
No one expected that Zhu Lin, who had been "Dink" all her life at the age of 71, would eventually become a winner in life!

author:Amin Entertainment Online

The "King of the Daughter Country"

Time flies, time flies, and nearly 40 years have passed since the broadcast of the 86 version of "Journey to the West".

This classic carries the childhood memories of several generations, and the characters in the play are also deeply engraved in the minds of the audience.

Among them, the gentle and graceful, dignified and atmospheric image of the king of the daughter country has become the "white moonlight" in the hearts of countless people, and the actor Zhu Lin, who played this role, also became the "national goddess" of that era with her superb acting skills and outstanding temperament.

No one expected that Zhu Lin, who had been "Dink" all her life at the age of 71, would eventually become a winner in life!

In the era when there is no modern medical beauty, PS and filters, Zhu Lin's beauty is so natural and real, it amazes the time and softens the years.

Even in the 86 version of "Journey to the West", her beauty is still unforgettable and has become an eternal classic in the hearts of countless audiences.

The glory of the career and the twists and turns of the marriage

However, what many people don't know is that the acting career of the "King of the Daughter Country" is not all smooth sailing, before starring in "Journey to the West", Zhu Lin has been in the entertainment industry for several years, but she has never met a role that can make her an instant hit.

It wasn't until 1985 that the director cast for "Journey to the West", and he fell in love with Zhu Lin in the photo at a glance, thinking that her dignified and elegant temperament perfectly matched the role of the king of the daughter country.

No one expected that Zhu Lin, who had been "Dink" all her life at the age of 71, would eventually become a winner in life!

When she received the invitation of director Yang Jie, Zhu Lin was in a short gap in her career, and in the face of this extremely challenging role, Zhu Lin did not hesitate at all, she was eager to break through herself, unwilling to be mediocre, and resolutely joined the crew of "Journey to the West".

Facts have proved that the director's vision is unique, and Zhu Lin also perfectly interpreted the role of the king of the daughter country with superb acting skills, and vividly interpreted her gentleness, affection, and infatuation, which has become a classic in the minds of several generations.

No one expected that Zhu Lin, who had been "Dink" all her life at the age of 71, would eventually become a winner in life!

However, just when her career was soaring, Zhu Lin made a bold decision - to fade out of the entertainment industry and focus on her family.

It turned out that as early as the age of 20, Zhu Lin entered the palace of marriage with a man who was also engaged in art work. The two came together because of their common hobbies and pursuits, and their married life was sweet and happy.

No one expected that Zhu Lin, who had been "Dink" all her life at the age of 71, would eventually become a winner in life!

But as Zhu Lin's acting career became more and more prosperous, the husband and wife got together less and separated more, the common topics gradually decreased, and the relationship also cracked, and in the end, this marriage ended in divorce.

Scandal and clarification: Calmly face the gossip

After the divorce, Zhu Lin devoted all her energy to her work and ushered in the peak of her career.

No one expected that Zhu Lin, who had been "Dink" all her life at the age of 71, would eventually become a winner in life!

However, fate always seems to like to joke, and during Zhu Lin's filming of "Journey to the West", she had an affair with Xu Shaohua, the actor of Tang Seng in the play.

The audience was too deeply involved in the play, thinking that the two were talented and beautiful, and they were born a pair, and there were even rumors that Zhu Lin broke down because she fell in love with Xu Shaohua.

In the face of gossip from the outside world, Zhu Lin remained silent and did not respond.

No one expected that Zhu Lin, who had been "Dink" all her life at the age of 71, would eventually become a winner in life!

Many years later, she publicly clarified in an interview, saying that she and Xu Shaohua were just ordinary friends, and there was no emotional entanglement between the two.

She admitted frankly that she chose to divorce because she was incompatible with her ex-husband's personality, and she got together less and separated more, not as rumored by the outside world.

