
The second empress of Qianlong: was treated as an enemy by the emperor, was not favored in the 15 years of reign, and ruined the rest of her life with one offense

author:The old wolf talks about history

In the long history of the Qing Dynasty, the Qianlong Emperor was famous for his eloquence and colorful harem life. However, beneath this glorious façade lies a little-known tragic story. Qianlong's second empress, the Wulanala clan, should have enjoyed all the glory and wealth, but she was neglected during her 15-year career as an empress, and was even regarded as an enemy by the emperor. Why is her fate so bumpy? What caused Qianlong to be so disgusted with her? During her 15-year reign, what kind of struggles and pains did she experience? In the end, what kind of offense completely ruined the rest of her life? Let's walk into this dusty history and uncover the truth behind the tragic fate of the Ulanala clan.

Born in the Qing Dynasty, the Manchuria Zhenghuang Banner family, his family has served the Qing court for generations, and is quite prestigious in the court. Her father was a prestigious general who had participated in many military campaigns and made great achievements. Such a family background laid a solid foundation for the Ulanala clan to enter the palace in the future.

From an early age, the Ulanala clan received a good education. She is not only proficient in Manchu and Chinese, but also good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. His gentle and virtuous personality is even more praised. In the Manchurian aristocratic circle at that time, the Ulanala clan could be described as an outstanding talent.

In the sixty-first year of Kangxi (1722), the ten-year-old Wulanala clan was elected to the palace and became the concubine of Hongli, the fourth son of Emperor Yongzheng. This year, Hongli was eleven years old and had just been named Baylor. The two are of the same age and get along well in the palace, and Hongli is quite fond of this intelligent and lovely concubine.

The second empress of Qianlong: was treated as an enemy by the emperor, was not favored in the 15 years of reign, and ruined the rest of her life with one offense

However, a twist of fate soon came. In the eighth year of Yongzheng (1730), Emperor Yongzheng suddenly announced the deposition of the crown prince and established Hongli as the crown prince. This change made the nineteen-year-old Hongli become the prince of the empire, and the status of the Ulanala clan also rose to become the crown prince.

During his years in the Crown Prince's Mansion, the Ulanala clan won the favor of Hongli with his gentle and virtuous personality and outstanding intelligence. She not only assisted Hongli in handling the affairs of the prefecture, but also gave support and encouragement to Hongli when he learned how to govern the country. During this period, the relationship between the two can be described as thriving.

In the thirteenth year of Yongzheng (1735), Emperor Yongzheng died, and Hongli succeeded to the throne as Emperor Qianlong. The Ulanala clan was also promoted to a noble concubine, becoming the second highest status in the harem after the queen. However, at this time, Ulanala did not realize that her life was about to usher in a huge turning point.

After Qianlong ascended the throne, the Wulanala clan thought that he was expected to become the queen. However, Qianlong chose Fucha as the queen of the main palace. Although this decision made the Ulanala clan feel a little disappointed, she did not show it. On the contrary, she served the emperor and empress with a more respectful attitude, winning praise from all over the palace.

For the next ten years, the Ulanala clan maintained the status of a noble concubine. She abides by her duties, never interferes in court politics, and does not compete with other concubines for favor. This low-key and modest way of doing things has allowed her to maintain a relatively stable position in the harem. However, she didn't know that fate was preparing a bigger stage for her, and at the same time a deeper abyss.

In the thirteenth year of Qianlong (1748), Empress Fucha, who was only 37 years old, died of a sudden illness. This change not only plunged Qianlong into deep grief, but also brought a huge turning point in the life trajectory of the Wulanala clan. However, at this time, she did not know that what awaited her would be a career as a queen full of snubbing and pain.

The second empress of Qianlong: was treated as an enemy by the emperor, was not favored in the 15 years of reign, and ruined the rest of her life with one offense

In March of the thirteenth year of Qianlong (1748), a sudden bad news shocked the entire Forbidden City. Empress Fucha, who was only 37 years old, died quietly in a sudden illness. This queen, who was favored by Qianlong, ended her short and glorious life in a hurry.

