can we go further on the road of acting.

Tuo Zonghua debuted at the age of 8, dated Wu Qianlian for 12 years, was violent to his ex-wife, and now he has remarried and had children

After years of tempering and accumulation, Tuo Zonghua's acting career finally ushered in a highlight moment. In 2005, with his outstanding performance in the TV series "Lonely Love Flower", he won the Golden Bell Award for Best Actor.

This award is not only an affirmation of his years of hard work, but also marks that his status in Taiwan's entertainment industry has reached a new height.

However, Tuo Zonghua did not stop there. He has always maintained his love and spirit of exploration for his acting career. In addition to continuing to work in the field of film and television, he also extended his tentacles to the field of music.

Tuo Zonghua has successively released many albums such as "The Wind and the Clouds", "Embrace", and "Worry About You", showing a versatile side. Although his achievements in the field of music are not as brilliant as those in the film and television industry, this spirit of experimentation and exploration has undoubtedly enriched Tuo Zonghua's artistic life.

Tuo Zonghua debuted at the age of 8, dated Wu Qianlian for 12 years, was violent to his ex-wife, and now he has remarried and had children

Even in the most glorious period of his career, Tuo Zonghua still maintained his enthusiasm and rigorous attitude towards acting. He once admitted in an interview that although he has participated in the filming of many film and television works, there are very few roles that really satisfy him.

This attitude of never being satisfied and constantly pursuing is the key to supporting his long-term prosperity in the entertainment industry.

Tuo Zonghua's success is not only reflected in the number of awards he has won and the number of works he has participated in, but also in his persistent pursuit of art and his courage to constantly break through himself.

From child stars to actors, from movies to TV series, and then to the field of music, Tuo Zonghua has used his practical actions to interpret what a real artist is.

Tuo Zonghua debuted at the age of 8, dated Wu Qianlian for 12 years, was violent to his ex-wife, and now he has remarried and had children

His experience, like an inspirational biopic, is full of hardships, sweat, but also harvest and joy. Tuo Zonghua's story tells us that success is not achieved overnight, but requires continuous efforts and exploration.

His multifaceted development also inspires us that a true artist should have the courage to try different art forms and constantly expand his artistic boundaries. The pinnacle of Tuo Zonghua's career is not only his personal achievement, but also an example worth learning from for the entire Taiwanese entertainment industry.

Tuo Zonghua's love life is as dramatic as his acting career. While studying at Guoguang Drama Art Experimental School, the young Tuo Zonghua met his first love, Lin Xiuling, a student from the same school.

This youthful relationship lasted for eight years, and it was as beautiful as a fairy tale. However, when Tuo Zonghua fulfilled his military service obligations and temporarily left the campus, fate played a cruel joke on him.

Tuo Zonghua debuted at the age of 8, dated Wu Qianlian for 12 years, was violent to his ex-wife, and now he has remarried and had children

Niu Chengze took advantage of the situation and finally snatched Lin Xiuling's heart. This failed first love experience left a deep pain for the young Tuo Zonghua, and also buried hidden worries for his future love life.

The failure of first love did not make Tuo Zonghua lose confidence in love. Soon after, he fell in love with the famous actress Wu Qianlian and started a 12-year relationship.

This relationship was once favored by the outside world, and Tuo Zonghua also publicly expressed his desire to marry Wu Qianlian many times. The two were even photographed traveling to Vietnam together to buy real estate, and it seems that marriage is close at hand.

However, the reality is always unsatisfactory, and in the end, the two chose to break up peacefully because they were busy with their respective careers. The end of this relationship once again brought a heavy blow to Tuo Zonghua's heart.

Tuo Zonghua debuted at the age of 8, dated Wu Qianlian for 12 years, was violent to his ex-wife, and now he has remarried and had children

However, the emotional setback did not make Tuo Zonghua give up the pursuit of love. Less than a year after the breakup, he married Chen Si, an outsider who was 15 years younger than him, and soon welcomed two lovely daughters.

At first, this marriage seemed happy and happy, and Tuo Zonghua seemed to have finally found his own harbor. However, the reality is far from being as rosy as the outside world thinks.

With the passage of time, Tuo Zonghua was repeatedly exposed to domestic violence against his wife, and even triggered the police to intervene in the investigation. The accusations have seriously damaged Mr. Tuo's public image and cast a shadow over the marriage.

In March 2015, this controversial marriage finally ended in divorce, adding another regret to Tuo Zonghua's life.

Tuo Zonghua debuted at the age of 8, dated Wu Qianlian for 12 years, was violent to his ex-wife, and now he has remarried and had children

Tuo Zonghua's love life is like a movie with mixed joys and sorrows, from the young first love, to the vigorous star romance, and then to the marriage that ended in tragedy.

These experiences not only had a huge impact on his life, but also influenced the public's perception of him to a certain extent. Tuo Zonghua's story tells us that even glamorous stars can look vulnerable and helpless in the face of feelings.

His experience may make us reflect on how to manage our love life and achieve true fulfillment in life while pursuing career success.

Despite the emotional setbacks, Tuo Zonghua did not give up the pursuit of happiness. In 2018, a surprising news came: Tuo Zonghua and a woman from Indonesia quietly entered the marriage hall.

Tuo Zonghua debuted at the age of 8, dated Wu Qianlian for 12 years, was violent to his ex-wife, and now he has remarried and had children

This marriage soon bore the fruit of love, and Tuo Zonghua was happy to have a noble son, and at the age of 56, he became a father again.

This hard-won small family seems to have brought new hope and motivation to Tuo Zonghua's life. Once controversial, he seems to have found a new direction in life.

However, restarting a family does not mean that Tuo Zonghua has given up his acting career. On the contrary, he said that he will continue to devote himself to the entertainment industry, because it is not only his passion, but also his responsibility as a father.

Today, Tuo Zonghua is trying to find a balance between family and career. While taking care of the children with all his heart, he continues to shine in the entertainment industry.

Tuo Zonghua debuted at the age of 8, dated Wu Qianlian for 12 years, was violent to his ex-wife, and now he has remarried and had children

Although the past controversies have had a certain impact on his image, Tuo Zonghua is trying to reshape his public image with his actions.

Tuo Zonghua's story tells us that there is no perfection in life, but there is always a chance to start over. Even if we have fallen, we can still get up and keep going.

His experience also reminds us not to forget to manage our own family life while pursuing career success. Only by finding a balance between career and family can you achieve true fulfillment in life.

Today's Tuo Zonghua is facing the challenges of life as a mature man, striving to be a good husband and father, while not forgetting his original intention and continuing to pursue excellence in his acting career.

Tuo Zonghua debuted at the age of 8, dated Wu Qianlian for 12 years, was violent to his ex-wife, and now he has remarried and had children

His story may give some inspiration and courage to those who are struggling at the low point of life, telling them that no matter what setbacks we encounter, life will always give us a chance to start over.

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