
The ITTF World Rankings are released: Before the Paris Olympics, the national table tennis rankings ushered in big changes


The latest edition of the table tennis world rankings has been released, which is big news! No one expected that the national table tennis would usher in a huge change in this ranking.

The rankings of men's singles and women's singles have undergone earth-shaking changes, which is really a few joys and a few sorrows!

First, let's talk about the reasons for this ranking change.

As we all know, table tennis points vary greatly depending on the performance of the competition.

The ITTF rankings are based on the lapsed points of the 2023 Zagreb Challenger and Rio 2023 Junior Challenge, as well as the new 2024 Tunisia Challenger and 2024 USA Junior Challenge.

Because of these changes, there has been a lot of fluctuation in the standings.

Let's take a look at the men's singles first.

The ITTF World Rankings are released: Before the Paris Olympics, the national table tennis rankings ushered in big changes

Wang Chuqin of national table tennis still occupies the first position, with a high score of 7925, which is really stable! This guy is a punch and a child in the arena, and his strength is there, and whoever comes to challenge has to kneel.

He was followed by Fan Zhendong, who was still second in the world with 4,123 points, although his points were slightly reduced this time.

Wang Chuqin and Fan Zhendong are a good pair, one boss and one second, what a sweet combination!

Further down, Liang Jingkun ranked third and Ma Long ranked fourth.

Ma Long, a veteran, everyone knows that he is the heart and soul of table fans all over the world, and this time he still maintains a high standard, worthy of a generation of table tennis legends.

France's Le Brun and Brazil's Hugo were fifth and sixth, respectively.

The ITTF World Rankings are released: Before the Paris Olympics, the national table tennis rankings ushered in big changes

It's a pity for our Lin Gaoyuan, due to the invalidation of the points, his total score dropped to 2490 points, and the ranking also fell to eighth.

This time, it made Lin Yunru of Chinese Taipei catch up.

Let's talk about the performance of our national table tennis in the top 100 men's singles.

In addition to the previously mentioned few, Zhou Qihao, Xiang Peng, Wen Ruibo and Huang Youzheng are all on the list.

However, their rankings have declined a little, especially Zhou Qihao and Xiang Peng, one fell to 52nd and the other fell to 55th, which is really worrying.

However, there is a good saying: these young players still have a lot of time and opportunities to prove themselves!

The ITTF World Rankings are released: Before the Paris Olympics, the national table tennis rankings ushered in big changes

Next, let's take a look at the situation in women's singles.

Sun Yingsha continues to sit firmly on the throne of the world's No. 1 with a whopping 8,200 points.

It is really the back waves of the Yangtze River pushing the front waves, and the teenager Sun Yingsha has become the new "hegemon" of the world table tennis world.

Wang Manyu, Wang Yidi and Chen Meng followed closely behind, ranking second, third and fourth, respectively.

They form the iron triangle of Chinese women's table tennis, and this lineup can be called an iron wall, which makes players from other countries daunting.

Speaking of fifth place, we have to mention Japan's Mimato Ito, a teenager who has been making a name for himself this time and overtook Szokos to reach the top 10.

The ITTF World Rankings are released: Before the Paris Olympics, the national table tennis rankings ushered in big changes

Chen Xingtong ranked sixth, and veteran Liu Shiwen failed to enter the top 10 due to a slight lack of points for various reasons.

Another young player, Qian Tianyi, dropped to 17th in the rankings this time, while Kuo Man fell to 32nd.

This fluctuation really makes people sweat, and I hope they can stabilize next time.

Among the top 100 women's singles, national table tennis occupies many seats, and our players such as He Zhuojia, Shi Xunyao, Zhang Rui, Chen Yi, Ding Yijie, Fan Siqi, Liu Weishan and Wu Yangchen are also on the list.

They have generally dropped in the rankings this time, probably because there are fewer opportunities to participate in the competition, and more opportunities to practice are needed.

Speaking of which, I have to mention two key factors for this ranking change: first, the 2023 Zagreb Regular Challenge and the 2023 Rio Junior Star Challenge points invalidated; The second is to add points for the 2024 Tunisia Regular Challenge and the 2024 U.S. Junior Star Challenge.

The ITTF World Rankings are released: Before the Paris Olympics, the national table tennis rankings ushered in big changes

This is a good opportunity for our national table tennis players, and I hope they can seize the opportunity in the next events, participate more, and prepare for the future succession!

In fact, table tennis is a sport that tests the comprehensive strength of players, not only technically, but also psychologically.

Looking at this change in rankings, it is a wake-up call for many young players.

Don't think that pie will fall from the sky, rely on points to climb up, and rely on usual accumulation and hard power.

Back on the field, in fact, every moment is the hard work of these players.

For example, Wang Chuqin, he always makes everyone's eyes shine every time he appears.

The ITTF World Rankings are released: Before the Paris Olympics, the national table tennis rankings ushered in big changes

remembers that time when he was on the field, he grabbed food with one move, showing the spirit of a king, and made the opponent retreat again and again.

Another time, Fan Zhendong won with one blow at the last moment, and that moment was amazing to the audience!

In women's singles, Sun Yingsha's performance is even more amazing.