Empress Fucha, named Fucha Shoukang, was a native of Manchuria with the Yellow Flag. She has been smart and dignified since she was a child, and she is deeply loved by Qianlong. After Qianlong's accession to the throne, she was made empress, becoming the first Manchurian empress in the history of the Qing Dynasty. During her thirteen years as empress, Empress Fucha won the respect of the government and the opposition for her virtuous character and outstanding talents.

Empress Fucha not only balanced the relations of all parties with a gentle personality in the harem, but also actively participated in state affairs and solved problems for Qianlong. She has accompanied Qianlong on his southern tour many times, personally dealt with the people's suffering, and won the support of the people. In the palace, she was diligent and thrifty, leading by example, setting a good example for the harem. She was also keen on literature and art, and often recited poems and paintings with Qianlong, becoming Qianlong's closest spiritual companion.

The sudden death of Empress Fucha dealt a huge blow to Qianlong. According to the record of "Qing Shilu", after Qianlong learned the news of the queen's death, "the clinical cry was mourning and could not help himself". He personally wrote a memorial for the empress, in which the heart-wrenching words showed his deep affection for Empress Fucha.

In the memorial text, Qianlong recalled the time spent with Empress Fucha and praised her virtuous character. He wrote: "I have known the queen since childhood, and I have a close relationship. This sentence vividly depicts the deep bond that the two have established since their youth. Qianlong also praised Empress Fucha for "helping me to bow down internally and helping me externally", fully affirming her support and help to her in political affairs.

Qianlong's grief is not only reflected in words, but also in actions. He ordered a solemn funeral for Empress Fucha and personally supervised the construction of the mausoleum. During this period, Qianlong visited the mausoleum many times, and even personally designed part of the mausoleum building. This kind of behavior was extremely rare in the imperial etiquette system at that time, which fully reflected Qianlong's deep longing for Empress Fucha.

The second empress of Qianlong: was treated as an enemy by the emperor, was not favored in the 15 years of reign, and ruined the rest of her life with one offense

The death of Empress Fucha not only affected Qianlong's personal feelings, but also had a significant impact on the pattern of the entire harem. During the lifetime of Empress Fucha, the harem was in order, and the concubines lived in harmony. However, with the death of the queen, this balance was broken, and there was an undercurrent in the harem, and various forces began to compete in secret.

After losing his beloved, Qianlong became more sentimental. He often wandered alone in the Imperial Garden, reciting poetry. There is a poem called "Mourning the Queen", which vividly describes his state of mind: "When is the spring flower and autumn moon, and how much do you know about the past." Xiaolou had another east wind last night, so the country could not afford to look back at the moonlight. This poem is full of reminiscences of the past and thoughts of the deceased, showing the loneliness and pain in Qianlong's heart.

Empress Fucha's death not only affected Qianlong's personal life, but also had a profound impact on his ruling style. Having lost his closest companion and right-hand man, Qianlong became more cautious and suspicious in his handling of government affairs. He began to rely more on the ministers around him, and the status of people such as He Shen also rose because of this.

In the next few years, Qianlong has been immersed in the longing for Empress Fucha, and has always hesitated to oppose the new queen. This hesitation stems not only from his deep affection for Empress Fucha, but also from his concern about the order of the harem. However, as the king of a country, Qianlong understood that the middle palace could not be empty for a long time. After many persuasions from the Empress Dowager, he finally began to think about the matter after the establishment of the new one. This decision will bring a huge turning point in the fate of the Ulanala clan.

In the thirteenth year of Qianlong (1748), after Empress Fucha died of illness, the throne had been vacant for two years. Both the government and the opposition are watching when the emperor will be the new queen. In this sensitive period, there is an undercurrent in the harem, and various forces are ready to move, hoping to take this opportunity to improve their status.

However, Qianlong has always been hesitant to oppose the new queen. On the one hand, he is still immersed in the longing for Empress Fucha; On the other hand, he is also worried that Lixin will upset the existing harem balance. Under these circumstances, the Empress Dowager began to frequently propose to Qianlong to establish a queen.

