
The Clippers have signed three more generals! The Warriors made a commitment to Klay, and the Rockets signed 3 people in a row, and 3 people signed contracts of hundreds of millions


The NBA market in summer is hotter than the roast duck in Beijing! The teams were busy signing people, and the Clippers didn't have three big men on the boat.

It's like a supermarket sale, if you're not careful, the good goods will be snatched away!

Let's talk about the Clippers first, they are not just replenishing the force, they are simply building a dream team.

Dunn, Batum, Bamba, these three people combined, do you say it is spectacular? Dunn is a technical job, Batum and Bamba are a moving wall on the court, and opponents will have to ask their long legs if they want to break through.

The Clippers have signed three more generals! The Warriors made a commitment to Klay, and the Rockets signed 3 people in a row, and 3 people signed contracts of hundreds of millions

And it is rumored that Dunn came through a high-end operation of "sign first and then exchange", which is like doing magic, and you can get it in the blink of an eye.

Batum's contract with Bamba is also well-calculated and cost-effective, and the management has obviously put in a lot of hard work.

And then there's the Warriors, who made a promise to Klay.

The Clippers have signed three more generals! The Warriors made a commitment to Klay, and the Rockets signed 3 people in a row, and 3 people signed contracts of hundreds of millions

This has to be a long story, Klay did not choose to continue to continue with the Warriors Friends this time, but jumped to the Mavericks, although the Warriors were reluctant, but still blessed him with a new start, and even said in advance the retirement of the jersey, this friendship is no worse than "Friends"!

Team Rocket's move was not small, signing three people in one go.

Holiday Jr., Nate Hinton, Jermaine Samuels, these three lads have their own strengths.

The Clippers have signed three more generals! The Warriors made a commitment to Klay, and the Rockets signed 3 people in a row, and 3 people signed contracts of hundreds of millions

Holiday Jr. is a veteran comeback with a lot of experience, while Nate and Jermaine are the dark horses of the rookies and may bring no small surprises to the Rockets.

Team Rocket's operation this time is a bit like Taobao treasure on Taobao, which is not only cheap and good, but also to shop around.

And the whole free market is like a lavish banquet, where all the heroes gather.

The Clippers have signed three more generals! The Warriors made a commitment to Klay, and the Rockets signed 3 people in a row, and 3 people signed contracts of hundreds of millions

For example, Tatum, this guy got a sky-high contract with the Celtics, 315 million for five years, which sounds dazzling.

White was not far behind, signing him a four-year, $125.9 million contract.

At this banquet, the stars are gathered, the money is flying, and you feel excited to watch.

The Clippers have signed three more generals! The Warriors made a commitment to Klay, and the Rockets signed 3 people in a row, and 3 people signed contracts of hundreds of millions

Every signing in this free market is like a big game of chess.

The teams are not just buying people, they are planning for the future, and every step is carefully and carefully.

It's like playing a war without gunpowder, and every decision can affect the outcome of future seasons.

The Clippers have signed three more generals! The Warriors made a commitment to Klay, and the Rockets signed 3 people in a row, and 3 people signed contracts of hundreds of millions

In short, this year's NBA free agency market has been exciting and unpredictable.

The mood of the fans may be heaven and earth for a second, and then take a sharp turn for the worse.

Regardless, this gamble attracts a lot of attention every year, and everyone is waiting to see which team can win the future championship in this gamble.

The Clippers have signed three more generals! The Warriors made a commitment to Klay, and the Rockets signed 3 people in a row, and 3 people signed contracts of hundreds of millions

So, grab your popcorn and get your cheers ready, the new season is about to begin, so let's wait and see!

When it comes to the feast of the NBA free market, we have to mention the strategy games of those teams.

Just like playing Go, the move is all about the final victory or defeat.

The Clippers have signed three more generals! The Warriors made a commitment to Klay, and the Rockets signed 3 people in a row, and 3 people signed contracts of hundreds of millions

For example, the Clippers, their operation this time is simply in the next big game of chess, taking Dunn, Batum and Bamba into the bag, which is not only to enhance the strength, but also to give the opponents a psychological disadvantage.

But at the end of the day, the results of all this will not be known until the start of the new season.

Now, the mood of the fans is like a roller coaster, happy for a while and nervous for a while, which is really mixed.

The Clippers have signed three more generals! The Warriors made a commitment to Klay, and the Rockets signed 3 people in a row, and 3 people signed contracts of hundreds of millions

A netizen said: "Seeing Klay leave the Warriors to join the Mavericks, my heart feels like a knife has been cut.

Although I know that the NBA is a professional league, and it is common to trade and change people, the relationship of many years is not something that can be released! I don't know if Klay will have a better development in the Mavericks, but hopefully he can find a new stage.

This netizen's words express the hearts of many old fans, the NBA is not only a basketball game, but also an emotional gathering place.

The Clippers have signed three more generals! The Warriors made a commitment to Klay, and the Rockets signed 3 people in a row, and 3 people signed contracts of hundreds of millions

When it comes to Tatum's sky-high contract, many people are shocked by the sheer size of the number.

Some netizens commented: "This contract is signed, it's like smashing the pot and selling iron, you have to keep him!" Tatum is indeed the hope of the team, but it is really hard to say whether such a big pressure is placed on a young man.

I hope he won't be bent over by this 'golden mountain' and can continue to show his style on the court.

The Clippers have signed three more generals! The Warriors made a commitment to Klay, and the Rockets signed 3 people in a row, and 3 people signed contracts of hundreds of millions

"There is some truth to this, after all, behind the huge contract is a huge expectation, and every time you play, it is like being under everyone's eyes and pressure.

Let's talk about the Rockets, their signing this time has also attracted a lot of attention.

The return of Holiday Jr. has made many fans see the importance that the Rockets attach to experience.

The Clippers have signed three more generals! The Warriors made a commitment to Klay, and the Rockets signed 3 people in a row, and 3 people signed contracts of hundreds of millions

Some netizens commented: "Little Holiday is back, although he is no longer young, but experience is a valuable asset."

The current lineup of the Rockets, both old and young, is it laying the cornerstone of the future dynasty? We look forward to the surprise they have to offer us in the new season! This netizen's optimism also reflects the mentality of many Rocket fans.

At the end of the day, every summer in the NBA is extraordinary.

The Clippers have signed three more generals! The Warriors made a commitment to Klay, and the Rockets signed 3 people in a row, and 3 people signed contracts of hundreds of millions

The team's large-scale operation and the players' choice of going and staying all affect the hearts of the fans.

Every decision can affect the outcome of the season.

And we can only wait for that day to come this summer, with anticipation and anxiety.

The Clippers have signed three more generals! The Warriors made a commitment to Klay, and the Rockets signed 3 people in a row, and 3 people signed contracts of hundreds of millions

As soon as the new season starts, all doubts and expectations will be solved.

At that time, maybe we'll see the Clippers' new Big Three surge, maybe we will see Klay's new performance with the Mavericks, or maybe we will witness Tatum's extraordinary performance under great pressure.

Everything is full of possibilities.

It's like waiting for the sunrise by the sea, and although it is pitch black ahead, we know that the light is coming.

Every season in the NBA is a new beginning and a new hope.

Let's wait and see who can have the last laugh in this smokeless war, who can overcome obstacles and stand on the podium of that champion.

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