
After Yu Yuexian's death, her husband Zhang Xuesong gave up hundreds of millions of assets, and his words made people sigh

author:Xiaoyi seeks knowledge
After Yu Yuexian's death, her husband Zhang Xuesong gave up hundreds of millions of assets, and his words made people sigh
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
After Yu Yuexian's death, her husband Zhang Xuesong gave up hundreds of millions of assets, and his words made people sigh

In August 2021, a news that shocked the entertainment industry swept like a hurricane: Yu Yuexian, the much-loved "Xie Dajia" actor in "Country Love", suffered a serious car accident on the way to Inner Mongolia for filming and unfortunately passed away.

This bad news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, instantly igniting a hot search on the Internet, leaving countless fans, relatives and friends in grief.

However, just when people were still immersed in grief, Yu Yuexian's husband Zhang Xuesong made a surprising decision: he chose to give up inheriting the hundreds of millions of inheritance left by his wife and left all his wealth to Yu Yuexian's maiden relatives.

What is the story behind this decision? Zhang Xuesong's words, why did everyone break their hearts and tears? Let's dive into the heartfelt emotions of this couple and uncover the story behind this moving decision.

After Yu Yuexian's death, her husband Zhang Xuesong gave up hundreds of millions of assets, and his words made people sigh

Yu Yuexian's story begins in the vast grasslands of Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, but her childhood was not as free and open as the grasslands. Growing up in a traditional patriarchal family, the young Yu Yuexian took on the heavy burden of housework early.

Every morning, she is always the first to wake up, prepare breakfast for the whole family, boil water and cook. Such a life not only deprived her of the opportunity to enjoy her studies, but also limited her personal development.

The pressure of the family environment has shaped Yu Yuexian's sensitive and inferior character. Her father's sternness and indifference left a deep scar on her young heart. One winter, she fell ill with a bad cold due to her thin clothing, and when she asked her father for help, she was mercilessly reprimanded.

Her father's words were like sharp blades, piercing her heart deeply: "Why are you so useless? I really don't understand the use of having a girl. This experience made Yu Yuexian feel lost, but it also unconsciously cultivated her tenacious and unyielding character.

After Yu Yuexian's death, her husband Zhang Xuesong gave up hundreds of millions of assets, and his words made people sigh

However, the hardships of life have not been worn out by Yuexian's yearning for a better future. When she was 21 years old, she had become a preschool teacher and had the idea of pursuing her acting dream.

Despite her father's strong opposition, she was determined to give herself a chance. On a quiet night, Yu Yuexian quietly packed her bags, took the pocket money she had saved for many years, and resolutely embarked on the journey to Beijing.

With a vision for the future, Yu Yuexian came to the Central Academy of Drama. However, fate seems to play a joke on her - when she prepares to participate in the audition with great anticipation, she finds that the competition is over.

In the face of this blow, Yu Yuexian did not flinch. She plucked up the courage to walk into the admissions office and begged the teacher to give her a chance to showcase her talents.

After Yu Yuexian's death, her husband Zhang Xuesong gave up hundreds of millions of assets, and his words made people sigh

Her courage and talent impressed a teacher named Ji Chonggong. After watching an impromptu dance performed by Yu Yuexian, Ji Chonggong decided that she was an unpolished jade worthy of careful cultivation.

In this way, Yu Yuexian got a valuable opportunity to study at the Central Academy of Drama, which laid a solid foundation for her future acting career.

From an ordinary girl on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia to a drama academy student who bravely chases her dreams, Yu Yuexian's transformation interprets what is the indomitable spirit of struggle.

Her story tells us that as long as we have the courage to pursue it, our dreams will eventually bloom in perseverance. This experience not only changed the trajectory of Yu Yuexian's life, but also laid the groundwork for her future success in the entertainment industry.

After Yu Yuexian's death, her husband Zhang Xuesong gave up hundreds of millions of assets, and his words made people sigh

On the campus of the Central Academy of Drama, Yu Yuexian met the person who changed her life - Zhang Xuesong. The two are about the same age, both older than the other classmates, and this common denominator makes them quickly become confidants who talk about everything.