The second empress of Qianlong: was treated as an enemy by the emperor, was not favored in the 15 years of reign, and ruined the rest of her life with one offense

The Queen Mother believes that as the king of a country, the middle palace cannot be empty for a long time. She repeatedly emphasized to Qianlong the importance of the post-establishment of the throne, not only to maintain the etiquette system of the imperial family, but also to ensure the stable inheritance of the imperial throne. Under the repeated persuasion of the Empress Dowager, Qianlong finally began to consider the matters after the establishment of the new one.

Among the many harem concubines, the queen mother took a special fancy to the Ulanala clan. The Ulanala clan was not only from a famous family, but also had a gentle personality and was well versed in court etiquette. What's more, she has always kept a low profile in the harem and never competed for favor, a character that the Queen Mother admired.

The Empress Dowager recommended the Wulanala clan to Qianlong many times, praising her as dignified and virtuous, and capable of taking on the important responsibilities of the queen. However, Qianlong was not keen on this. He did not directly oppose it, but he also did not show obvious support.

In the first month of the fifteenth year of Qianlong (1750), at the insistence of the empress dowager, Qianlong finally agreed to establish the Wulanala clan as the empress. However, this decision seems to be more out of frustration and compromise than a heartfelt choice.

The canonization ceremony was held as scheduled, and the entire Forbidden City was immersed in a festive atmosphere. However, an attentive observer will notice that Qianlong behaved unusually cold throughout the ceremony. Although he completed all the procedures according to the etiquette, he barely made any eye contact with the new queen during the whole process.

After the canonization ceremony, Qianlong did not spend the night with the new empress as expected by common sense. Instead, he soon left the Queen's Palace and wandered alone in the Imperial Gardens. This move caused a lot of discussion at the time, and many people began to speculate about the relationship between the emperor and the new empress.

The second empress of Qianlong: was treated as an enemy by the emperor, was not favored in the 15 years of reign, and ruined the rest of her life with one offense

As time passed, Qianlong's attitude towards the new empress became more and more cold. He rarely goes to the Queen's Palace, and even on major festivals, he only makes appearances. This cold reception not only made the Ulanara clan feel confused and painful, but also plunged the entire harem into a delicate atmosphere.

Qianlong's attitude soon attracted the attention of the ministers of the DPRK and China. Some old ministers even privately advised Qianlong, hoping that he would treat the new empress well in order to maintain the dignity of the imperial family. However, Qianlong ignored these exhortations and continued to go his own way.

At the same time, Qianlong showed great interest in other concubines, especially young and beautiful concubines. He often summoned these concubines, enjoyed flowers and tea with them, and recited poems and paintings. This stark contrast highlights the awkward situation of the Ulanala clan.

In the face of this cold reception, the Ulanala clan remained silent. She strictly adheres to harem etiquette and fulfills her duties as a queen with all her heart. She handled the affairs of the harem on time every day, presided over sacrificial activities, and appeased other concubines. However, these efforts of her do not seem to have been recognized and appreciated by Qianlong.

As time passed, Qianlong's attitude towards the Wulanala clan not only did not improve, but worsened. He began to openly show his dislike for the Ulanala clan, sometimes even speaking ill of her in front of courtiers. This situation made the situation even more difficult for the Ulanala clan.

Despite this, the Ulanala clan still strives to maintain the dignity of the queen. She never shows any dissatisfaction or grievances in public, and always focuses on the big picture. This kind of forbearance and strength made some courtiers sympathize with her.

The second empress of Qianlong: was treated as an enemy by the emperor, was not favored in the 15 years of reign, and ruined the rest of her life with one offense

However, Qianlong's dislike for the Wulanala clan seems to have reached the point of no return. He began to deliberately avoid the occasion of attending with the Ulanala clan, and even at some important ceremonies, he would find various excuses to prevent the Ulanala clan from attending. This public snub is undoubtedly the greatest humiliation to the Ulanala clan.

In this way, the Ulanala clan began her long and painful career as queen. Her situation seems to confirm the old saying: "I'd rather be a woman than an imperial concubine." However, an even bigger challenge awaits her, and a storm is brewing that could ruin the rest of her life.

In the twenty-first year of Qianlong (1756), a sudden storm swept through the Forbidden City, shocking the government and the opposition. The Empress of Wulanara, who reigned for only six years, was deposed by Emperor Qianlong on charges of "disrespect". This incident not only changed the pattern of the harem, but also became a thought-provoking public case in the history of the Qing Dynasty.

