
It's so relieving! Australian professor: Lunar soil specimens should be shared all over the world, netizens replied domineeringly

author:Ice on entertainment


On this planet, whenever night falls, people look up at the bright moon, and people can always inspire infinite reverie.

Now, China's Chang'e-6 probe, like a brave explorer, has not only brought human attention to the other side of the moon - the mysterious back of the moon, but also returned with a full load, bringing precious lunar soil samples back to Earth, making this ancient fantasy a reality.

It's so relieving! Australian professor: Lunar soil specimens should be shared all over the world, netizens replied domineeringly

The glorious achievements of Chang'e-6: the footsteps of space giants

Imagine that this is a feat comparable to that of Chang'e to the moon in ancient mythology, but this time, we are not relying on elixir, but on the power of modern technology.

The research and development of Chang'e-6 has brought together the efforts of thousands of aerospace scientists, who are like a group of persistent dream weavers, weaving the grand plan of flying with the silk thread of wisdom.

It's so relieving! Australian professor: Lunar soil specimens should be shared all over the world, netizens replied domineeringly

According to incomplete statistics, the project cost billions of yuan, and every penny is accurately invested in the forefront of technological innovation.

Landing on the far side of the moon is by no means an easy task, it is a "no man's land" in the space industry.

During the flight, Chang'e-6 is like a meteor passing through a dark forest, not only to overcome extreme temperature differences and complex terrain, but also to ensure that it lands with near-perfect accuracy.

It's so relieving! Australian professor: Lunar soil specimens should be shared all over the world, netizens replied domineeringly

It swept through space at a speed of several kilometers per second, and finally landed steadily in the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the far side of the moon with an error of no more than a few meters.

Those dust from the moon are not just cold stones, they are messengers of time, carrying the secrets of the moon and even the early solar system.

It's so relieving! Australian professor: Lunar soil specimens should be shared all over the world, netizens replied domineeringly

The 1,935.3 grams of lunar soil brought back by Chang'e-6 were enough to keep scientists awake at night with excitement, because these samples could reveal the geological structure of the moon, its composition, and even the origin and evolution of the universe.

It's so relieving! Australian professor: Lunar soil specimens should be shared all over the world, netizens replied domineeringly

The Professor's "Sharing Theory": An Oolong Appeal

Just as the world applauded China's aerospace achievements, Richard de Gries, a professor at an Australian university, was like an owl that suddenly broke into the ball, and put forward a shocking view: "Lunar soil should be shared by the whole world!" ”

This remark instantly exploded on the Internet, and people can't help but ask, did this professor just come back from Mars and didn't catch up with the "copyright law" lecture on Earth?

It's so relieving! Australian professor: Lunar soil specimens should be shared all over the world, netizens replied domineeringly

Behind Professor de Gris's remarks, there seems to be a lack of consideration for reality.

You must know that space exploration is not a child's game, and every step embodies the huge investment of the country and the hard work of scientific researchers.

Netizens replied: "According to your logic, should Australia's mineral resources also be shared globally?" Such rhetorical questions are both funny and direct, and make this discussion more colorful with folk wisdom.

It's so relieving! Australian professor: Lunar soil specimens should be shared all over the world, netizens replied domineeringly

Netizens' domineering response: "national heroes" on the Internet

On social media, netizens are all jokers, and they respond to Professor Degris's remarks with humor and wit, and every reply is like a small rocket launched, hitting the point.

For example, "If the lunar soil is to be shared, then next time we want to 'share' one of Australia's wool sweaters." ”

It's so relieving! Australian professor: Lunar soil specimens should be shared all over the world, netizens replied domineeringly

Such an answer is both down-to-earth and full of irony, which makes the originally serious topic a little more relaxed and fun, and also allows the world to see the wisdom and cohesion of Chinese netizens.

It's so relieving! Australian professor: Lunar soil specimens should be shared all over the world, netizens replied domineeringly

Space Exploration: A Duo of Competition and Cooperation

Space, this vast and boundless stage, has never lacked the double melody of competition and cooperation.

Looking back, the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union, although tense, also gave birth to the feat of the first human landing on the moon.

Now, with the rise of emerging spacefaring nations, space is no longer just a playground for a few superpowers.

China, as a latecomer player, has proved its strength with the success of the Chang'e series, and at the same time expressed its willingness to work together with other countries.

It's so relieving! Australian professor: Lunar soil specimens should be shared all over the world, netizens replied domineeringly

China's aerospace: the journey of the stars and the sea

The successful return of Chang'e-6, a space explorer, is like a super-bright flashlight suddenly lit on our journey of China's aerospace, which not only illuminates the Reuters in front of us, but also makes the surrounding pebbles look particularly valuable for exploration.

This is not only a "boom" on the science and technology tree, but also a bumper harvest of our aerospace talents' "cultivation plan", as well as a tacit upgrade of international partners working hand in hand.

It's so relieving! Australian professor: Lunar soil specimens should be shared all over the world, netizens replied domineeringly

Our country is like the naughty child who always likes to climb high, looking at the vast "unknown paradise" above his head, and he has already planted a grand blueprint in his heart to build a space house, a space station, and go to Mars next door.

Moreover, every step is like stepping on a confident drumbeat, step by step, and the momentum of "I do it" is really uplifting!

It's so relieving! Australian professor: Lunar soil specimens should be shared all over the world, netizens replied domineeringly

In the space adventure of chasing stars and chasing the moon, China's aerospace is like the big brother next door who always likes to think about new things, holding the "black technology" he has drummed up in his hands, not only walking steadily, but also going far.

They firmly believe that innovation is a hard core power, and they have to rely on themselves to straighten their backs; But at the same time, he also generously opened his arms and said, "Come on, friends, let's fly together and share this interstellar party!" ”

It's so relieving! Australian professor: Lunar soil specimens should be shared all over the world, netizens replied domineeringly

Just like you and I when we were children, counting the stars in the night sky, our hearts were filled with 100,000 whys, and China's aerospace industry is the same, with full curiosity, exploring those itchy secrets of the universe.

However, this "explorer" is not alone, it understands the power of the team, and knows the truth that "everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high", so he sent a "team invitation" to the world, and together the mysterious veil of the universe was unveiled little by little.

It's so relieving! Australian professor: Lunar soil specimens should be shared all over the world, netizens replied domineeringly

This journey is not only a high-tech display, but also a global treasure hunt.

China Aerospace is like a team leader, holding a corner of the treasure map in his hand, and saying to friends all over the world: "Hey, brothers and sisters, let's join hands, heart to heart, and see who can find the surprise left to us by the universe first!" ”

It's so relieving! Australian professor: Lunar soil specimens should be shared all over the world, netizens replied domineeringly

Such an attitude not only maintains the innocent fun of exploration, but also shows the demeanor of a great country working together, which makes people want to give it a thumbs up and say: "This wave of operation, steady!" ”

It's so relieving! Australian professor: Lunar soil specimens should be shared all over the world, netizens replied domineeringly


The brilliance of Chang'e-6 is not only a technical and material victory, but also a spiritual and dream victory.

In the face of controversy, the Chinese people showed the demeanor of the citizens of a big country in a humorous and dignified way.

In the sea of stars in the future, the story of China's aerospace will be an exciting legend one after another, let us look forward to the slow unfolding of the cosmic picture scroll woven by courage and wisdom.

And for those voices who try to challenge the principle of fairness, we will also take a more resolute attitude to protect every star that belongs to us.

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