Zhang Xuesong's care for Yuexian is as warm as his own sister, and even surpasses his thoughtfulness towards his relatives. Their tacit understanding and intimacy were soon noticed by the classmates and became a tacit "secret" in the class.

After graduation, in order to pursue their acting dreams, Yu Yuexian and Zhang Xuesong resolutely decided to stay in Beijing and work hard. However, the reality is far harsher than imagined. They live in a simple rented house, and their lives are so poor that they can only rely on instant noodles to satisfy their hunger, and even the soup for instant noodles has to be used to cook noodles to satisfy their hunger.

Despite the hardships of life, they still found happiness in the midst of each other's company. Every day, they rush between various crews, even if they can only play insignificant supporting roles, they have never given up the pursuit of acting careers.

After Yu Yuexian's death, her husband Zhang Xuesong gave up hundreds of millions of assets, and his words made people sigh

However, life's trials followed. Yu Yuexian learned that her 18-year-old brother needed surgery for a severe curvature of his spine, and the high cost of surgery put the young couple in huge financial difficulties.

In order to raise the cost of the operation, Yu Yuexian did not hesitate to ask Zhao Benshan for help, and took the initiative to recommend herself many times, hoping to get a job opportunity. Although she was initially despised by Zhao Benshan, she did not give up.

Zhang Xuesong showed his selflessness and responsibility at this difficult time. Not only did he give every penny he earned to Yu Yuexian, but he also borrowed money from his friends and wholeheartedly supported his wife to save his younger brother.

It was during these most difficult years that they walked hand in hand into the palace of marriage. Although there was no gorgeous wedding, no white wedding dress, and even no witnesses from relatives and friends, they still felt the sincere and sweet happiness between each other.

After Yu Yuexian's death, her husband Zhang Xuesong gave up hundreds of millions of assets, and his words made people sigh

However, the long-term rush and stress also brought regrets. They missed the best opportunity to have children of their own and failed to have children of their own. Faced with this regret, Yu Yuexian's heart was full of guilt.

"My husband loves children very much, and every time he sees a relative's child, he always smiles brightly, but because of me, I can't give him a child, which is a great pity," she confessed in public.

However, Zhang Xuesong soothed his wife's guilt with his understanding and support. "It's okay, we can choose not to have children and continue our love for our younger brother," he said.

This selfless love made Yu Yuexian feel warm, and it also made their feelings deeper.

After Yu Yuexian's death, her husband Zhang Xuesong gave up hundreds of millions of assets, and his words made people sigh

The love story of Yu Yuexian and Zhang Xuesong is a moving movement of common struggle and mutual support. They are in trouble with each other, and they interpret what it means to share hardships with sincere feelings.

Even in the face of life's trials, they still hold hands and are firmly on the road of chasing their dreams. This experience not only strengthened their feelings, but also laid a solid foundation for their future success.

Yu Yuexian's acting career is not smooth sailing, but full of hardships and perseverance. Even her cousin-in-law Zhao Benshan was not optimistic about her acting talent at first.

Zhao Benshan initially thought that Yu Yuexian was just a relative who tried to enter the showbiz through the "back door", and did not have real acting talent. This misunderstanding brought a lot of trouble and frustration to Yu Yuexian.

After Yu Yuexian's death, her husband Zhang Xuesong gave up hundreds of millions of assets, and his words made people sigh

However, a turning point in fate quietly came in 2003. On that day, Zhao Benshan and Zhang Xuesong watched the drama performance together. Towards the end of the performance, Zhao Benshan asked Zhang Xuesong why he didn't see Yu Yuexian, who is said to be an actor here.

Zhang Xuesong pointed to the ragged beggar old lady in the corner of the stage, and said firmly: "That is the Moon Immortal." At this moment, Zhao Benshan was shocked.

After the closing, Zhao Benshan immediately found Yu Yuexian and said excitedly: "Dear sister, I underestimated you in the past, please accept my apologies." If there is an opportunity in the future, we look forward to long-term cooperation to achieve a win-win situation of mutual benefit.