The immediate cause of the deposition of the Ulanala clan was a seemingly ordinary court dispute. According to the "Qing Shilu", on the day of the incident, Qianlong summoned the queen to discuss matters. In the course of the discussion, the Ulanala clan objected to one of Qianlong's decisions. This was an ordinary thing, but Qianlong was furious, accused the queen of being "disrespectful", and immediately ordered her to be imprisoned.

However, a single altercation was clearly not enough to lead to the deposition of the empress. In fact, it was only the straw that broke the camel's back. Prior to this, the relationship between the Wulanala clan and Qianlong had fallen to a freezing point.

Since being canonized as the empress, the Wulanala clan has not been favored by Qianlong. Qianlong had a cold attitude towards her, and even openly expressed disgust. This situation made the situation very embarrassing for the Ulanala clan. As the queen, she was supposed to be the head of the harem, but in fact she could not get the respect and love of her husband.

The second empress of Qianlong: was treated as an enemy by the emperor, was not favored in the 15 years of reign, and ruined the rest of her life with one offense

Faced with this situation, the Ulanala clan did not choose to endure it in silence. Instead, she began to try to win Qianlong's attention and recognition through various means. She frequently participated in government politics and put forward her own views on some important decisions. Although this practice was well-intentioned, it aroused Qianlong's dissatisfaction.

Qianlong believes that the behavior of the Ulanala clan has crossed the line. In his opinion, the queen should keep to herself, manage the affairs of the harem well, and should not interfere in court affairs. The positive attitude of the Wulanala clan has become "tyrannical" in Qianlong's eyes.

At the same time, the relationship between the Ulanara clan and the other concubines became increasingly strained. As empress, she tried to assert her authority and discipline some unruly concubines. However, many of these concubines were the objects of Qianlong's favor. They took the opportunity to complain to Qianlong, saying that the empress was "mean and unkind", which further deepened Qianlong's dissatisfaction with the Wulanala clan.

In the twentieth year of Qianlong (1755), an incident completely changed the fate of the Wulanala clan. At that time, one of Qianlong's favorite concubines was pregnant. According to the palace rules, pregnant women should move to a special palace to recuperate. However, the concubine insisted on staying in her palace. Out of kindness, the Ulanala clan insisted that the concubine follow the rules. This move caused great dissatisfaction among Qianlong, who believed that the queen was taking the opportunity to make things difficult for his favored concubine.

Since then, Qianlong's attitude towards the Ulanala clan has become even worse. He began to openly criticize the empress and even belittle her in front of the courtiers. The situation of the Ulanala clan has become even more difficult.

In this case, the dispute in the 21st year of Qianlong became the fuse. Qianlong took this opportunity to officially announce the deposition of the Empress of the Ulanala clan. In the edict, he listed various "crimes" of the Ulanala clan, including "disrespect", "arbitrariness", and "meanness".

The second empress of Qianlong: was treated as an enemy by the emperor, was not favored in the 15 years of reign, and ruined the rest of her life with one offense

The process of post-scrapping is swift and brutal. The Ulanala clan was immediately removed from the Queen's Palace and imprisoned in a remote palace. All her clothing and jewelry were confiscated, leaving only the most basic household items. What is even more shocking is that Qianlong ordered the hair of the Wulanala clan to be shaved, which was a great insult at the time.

The family of the Ulanala clan has also been implicated. Her brother was dismissed from his post and investigated, and other members of the family were punished to varying degrees. This practice of connecting the nine clans caused a lot of discussion at the time.

After the news of the abolition came out, the government and the opposition were shocked. Some of the old ministers tried to intercede for the Wulanala clan, but they were all sternly rejected by Qianlong. Qianlong even warned the ministers not to mention the matter again, otherwise they would be severely punished.

In this way, the Ulanala clan went from being a queen above 10,000 people to a prisoner overnight. She was confined in a remote palace, where her life was difficult and tormented. However, this was not the end of her suffering. In the years to come, she will face more tribulations and pains.

The life of the Ulanala clan after being deposed can be described as falling from heaven to hell. The former queen is now confined in a cold palace in a corner of the Forbidden City. This cold palace, called "Yonghe Palace", became the place where the Ulanara clan spent the rest of their lives.

