
It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

author:Deadwood Kunlun

Oh, friends, that's a real thing to talk about! A kindergarten in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, has been in an uproar recently. A three-year-old girl was seriously injured in a kindergarten and received more than 20 stitches on her head.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

What's even more annoying is that the kindergarten does not admit responsibility, refuses to answer the phone, does not reply to messages, and deals with it indifferently. Parents came to discuss the law, and the principal yelled at the parents, and when he saw someone taking a video, he immediately changed his smiling face, which is comparable to a Sichuan opera face! As soon as this matter was exposed, the Internet instantly exploded, and everyone condemned this cold-blooded approach. You say, is this still the place to educate children? Let's talk about this today!

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

The mother took the child to the kindergarten to ask for an explanation, but the principal did not admit responsibility and yelled at the parents. What's even more infuriating is that as soon as the principal saw the parents taking a video, he immediately changed his smiling face, which was really "changing his face in seconds", and even the master of Sichuan Opera was ashamed of himself. After this face-changing scene was filmed, it quickly spread on the Internet, causing heated discussions and anger among netizens.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

The incident happened on June 29, when the child was about to go back to the classroom, but accidentally hit the corner of the table at the door of the classroom, (artificial or accidental is still to be determined) blood flowed, and the child cried in pain on the spot.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

When the teacher saw this, she hurriedly notified the principal and the child's parents, and sent the girl to the hospital urgently. The wound on the girl's head was severe and required sutures, and the parents were distressed to see it. The parents demanded an explanation and compensation from the school, but the school refused to admit responsibility and was indifferent to the parents' demands on the grounds that "the classroom door is a blind spot for monitoring".

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

The principal's attitude was chilling, not only did she not actively mediate, but also lied that her parents demanded 200,000 yuan in compensation. What's even more infuriating is that the director promised to solve the problem at the beginning of the incident, but as time went by, his attitude became more and more perfunctory, and he even only wanted to use 10,000 yuan to solve the problem. This attitude towards injured children is undoubtedly a great harm to parents and children.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

In the face of parents' questioning and anger, the kindergarten teacher even deliberately fell during the quarrel and staged a "porcelain bump" drama in an attempt to win sympathy and divert attention. These behaviors of the kindergarten have aroused public doubts about the management of kindergartens and the ethics of teachers.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

Parents had no choice but to hold a sign at the entrance of the kindergarten to defend their rights, attracting many passers-by. When the kindergarten saw the parents holding the sign in their hands and recording the process with their mobile phones, they were reluctant at the moment, so they changed their faces in seconds, reached out to grab the sign in the hands of the parents, and forcibly refused to let them shoot, and even more exaggerated was that they directly called the police.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

This series of incidents has aroused great concern from the Education Bureau and the Public Security Bureau. The Education Bureau said that it has been coordinating the handling of the matter, and the public security has also intervened in the investigation. The EDB will closely monitor the progress of the incident to ensure that it is handled fairly. Parents hope that the relevant departments can find out the truth of the matter as soon as possible, and give justice to the victimized children and parents.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

From this incident, we can see that the management level and ability of some educational institutions to deal with emergencies need to be improved urgently. As guardians of children, schools and teachers should do their best to ensure the safety and well-being of children, rather than passing the buck and doing things perfunctorily when problems arise. Parents' trust in the school comes from the school's sense of responsibility and professionalism, and any indifference may cause irreparable damage to children and parents.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

A netizen pointed out that the child was injured in the kindergarten, and the kindergarten should be held responsible regardless of the severity of the injury. This netizen emphasized that even if it is just a small bump, the kindergarten should pay attention to it, not to mention the seriousness of this incident. The responsibility of the kindergarten cannot be shirked, and the parents' doubts are justified.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

Another netizen said that kindergarten teacher is the profession she regrets choosing the most. She lamented that kindergarten teachers have a great responsibility, and 20 children have 20 personalities, which is very difficult to manage. She also mentioned that it is easy to be wronged in her work as a kindergarten teacher, and her children will have different opinions when they go home, which makes her feel very stressed.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

There are also many voices of parents who support their children. A netizen bluntly expressed his support for parents, thinking that the kindergarten teacher's face changed so quickly that it was surprising.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

In addition, another netizen mentioned that there are many regulations in kindergartens now, from fire permits to education permits, but these have not completely solved the problem, and parents' dissatisfaction has arisen.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

Some netizens pointed out that although the kindergarten and the school have purchased insurance, the dean's poor attitude and failure to solve the problem are the reasons for the parents' anger. This difference in attitudes makes parents feel that the kindergarten lacks the sense of responsibility it deserves.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

A netizen took "20 stitches, adults can't stand it" as an example, saying that children can't bear this kind of pain. When a child encounters such a situation, it is natural for a parent to feel distressed.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

Some netizens emphasized the importance of kindergarten as the starting point of children's growth, believing that teachers' behavioral norms should be higher, and any behavior that hides dirt and dirt will never be tolerated. They believe that kindergarten is not only an educational place, but also the first window for children to contact society, and every behavior of teachers will have a profound impact on children's values and behavioral habits. Therefore, strictly regulating the behavior of teachers is not only responsible for children, but also responsible for the future of the whole society.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

They point out that attitude is everything, and teachers and administrators must take it seriously to ensure that children grow up in a safe and healthy environment. A good educational environment requires the joint efforts of all teachers and administrators, maintaining a positive attitude and a high sense of responsibility, in order to effectively protect children's physical and mental health, and cultivate their good behavior habits and moral values.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

Other netizens are worried about whether the woman will be retaliated against in the future for this incident, and they hope that the child will not be harassed during school in the future. This concern reflects the expectation of a just educational environment, and they call on educational institutions and all sectors of society to work together to ensure that every child has a fair and equitable education, and is not unjustly treated because of any external factors.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

Some netizens believe that the performance of the kindergarten from the principal to the staff can be called "actor level", and it has shown a strong on-the-spot performance and adaptability in response to the incident. They pointed out that the superb response ability and rapid response shown by the kindergarten in dealing with emergencies, although to some extent show the ability of managers, but also expose the complexity of the problem and potential hidden dangers, which deserve further reflection and improvement.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

In addition, some netizens pointed out that this incident was an accident, and negotiation is the best choice, and no one wants to see this kind of thing happen, and everyone should try to solve the problem through communication. They believe that resolving disputes peacefully will not only help restore trust and understanding between the two parties, but also set a good example for the children on how to deal with problems rationally and calmly.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

Some netizens pointed out that the attitude of the kindergarten when dealing with problems is extremely critical. Some netizens emphasized that this kindergarten changed its face very quickly, and tried to shirk responsibility whenever something happened, and was unwilling to solve the problem head-on. Such behavior is unacceptable, and such irresponsible behavior should be exposed. Netizens generally believe that when facing problems, they should deal with them in a timely and honest manner, rather than adopting an evasive attitude.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

Secondly, netizens emphasized the importance of actively dealing with problems as principals and managers. Some netizens said that it is normal for problems to occur, but as a principal, you should take the initiative to solve problems in order to win the trust of parents. If the kindergarten management can act first when problems arise and be honest with parents, many conflicts and misunderstandings can be avoided.

It's so shameless! The girl was seriously injured in the kindergarten and had more than 20 stitches, but the kindergarten was indifferent!

It is hoped that this incident can attract the attention of relevant departments, thoroughly investigate clearly, give justice to children and parents, and let other schools and teachers learn lessons from it, strengthen management, improve teacher ethics, and provide a safer and healthier environment for children to grow up.

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