
The latest world rankings are Tomotoshi Haramoto and Mimato Ito, who are back in the top 10, and Matsushima Teruko Dateng Satsuki hit a new high


Tomokazu Zhang and Misei Ito, the two big names in the Japanese table tennis world, the latest ranking is like a roller coaster, and they directly rushed to the top ten in the world! It's really dazzling, no, they once again show the Japanese speed of "doing their own thing".

Moreover, I have to mention the two new stars of Matsushima Teruku and Oto Satsuki, their rankings are directly like being tied by rockets and soaring to a new personal high, which is simply a model of blue out of blue and better than blue!

First of all, let's talk about Tomokazu Zhangmoto, the young man's latest world ranking has rushed to 10th.

The latest world rankings are Tomotoshi Haramoto and Mimato Ito, who are back in the top 10, and Matsushima Teruko Dateng Satsuki hit a new high

This time, he really beat the competitors "staggered", and every game was like playing a table tennis version of "Fast and Furious", with fast speed and many spins, and the opponents could only look at the ball and sigh.

Not to be outdone, Ito's signature fast attack and varied tactics have brought her back to the top 10 in women's singles.

The latest world rankings are Tomotoshi Haramoto and Mimato Ito, who are back in the top 10, and Matsushima Teruko Dateng Satsuki hit a new high

And Matsushima Terukor, the rising star, rose four places to 27th in the latest ranking, and this soaring speed makes people feel that his racket is not an ordinary material, and it has to be blessed by some Tesla battery! Oto Satsuki was even more pleasantly surprised, jumping up 25 places to 30th place.

The performance of these two is simply to lift the "ceiling" of the world table tennis world!

The latest world rankings are Tomotoshi Haramoto and Mimato Ito, who are back in the top 10, and Matsushima Teruko Dateng Satsuki hit a new high

Of course, our Chinese players are not vegetarians either.

Sun Yingsha in women's singles is still ranked first, her racket is like a racket with eyes, where it needs to be placed, it is accurate.

The latest world rankings are Tomotoshi Haramoto and Mimato Ito, who are back in the top 10, and Matsushima Teruko Dateng Satsuki hit a new high

In men's singles, Wang Chuqin, Fan Zhendong and others are still the style of the "big brother", steadily suppressing their opponents and maintaining a high position.

This competition, called the Tunisia Regular Challenge, has not officially started, but the warm-up atmosphere is already buzzing like ants on a hot pan.

The latest world rankings are Tomotoshi Haramoto and Mimato Ito, who are back in the top 10, and Matsushima Teruko Dateng Satsuki hit a new high

Each fighter is gearing up to show off their skills in the competition and bring about a spectacular matchup.

In the doubles and mixed doubles events, our Chinese team is also the leader.

The latest world rankings are Tomotoshi Haramoto and Mimato Ito, who are back in the top 10, and Matsushima Teruko Dateng Satsuki hit a new high

The women's doubles combination of Chen Meng and Wang Manyu is firmly in first place, and they cooperate like twins, so tacit that the opponent can't guess where the next ball will land.

The mixed doubles combination of Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha is also unbeatable, and their ball paths and tactics are changeable, so that opponents can only "look at the ball and sigh".

The latest world rankings are Tomotoshi Haramoto and Mimato Ito, who are back in the top 10, and Matsushima Teruko Dateng Satsuki hit a new high

For the upcoming Paris Olympics, Tomokazu Haramoto and Hina Hayada have already rushed to the third place in the seeding rankings, and they are like "cheetahs" on the field, fast and deadly.

Their goal is not only for a medal, but for that dazzling gold medal.

The latest world rankings are Tomotoshi Haramoto and Mimato Ito, who are back in the top 10, and Matsushima Teruko Dateng Satsuki hit a new high

In this way, we are even more excited about what kind of thrilling performances these players can bring in future competitions.

Table tennis, a seemingly simple but infinite ball full of infinite possibilities, has once again set off huge waves around the world.

The latest world rankings are Tomotoshi Haramoto and Mimato Ito, who are back in the top 10, and Matsushima Teruko Dateng Satsuki hit a new high

Let's wait and see how these talented players will write their own legends with their rackets on the international stage!

When it comes to the two stars, Tomokazu Haramoto and Misei Ito, their performances are really dizzying.

The latest world rankings are Tomotoshi Haramoto and Mimato Ito, who are back in the top 10, and Matsushima Teruko Dateng Satsuki hit a new high

However, in the end, the game hasn't started yet, are you a little "can't hold back the fire"? I think the atmosphere in this warm-up stage is even hotter than the competition itself! Everyone is speculating whether these big names will bring us some unexpected surprises in this regular challenge in Tunisia? Don't worry, let's wait and see how exciting this unstaged drama will be.

Some netizens commented: "Can Tomokazu Haramoto and Misei Ito continue to maintain their global top 10 status in the regular challenge in Tunisia this time?" I think their performance will definitely be jaw-dropping! Zhang Benna is not ordinarily fast, it is so fast that people can't see the racket clearly, and Ito's ever-changing skills are like magic.

The latest world rankings are Tomotoshi Haramoto and Mimato Ito, who are back in the top 10, and Matsushima Teruko Dateng Satsuki hit a new high

As for the new stars Satsuki Oto and Teruku Matsushima, their leaps and bounds are also amazing.

The latest world rankings are Tomotoshi Haramoto and Mimato Ito, who are back in the top 10, and Matsushima Teruko Dateng Satsuki hit a new high

In particular, Oto Sayue jumped from 55th to 30th, such a leap has to make people sigh, this little girl's potential is unlimited, and the future can be expected.

Everyone says that table tennis is an instantaneous speed that requires endurance and explosiveness in a protracted battle, and the new stars of Satsuki Oto and Teruku Matsushima are not only amazingly fast, but also have excellent endurance, which is really amazing.

The latest world rankings are Tomotoshi Haramoto and Mimato Ito, who are back in the top 10, and Matsushima Teruko Dateng Satsuki hit a new high

A netizen posted on the forum: "I am particularly optimistic about Matsushima Terukor, who has such a world ranking at such a young age, and his strength cannot be underestimated.

His style of play is more innovative and brave than that of the veterans, and every game is like a wonderful table tennis lesson for the audience.

When it comes to the Chinese team, Sun Yingsha and Wang Chuqin's performances have always been stable and amazing.

Sun Yingsha's ball path is staggeringly accurate, and Wang Chuqin's steadiness and overall view are also the key to his victory.

Every time they play, they seem to be playing a double contest of intelligence and physical strength with their opponents, which makes people watch their hearts beat faster and gasp for breath.

In doubles and mixed doubles, the tacit cooperation between Chen Meng and Wang Manyu makes the opponents often confused, and the mixed doubles combination of Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha is also a strong player.

No, everyone is looking forward to whether they can continue to maintain this domineering state and win a few more championships in this competition.

Some netizens hotly discussed on social networks: "The cooperation between Chen Meng and Wang Manyu is simply a clear stream in the women's doubles field, and the mixed doubles combination of Wang Chuqin and Sun Weisha is also exciting."

I guess they will be able to set more amazing records in Tunisia.

Now, although the game has not yet started, these discussions and heated discussions before the game have already made people feel the tense atmosphere of the game.

The enthusiasm of the fans and the intense preparation of the players all indicate that a wonderful table tennis feast is about to be staged.

Can't wait to see that moment coming?

Let's wait and see how these top players show off on the international stage, using rackets and table tennis to create unforgettable moments.

After all, every minute and every second of a game like this can make a new legend or an unforgettable memory.

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