Here, life in the Ulanala clan is extremely difficult. She was deprived of all privileges and treatments, and was left to survive on a meager diet every day. According to the recollections of former court officials, the diet of the Ulanala clan was often insufficient, and sometimes even unable to satisfy one's stomach. Her clothes have also changed from ornate dragon robes to coarse linen clothes, and she can only curl up in a simple futon to keep warm in the cold of winter.

The second empress of Qianlong: was treated as an enemy by the emperor, was not favored in the 15 years of reign, and ruined the rest of her life with one offense

What is even more distressing is that the Ulanala clan is completely isolated from the outside world. She was not allowed to come into contact with anyone, including her family. Only a few palace maids who guarded her were around every day, and these palace maids were strictly forbidden to talk to her. This isolated and helpless situation is undoubtedly a huge mental torture for the once high-ranking queen.

Despite such a difficult situation, the Ulanala clan showed remarkable strength. According to the recollections of the eunuchs guarding the cold palace, they never heard any complaints or cries from the Ulanala clan. On the contrary, she remained silent and calm throughout, as if she had accepted her fate.

Qianlong's attitude towards the Wulanala clan has always been cold. After deposing her, Qianlong seems to have completely left the former empress behind. He never spoke of the Ulanala clan again, nor did he send anyone to visit her condition. Even on major festivals, when other concubines who were in solitary confinement were given some special care, the Ulanala clan did not enjoy this treatment.

However, what happened to the Ulanala clan is not entirely forgotten. In the court, there are still some old ministers who sympathize with the former empress. They tried to make suggestions to Qianlong many times, hoping to improve the situation of the Wulanala clan. But these requests were sternly rejected by Qianlong, who even warned the ministers not to mention the matter again.

The experience of the Ulanala clan has also caused widespread discussion among the people. Despite the official secrecy about the matter, rumors of the former queen's tragic fate spread far and wide. In the city of Beijing, there were even some folk songs sympathetic to the Wulanala clan, which implicitly criticized Qianlong's ruthlessness.

Over time, the health of the Ulanara clan gradually deteriorated. Long-term malnutrition and poor living conditions have caused her health to deteriorate. It is said that in the later stages of his confinement, the Ulanala clan was no longer able to walk normally and could only be bedridden.

The second empress of Qianlong: was treated as an enemy by the emperor, was not favored in the 15 years of reign, and ruined the rest of her life with one offense

In the thirtieth year of Qianlong (1765), a shocking news came out: the Wulanala clan died in the cold palace. Although the news of her death was only mentioned in the official past, it caused a huge repercussion among the people. Many mourned silently for the unfortunate former empress, and at the same time were angry at Qianlong's indifference.

The funeral of the Ulanala clan was extremely simple. According to Qianlong's will, she was hastily buried in a remote place on the outskirts of Beijing, without even a decent tombstone. This treatment, in stark contrast to her former status as a queen, highlights her tragic fate even more.

What happened to the Ulanara clan had a profound impact on the harem. After her, many of the concubines became more cautious, fearing a repeat of the mistakes of the Ulanala clan. The atmosphere in the harem also became more tense, and everyone was cautious for fear of angering the emperor.

At the same time, the fate of the Wulanala clan has also become a thought-provoking case in the history of the Qing Dynasty. It not only reflects the absoluteness of imperial power, but also shows the cruelty of harem politics. In later historical research, the story of the Ulanala clan is often cited as an important material for the study of Qing court politics and social customs.

The tragedy of the Ulanala clan is also widely reflected in literature. In the late Qing Dynasty and the Republican period, a number of novels and operas based on her appeared, most of which expressed sympathy for the Ulanala clan while also criticizing the feudal autocracy.

Even in modern times, the story of the Ulanala clan still attracts attention. Her story has been adapted into TV series and movies many times, and has become an important subject for exploring the status and fate of women in ancient times. In these works, Ulanala is often portrayed as a tragic figure, and her experiences provoke deep reflections on power, love, and fate.

The second empress of Qianlong: was treated as an enemy by the emperor, was not favored in the 15 years of reign, and ruined the rest of her life with one offense

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