
The new batch of lunar soil list announced: Harbin Institute of Technology received 1330 mg, how much did Tsinghua University and Peking University get?

author:Ice on entertainment


In this era of the sea of stars, the moon is no longer a distant dream, but a stage for Chinese astronauts to explore in a down-to-earth manner.

Recently, an "interstellar feast" about lunar soil has once again detonated the topic, which makes people wonder why this seemingly inconspicuous "moon dust" makes major universities covetous? Listen to me.

The new batch of lunar soil list announced: Harbin Institute of Technology received 1330 mg, how much did Tsinghua University and Peking University get?

Lunar Soil Samples: Space Delicacies, the "Moonlight Treasure Box" of the Scientific Research Community

After traveling hundreds of thousands of kilometers through interstellar delivery, Chang'e-6 triumphantly carried precious lunar soil samples, which are not ordinary soils, they carry the ancient secrets of the solar system, and are the key to uncovering the past of the moon and even the earth.

You must know that behind every grain of lunar soil is the crystallization of countless days and nights of hard work and high technology of aerospace engineers.

The new batch of lunar soil list announced: Harbin Institute of Technology received 1330 mg, how much did Tsinghua University and Peking University get?

They help scientists peel back the layers of the moon's mysteries like detectives, explore the mystery of the birth of the solar system, the childhood memories of the Earth, and maybe even hide the treasure map of the new energy source, helium-3.

The new batch of lunar soil list announced: Harbin Institute of Technology received 1330 mg, how much did Tsinghua University and Peking University get?

The distribution list is revealed: Harbin Institute of Technology dominates

This lunar soil allocation is simply a "lunar soil Oscar" in the academic community.

When the China National Space Administration announced the list, Harbin Institute of Technology stood out with a "grand slam" of 1330 mg, as if it was a VIP at the moon party, and people couldn't help but exclaim: "Is this going to have a lunar soil party?" In contrast, Shandong University is a close second, with a share of about 1,000 milligrams.

The new batch of lunar soil list announced: Harbin Institute of Technology received 1330 mg, how much did Tsinghua University and Peking University get?

What is surprising is that Tsinghua University is not on the guest list, and Peking University's 300 mg is particularly precious.

This distribution is even more touching than the score line of the college entrance examination!

The new batch of lunar soil list announced: Harbin Institute of Technology received 1330 mg, how much did Tsinghua University and Peking University get?

Harbin Institute of Technology: The "old driver" of the aerospace circle

When it comes to Harbin Institute of Technology, it is an "evergreen" in the aerospace scientific research community.

From the precise navigation of the Chang'e series to the steady pace of the lunar rover, Harbin Institute of Technology is like the "strongest brain" of aerospace engineering, always showing its tricks at critical moments.

The new batch of lunar soil list announced: Harbin Institute of Technology received 1330 mg, how much did Tsinghua University and Peking University get?

Their techniques, such as the probe's "dance step" calculations, are as subtle as waltzing on the moon.

Not to mention the research and development of the "Tiandu-2" satellite, which is simply a "technology flow Internet celebrity" in the satellite.

Even the materials that encapsulate the lunar soil are the work of their chemists, protecting these interstellar messengers from returning to Earth intact.

No wonder, the lunar soil is so divided, and the strength is there!

The new batch of lunar soil list announced: Harbin Institute of Technology received 1330 mg, how much did Tsinghua University and Peking University get?

Qingbei: "Alternative Scenery" on the Road to Scientific Research

The absence of Tsinghua University and Peking University or a small amount of accounting makes people wonder if the two scholars changed careers to study Martian potatoes? No, no, each school's research layout has its own strategic considerations.

Tsinghua may be busy with other cosmic-level mega projects, temporarily rubbing shoulders with lunar soil; The 300 mg of Peking University may be the "finishing touch" of a specific project, indicating their unique perspective and in-depth excavation in the study of lunar matter.

After all, in the world of scientific research, quality is not quantity, and every gram of lunar soil can bloom a spark of wisdom.

The new batch of lunar soil list announced: Harbin Institute of Technology received 1330 mg, how much did Tsinghua University and Peking University get?