Reunite with your first love and choose a "Dink" life

After a failed marriage, Zhu Lin became more cautious about love and marriage, until 1993, when she reunited with her first boyfriend in middle school, the two rekindled their old love, and finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. After marriage, Zhu Lin chose to return to the family and lived a life of husband and children.

No one expected that Zhu Lin, who had been "Dink" all her life at the age of 71, would eventually become a winner in life!

However, fate seems to have played a joke on her again, and after many years of marriage, Zhu Lin has never had children.

There is a lot of discussion in the outside world, some people speculate that Zhu Lin missed the best age for childbearing because of work, and some people speculate that she is worried that childbirth will affect her figure and career development.

In the face of doubts and speculation from the outside world, Zhu Lin and her husband have always kept a low profile and never publicly explained the reason.

No one expected that Zhu Lin, who had been "Dink" all her life at the age of 71, would eventually become a winner in life!

It was only in recent years that Zhu Lin revealed in an interview that she and her husband were "Dink family", and choosing not to have children was a joint decision of the husband and wife.

She admits that children are not the only criterion for marital happiness, she and her husband enjoy the world of the two of them very much, and life without children is equally wonderful and fulfilling.

Age gracefully and live a wonderful life

Today, 71-year-old Zhu Lin has faded out of the entertainment industry for many years, but she still maintains an elegant temperament and a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, she loves life, likes to travel, read, photography, and participates in some public welfare activities in her spare time.

No one expected that Zhu Lin, who had been "Dink" all her life at the age of 71, would eventually become a winner in life!

Although she has no children, she and her husband have a very deep relationship, and the two support each other, and have gone through decades of ups and downs hand in hand, and have become the envy of many people.

Looking back on Zhu Lin's life, from the "national goddess" to the "Dink family", she has always adhered to her own choice and is not swayed by the world's eyes.

Zhu Lin's story is a mirror that reflects the diverse definitions of happiness and success in contemporary society, challenging entrenched traditional notions. Her life trajectory is not to blindly follow the established "script" of society, but to choose bravely and live a wonderful self.

No one expected that Zhu Lin, who had been "Dink" all her life at the age of 71, would eventually become a winner in life!

1. Career and family: It's not a fish and a bear's paw

Traditionally, women's success is often closely linked to marriage and family, but Zhu Lin's life experience shows another possibility. She chose to return to her family during the rise of her career, and after experiencing the twists and turns of her marriage, she resumed her career and finally achieved brilliant achievements in her acting career. This shows that women can freely choose the proportion of career and family at different stages of life, according to their own circumstances and inner desires, and find their own balance, rather than being bound by traditional concepts.

No one expected that Zhu Lin, who had been "Dink" all her life at the age of 71, would eventually become a winner in life!

2. Love and marriage: not the only destination

Zhu Lin's emotional experience is also quite representative, after experiencing a failed marriage, she did not choose to settle, but bravely pursued true love, and finally reunited with her first love and reaped happiness. More importantly, she and her husband chose the "Dink" lifestyle together, breaking the traditional concepts of "raising children to prevent old age" and "passing on the ancestry", proving that marital happiness does not have to be built on the basis of having children, and two people can also have a wonderful and fulfilling world for two.

No one expected that Zhu Lin, who had been "Dink" all her life at the age of 71, would eventually become a winner in life!

3. Age gracefully: Live your life and be wonderful

Today, Zhu Lin, who is over seventy years old, still maintains an elegant temperament and a positive and optimistic attitude to life, she loves life, enjoys life, and will live every day to the fullest and meaningful, which shows that age is just a number, it cannot stop a person's love and pursuit of life. Even if you are no longer young, even if you don't have children, you can still live your wonderful self and enjoy every moment of life.

No one expected that Zhu Lin, who had been "Dink" all her life at the age of 71, would eventually become a winner in life!

Zhu Lin's story is like a bowl of chicken soup for the soul, warming everyone who is lost and confused on the road of life. She shows us that there is no standard answer to life, and there is not only one definition of happiness. Bravely pursue the life you want and live your own wonderful life, this is the true meaning of life!

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