
Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

author:Flowers and flowers

The Yu Li incident has ended, but the former leaders of Southern Medical University have been investigated for corruption, and the official report has been announced

It turned out that there was a very famous doctor at Southern Medical University, because she was late, the school directly asked her to suspend classes, and as soon as this matter came out, her voice was discussed everywhere on the Internet.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

Then, just as everyone was still discussing this matter, Southern Medical University broke an even more shocking news: the boss of the university's infrastructure department was accused of corruption and is now under investigation.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

The news was like a big bomb, and it exploded on the campus with a bang, causing panic in the whole school. On the one hand, the doctor is late and suspended, and on the other hand, the infrastructure boss is investigated, what is going on? Southern Medical University: What's going on?

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

Dr. Yu Li did not follow up

Dr. Yu Li's matter, it doesn't seem to be a big deal, but it's actually quite serious. Think about it, a teacher is late for nearly half a class, 29 minutes, and a class is only 45 minutes. As a result, students naturally feel that they are greatly affected.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

However, if Dr. Yu Li was only late for personal matters, maybe everyone wouldn't have so much to say. The key is that she was busy saving people in the hospital at the time, and now, many people feel that the punishment for her is a bit unjust.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

Colleagues at the hospital say that Dr. Yu, a doctor who works in both the hospital and the school, really has to balance the two sides of the work. This means that she has to deal with the urgency of the hospital, but at the same time, she must not be late, because she has a heavy responsibility for both the patients and the students.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

At first, the school just said they were looking into it. But after the discussion, they decided to put Dr. Yu Li on hold, and there was no movement after that. This makes everyone wonder when Dr. Yu Li will be able to return to work, which feels particularly unfair.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

At this time, a new problem arose: the head of the school's infrastructure department was accused of corruption and was being investigated. As soon as this incident came out, everyone's attention shifted from Dr. Yu Li's late arrival to the problem of school management.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

Deng Mou, director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University, was investigated

At less than 8 p.m. on June 29, the Shantou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision released a message that made the night no longer so peaceful. The news is about Deng Changyuan, the former director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University, who is undergoing disciplinary review and investigation. For those who know a little bit about the inside story, the position of this director is not simple.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

The Infrastructure Division is responsible for the construction and renewal of the university's infrastructure, as well as the equipment used for teaching and research. In some schools, the Infrastructure Division is even responsible for tracking the progress of the project and allocating funds after completion. Therefore, although this position seems to have little responsibility, it is actually a lot of power and a lot of oil and water.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

Director Deng's matter is really not small, he not only violated discipline, but also violated the law, and it is quite serious. In particular, it should be pointed out that when this incident broke out, it happened to be the time when Southern Medical University was in an uproar because of the punishment of Teacher Yu Li.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

What do you think is the connection between these two things? Is there someone who is dissatisfied with Teacher Yu Li being punished, and then quietly reveals the bottom of Director Deng? Maybe that's right.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

Besides, although Deng Changyuan is the head of the infrastructure construction department, he is actually a middle-level leader with limited power. He can do such a big violation of discipline and law, is there no tacit approval and support from the leadership behind him? You know, without a bit of hard backstage, he wouldn't be able to sit on such a fat shortage.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

The mission of medical universities is not only to teach students how to be doctors, but more importantly, to teach them how to be human beings. Doctors not only need to have superb medical skills, but also have a benevolent heart, so as to be worthy of the title of "good doctor". However, in recent years, as corruption scandals have erupted, many university leaders have fallen because of the lure of money and power.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

This situation has led many people to doubt the quality of education in universities, after all, the overall atmosphere of a school is largely determined by the behavior of those leaders.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

Stick to your heart and stick to what you think is right

Indeed, whether it is Dr. Yu Li or the former director of infrastructure, both of them are quite famous in Southern Medical University. It's just that Dr. Yu Li is praised for his noble medical ethics, and the director has a bad reputation because of corruption.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

But that's not all that Southern Medical University should be focusing on. What schools need to think deeply about is what the relationship between the ethics and technology of medicine should be.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

I think that whether it is at Southern Medical University or other medical schools, medical ethics should be more important than technology. Only doctors who truly adhere to medical ethics, no matter how skilled they are, can bring real cure to patients.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

Southern Medical University: The only military hospital that has been renamed

Southern Medical University, a school that is usually highly rated, has a strong faculty and good affiliated hospital facilities. But recently, it has been widely controversial because of a penalty incident. The school said it was the lightest punishment ever given and that they were still meeting to discuss the matter.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

The history of this university has also been revealed. It was originally the First Military Medical University of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and was renamed Southern Medical University in 2004. There may be reasons for this change, as there is a difference between the military hospital system and the general medical system. Such a background is rare in universities.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

Netizens are hotly discussed

Some netizens commented: "It's not enough to catch one, it's really refreshing to pull out a radish and bring out a pile of mud." The Guangdong Commission for Discipline Inspection has done a good job, and everyone supports you in stepping up your efforts. I hope Mr. Yu can return to work soon! Someone replied that the principal had to be checked to see how much benefit the director of infrastructure had given the principal. ”

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

Another person said: "If you see so many cockroaches on the ground, there must be more cockroaches underground." Someone replied: After the director has finished checking, it is the turn of the principal and the secretary, they must be frightened, and they can't eat well and sleep. ”

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

Another netizen proposed: "If the investigation proves that Teacher Yu Li's behavior is impeccable, she should be commended so that she can set an example." People trained by medical science should first have a sense of mission to save lives and help the wounded! ”

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

Someone praised the person who revealed the truth: "If there really is such a rising sunrise crowd, I should really give him (her) a thumbs up, and I hope that more people will stand up and find out the school leaders to see who is doing the trick!" ”

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

Regarding the matter of the director of infrastructure, netizens also have a clear point of view: "The position of director of infrastructure construction of the university is both decent and powerful, and it is a good position." However, if you don't discipline yourself, you're prone to accidents. He seriously violated the law and discipline this time, and it may be that he used his power too much. The conclusions of our organizations are not guessing. ”

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

Some netizens said to the principal: "You should investigate whether there is a problem with the principal." The fact that it was handled so inhumanely this time shows that the principal may not be suitable for this position and should be removed. ”

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

Write at the end

Think about it, if an ambulance driver runs a red light in order to save a patient, the traffic police will not be fined. But the doctor was late for saving his life, and he was still fined. This kind of thing is obviously justified, and being punished will definitely cause everyone to discuss.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

Back in 1921, when Lin Qiaozhi was admitted to Union Medical College, she failed to complete the exam because she stopped to help other candidates. However, the examiner still took a fancy to her quality and recommended her to be admitted. If it were placed now, people like Lin Qiaozhi might not be so lucky.

Big deal! The "Yu Li Turmoil" has not subsided, and the director of the infrastructure department of Southern Medical University has an accident and is investigated by the disciplinary supervisor

Lin Qiaozhi's story makes people think, what was the original intention of opening a medical school?

What do you think about this?

From: Shantou Commission for Discipline Inspection