Justice and Science: The "Scales" of Lunar Soil Allocation

When the China National Space Administration distributed those precious lunar specialties, it was simply a reproduction of "Bao Qingtian" in the Moon Palace, which was extremely fair and very wise.

They distribute lunar soil, do not form small circles, and do not simply look at whose relationship with the moon is iron-clad, but wide-eyed, to see whose scientific research projects have real kung fu, and who can use these lunar soils to conjure more scientific and technological magic.

The new batch of lunar soil list announced: Harbin Institute of Technology received 1330 mg, how much did Tsinghua University and Peking University get?

In this way, those scientific research teams with big brains and down-to-earth can get the "mysterious formula" for exploring the universe in minutes as if they were favored by the moon goddess.

This kind of distribution mechanism is like engaging in a high-level scientific research draft, which not only does not let any star dust be wasted on the project of "playing soy sauce", but also makes the competition in the entire aerospace circle fierce and full of positive energy.

The new batch of lunar soil list announced: Harbin Institute of Technology received 1330 mg, how much did Tsinghua University and Peking University get?

In this way, not only are our country's scientific research resources like rockets filled with fuel, swishing and soaring, but also a red carpet has been laid out for friends who want to explore the universe together in the future, and the invitations are ready: "Come on, you can take a copy if you have the ability, let's chase that big dream of aerospace together!" ”

The new batch of lunar soil list announced: Harbin Institute of Technology received 1330 mg, how much did Tsinghua University and Peking University get?

This approach is like telling everyone: on the journey of the sea of stars in aerospace, as long as you have materials, dreams, and actions, the China National Space Administration is the most fair and intelligent "Yue Lao", matchmaking, helping you to help, so that more aerospace small flames have the opportunity to start a prairie fire, so that our "aerospace dream" spacecraft can successfully set sail one after another!

The new batch of lunar soil list announced: Harbin Institute of Technology received 1330 mg, how much did Tsinghua University and Peking University get?

The "runner" of the sea of stars

For colleges and universities, these "native products" from the moon are not just ordinary "mud" in the laboratory.

The new batch of lunar soil list announced: Harbin Institute of Technology received 1330 mg, how much did Tsinghua University and Peking University get?

They are simply the "energy bars" of aerospace disciplines, adding full horsepower to academic research, making the eyes of students and professors shine, as if the "panacea" dreamed of by masters in the martial arts world.

The new batch of lunar soil list announced: Harbin Institute of Technology received 1330 mg, how much did Tsinghua University and Peking University get?

These lunar soils are in the hands of scientists, just like superheroes getting exclusive equipment, which can not only make the "martial arts cheats" of aerospace knowledge more rich and diverse, but also hatch groups of future "interstellar cowboys", all with unique skills, ready to show their strength on the big stage of lunar scientific research stations and deep space exploration, and stage a realistic version of "interstellar".

The new batch of lunar soil list announced: Harbin Institute of Technology received 1330 mg, how much did Tsinghua University and Peking University get?

And guess what? Maybe one day, these inconspicuous lunar soils will hide the "golden key" to open a new era of the universe, and a series of "black technologies" will be born, allowing our aerospace dreams to fly higher and farther.

Just like watching science fiction movies when I was a child, those cool spaceships and alien bases may be the descendants of these "lunar specialties" in the future!

The new batch of lunar soil list announced: Harbin Institute of Technology received 1330 mg, how much did Tsinghua University and Peking University get?

Don't underestimate these lunar soils, they are the "runners" of our aerospace disciplines, helping our "interstellar explorers" to accelerate their sprint on the journey of the sea of stars, so that our China can run faster and smile brighter in the competition of space exploration!

The new batch of lunar soil list announced: Harbin Institute of Technology received 1330 mg, how much did Tsinghua University and Peking University get?


This "interstellar situation" of lunar soil allocation is not only a recognition of the scientific research strength of Harbin Institute of Technology and other universities, but also a microcosm of the mainland's aerospace industry.

On the journey of the sea of stars, each participant has its own unique light.

Let us look forward to the exploration of this sea of stars, heroes from all walks of life will go hand in hand, with wisdom and sweat, to jointly write a new chapter in China's aerospace! After all, the vast universe is wonderful because of you and me!