These words made Yu Yuexian ecstatic, and also marked that she officially joined the "Zhao Family Class" and opened a new chapter in her acting career.

After Yu Yuexian's death, her husband Zhang Xuesong gave up hundreds of millions of assets, and his words made people sigh

Soon after, the TV series "Country Love" directed by Zhao Benshan was launched, and Yu Yuexian was fortunate to participate in it. She played the role of the female shopkeeper of the commissary "Xie Dajia" in the play, and this role became a turning point in her career.

In order to perfectly interpret this role, Yu Yuexian showed a high level of professionalism and did not hesitate to gain several kilograms. For her, it is more important to shape the role than to maintain the appearance, and this professionalism has won her more opportunities and recognition.

"Country Love" was widely loved by the audience as soon as it was broadcast, and it is still a highly regarded classic. Yu Yuexian successfully climbed to the top of her acting career with the role of "Xie Dajia".

As the "Country Love" series continues to be popular, her accumulated popularity is rising, which has also brought her rich financial returns.

After Yu Yuexian's death, her husband Zhang Xuesong gave up hundreds of millions of assets, and his words made people sigh

However, success did not make Yu Yuexian forget her original intention. She is always grateful and does not forget her husband Zhang Xuesong's support and companionship over the years. At the same time, she did not forget to take care of her family, especially her younger brother.

When she finally saved enough savings, she used it to pay for her brother's medical expenses as soon as possible, fulfilling her promise over the years.

Yu Yuexian's story tells us that as long as we stick to our dreams and keep working hard, there will be a day when we will reap the rewards. She used her own experience to prove that true talent will eventually be recognized, and perseverance and hard work are the only way to success.

From an unknown actor to a well-known "Xie Dajiao", Yu Yuexian's acting career is an inspirational history of struggle, and it is also an inspiration to all dreamers.

After Yu Yuexian's death, her husband Zhang Xuesong gave up hundreds of millions of assets, and his words made people sigh

On August 9, 2021, a sudden car accident ruthlessly took Yu Yuexian's life and pushed Zhang Xuesong into endless grief. This bad news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, instantly shattering the beautiful future that this loving couple had woven together.

When Zhang Xuesong learned the news that his wife had been in a car accident, his world seemed to collapse in an instant. On the way to the hospital, he was overwhelmed with grief and fainted many times, and he needed help to barely move forward.

Partners who used to be close to each other, such as today's people are separated forever, this kind of pain is far beyond people's imagination.

The pain of losing a loved one is difficult to heal, but the longing is deeper. The first Mid-Autumn Festival after Yu Yuexian's death, the day when the family should have been reunited, Zhang Xuesong could only spend it alone.

After Yu Yuexian's death, her husband Zhang Xuesong gave up hundreds of millions of assets, and his words made people sigh

Zhang Xuesong's grief and longing illustrate the power of sincere feelings. It teaches us that true love can transcend life and death and live forever in memories and hearts.

Although Yu Yuexian has left, she will always be alive in Zhang Xuesong's heart, and their love story will always be sung by people.

After Yu Yuexian's death, Zhang Xuesong was faced with a major decision: how to deal with the huge inheritance left by his wife. To everyone's surprise, he chose to leave all his property to Yu Yuexian's maiden relatives, but he didn't take any of it.

This decision not only shows his deep love for his wife, but also shows his noble character.

After Yu Yuexian's death, her husband Zhang Xuesong gave up hundreds of millions of assets, and his words made people sigh

Zhang Xuesong solemnly promised: "I will definitely take the place of Yuexian and take care of our relatives wholeheartedly." This sentence is not only heart-wrenching, but also moving. It demonstrates Zhang Xuesong's commitment and sense of responsibility to Yuexian, even after her death.

His choice allows us to see how sincere love transcends life and death, and also transcends the worldly concept of money. Zhang Xuesong used practical actions to interpret what eternal love is, and also allowed Yu Yuexian's spirit to continue.

This selfless love and perseverance has become the most moving chapter in their love story.

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