Her serve is always unexpected, either with low spin or high arc, leaving her opponents scratching their heads.

Many viewers said that watching her competition was like watching a wonderful acrobatic performance, dazzling but exciting.

Of course, we can't just look at the results, we also have to pay attention to the process.

The ITTF World Rankings are released: Before the Paris Olympics, the national table tennis rankings ushered in big changes

In the sport of table tennis, every game is a psychological battle, and every point is a test.

Those players who have risen in the rankings have all been tempered.

And those players who have fallen in the rankings are not useless, and every drop of their sweat is accumulating experience for future challenges.

In the future, these young players of our national table tennis will have to participate in the World Series more and experience more ups and downs, so that they can hone their real skills.

The glory of national table tennis is achieved by generations of masters who combine theory and practice.

So, I hope these young players don't get discouraged, rise to the challenge, and see every competition as a valuable opportunity for growth.

The ITTF World Rankings are released: Before the Paris Olympics, the national table tennis rankings ushered in big changes

This change in the ITTF world rankings is still a wake-up call for us.

Rankings are important, but what is more important is the performance and hard work of each player on the field.

I hope that in the future, the national table tennis players can practice more in the World Championships, live up to expectations, and bring us more exciting competitions.

Let's wait for the Paris Olympics to see how our national table tennis will create brilliance!

Finally, I would like to say another word, friends who like table tennis must continue to pay attention to the latest developments of our national table tennis players, and be ready to cheer for them at any time! Let's look forward to the arrival of the next highlight moment and continue to witness the legend of the table tennis world! National table tennis carries the hopes and dreams of many Chinese people.

Every player is so dazzling and moving, they stand at the top of the world table tennis arena, and fight for one brilliant moment after another with sweat and perseverance.

The ITTF World Rankings are released: Before the Paris Olympics, the national table tennis rankings ushered in big changes

This change in the world ranking has made us more deeply appreciate the fierceness and cruelty of competition.

Let's talk about the "face responsible" of these national table tennis.

Wang Chuqin, Sun Yingsha, Fan Zhendong, Chen Meng, Wang Manyu and others, there are endless stories behind each name.

They are not only representatives of table tennis skills, but also the epitome of Chinese sportsmanship.

Every time they swing the racket, every time they score, they are fighting desperately for their dreams.

Sun Yingsha is definitely a "soul killer", and her opponents often fall into her sharp eyes and whirlwind skills in the ring.

The ITTF World Rankings are released: Before the Paris Olympics, the national table tennis rankings ushered in big changes

If there is a Valkyrie on the table tennis court, then Sasha is the one who deserves it.

Her competitions are always heart-pounding, as exciting as riding a roller coaster.

And Wang Chuqin is even more of a "ruthless character".

The force of his swing was as if he was about to shatter a ping-pong ball.

His smash is a gesture of winning glory for the country.

He not only fights for skill on the court, but also fights for tenacity and indomitable spirit.

The ITTF World Rankings are released: Before the Paris Olympics, the national table tennis rankings ushered in big changes

It's really exciting to think about the tacit cooperation between him and Fan Zhendong, isn't this the "dream team" we have been looking forward to?

Speaking of which, I have to mention Fan Zhendong, a "tough man and tender" guy.

Not only is he a fierce player on the pitch, but he is also a warm man in his private life.

Many fans call him "national boyfriend", and his smile can melt the iceberg.

His composure in the game and his fearlessness in the face of strong opponents are really admirable.

Let's look at Liang Jingkun again, he is really a cute big boy.

The ITTF World Rankings are released: Before the Paris Olympics, the national table tennis rankings ushered in big changes

His performance on the court is both strength and intelligence, and sometimes a glance can read the intentions of his opponents.

Watching him play is not only a technical enjoyment, but also an intellectual contest.

His easy-going and uninhibited have made him have a lot of fans.

When it comes to Chen Meng, I have to call for her.

She is like a powerful queen in the women's singles, and she brings her own style to every appearance.

Every smash she makes is like a king, and every smile she has is so confident.

The ITTF World Rankings are released: Before the Paris Olympics, the national table tennis rankings ushered in big changes

As the pillar of Chinese women's table tennis, she has carried too many expectations, but she has never let us down.

Finally, I have to mention Lin Gaoyuan and Zhou Qihao, although they have slipped in the rankings this time, this does not mean that they have no strength.

In competitive sports, winning and losing is the norm, and the key depends on how everyone faces it.

Lin Gaoyuan's potential is still very large, as long as the opportunity comes, he will definitely be able to shine.

Zhou Qihao needs more training in international competitions, and I believe that he will have more breakthroughs in the future.

We were really touched to see the efforts of these young people.

These players of national table tennis, every drop of sweat, every time they get up after falling, are showing us what is called unyielding perseverance.

Hopefully they can continue their form and achieve more glory in the future competitions.

The future of national table tennis lies in the hands of these young players.

I hope they can continue to maintain their fighting spirit in the next events, keep challenging themselves and push the limits.

Of course, we also have to be their strong backing and send them the best blessings and support.

Finally, let's look forward to the arrival of the Paris Olympics, and look forward to the national table tennis to create more brilliance and bring us more surprises! National table tennis, come on! The legend of Chinese table tennis continues to be written.

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