
Lu Yixiao took a photo with Ariel Lin, dreaming back to "Flying Immortals Outside the Sky", and the longer they have known each other, the more they feel like sisters

author:Lychee chatter

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Lu Yixiao took a photo with Ariel Lin, dreaming back to "Flying Immortals Outside the Sky", and the longer they have known each other, the more they feel like sisters

Edit: Lychee chatter

Lu Yi explores Banlin Yichen: Get together again after four years

On July 2, actor Lu Yi posted a video of visiting his friend Ariel Lin on his personal social platform, with the accompanying text: "Long time no see, this sister". In the video, Lu Yi is wearing braids, a baseball cap and glasses, a black shirt, and light makeup, and the whole person looks full of vitality. Lu Yi's IP is displayed in Beijing, so it is speculated that Ariel Lin is coming to the mainland to work this time. The two girlfriends who have not been in the same frame for a long time have attracted the attention of many netizens.

Lu Yixiao took a photo with Ariel Lin, dreaming back to "Flying Immortals Outside the Sky", and the longer they have known each other, the more they feel like sisters
Lu Yixiao took a photo with Ariel Lin, dreaming back to "Flying Immortals Outside the Sky", and the longer they have known each other, the more they feel like sisters

Reunion after a long absence: the warm continuation of friendship

Lu Yi and Ariel Lin met because of the filming of "Flying Immortals" and developed into good girlfriends. They each have jobs and families, and they don't get together much, but the friendship between the two has not diluted. The last time the two met was in 2018, and they met again after four years, full of anticipation. In the video, Lu Yi knocked on Ariel Lin's door, and Ariel Lin, who was busy with work, saw Lu Yi with a smile on his face, playful, and then came with a big hug. The intimate interaction between the two can feel their excitement and excitement through the screen.

Lu Yixiao took a photo with Ariel Lin, dreaming back to "Flying Immortals Outside the Sky", and the longer they have known each other, the more they feel like sisters

In the same frame again: the continuation of friendship

After many years, Lu Yi and Ariel Lin are in the same frame again, which not only makes them feel emotional, but also makes the audience feel the continuation of their friendship. In this gathering, they chatted about the filming of the year and recalled that good time together. Despite the passage of time, their friendship has not changed and remains as close as ever. Their reunion made people feel the power and beauty of friendship.

Lu Yixiao took a photo with Ariel Lin, dreaming back to "Flying Immortals Outside the Sky", and the longer they have known each other, the more they feel like sisters

Togetherness at work: a precious moment in the midst of busyness

Ariel Lin is busy working, Lu Yi specially visited the class, in the video, although Ariel Lin is busy, but after seeing Lu Yi, he immediately put down his work and warmly greeted her arrival. The two hugged each other tightly, with sincere smiles on their faces. The intimate interaction at this moment is full of the warmth and sincerity of friendship.

Lu Yixiao took a photo with Ariel Lin, dreaming back to "Flying Immortals Outside the Sky", and the longer they have known each other, the more they feel like sisters

Acquaintance for 19 years: friendship lasts for a long time

Since the filming of "Flying Immortals", Lu Yi and Ariel Lin have known each other for 19 years. Despite the changes in life and work that have come with the passage of time, their friendship remains as strong as ever. In the video, the picture of the two hugging and smiling seems to let people see their memories from acquaintance to the present. This friendship has become more precious and deeper in the baptism of the years, and has become an indispensable part of their lives.

Lu Yixiao took a photo with Ariel Lin, dreaming back to "Flying Immortals Outside the Sky", and the longer they have known each other, the more they feel like sisters

Friendship lasts forever: 19 years of girlfriend love

Lu Yi and Ariel Lin's friendship has gone through 19 years, work and family make them get together less and leave more, but every time they meet, they can feel a strong friendship between each other. In the video, the two sisters, who have not seen each other for a long time, are intimately posted, and they both have sweet smiles on their faces. Their interaction makes people feel a real friendship, even if they haven't seen each other for a long time, they are still familiar and cordial after getting together.

Lu Yixiao took a photo with Ariel Lin, dreaming back to "Flying Immortals Outside the Sky", and the longer they have known each other, the more they feel like sisters

Changes after four years: the nicks and persistence of time

Compared with the group photo four years ago, Lu Yi's state is still young, his skin is smooth and firm, and he looks like a little girl at the age of 40. Her skin is delicate, there are no obvious wrinkles, and the whole person looks youthful and energetic. Well-maintained, she seems to have stagnated in her body, making it difficult to detect her actual age.

Lu Yixiao took a photo with Ariel Lin, dreaming back to "Flying Immortals Outside the Sky", and the longer they have known each other, the more they feel like sisters

Traces of Ariel Lin's life: the brilliance of motherhood

Ariel Lin had fine lines at the corners of her eyes, and the skin on her neck was slightly loose, and her neck lines were obvious. But despite this, Ariel Lin's smile is still warm, and her eyes reveal full of maternal love and tenacity. Since becoming a mother, the focus of her life has shifted more to her family and children, and these traces of life are silent proof of her as a mother and wife.

Lu Yixiao took a photo with Ariel Lin, dreaming back to "Flying Immortals Outside the Sky", and the longer they have known each other, the more they feel like sisters

Ariel Lin's motherhood: Sweet sister turned into a gentle mother

In 2021, Ariel Lin gave birth to her daughter "Xiao Xiaolin", and now her daughter is almost 3 years old. In order to protect her daughter, Ariel Lin has never exposed her daughter's appearance on social platforms. After becoming a mother, Ariel Lin's temperament is even more gentle. However, a happy family life did not save her from rumors. has been rumored to be married many times, Ariel Lin denied it every time, but the rumors did not stop, and in the end she reluctantly said that she would not respond in the future.

Lu Yixiao took a photo with Ariel Lin, dreaming back to "Flying Immortals Outside the Sky", and the longer they have known each other, the more they feel like sisters

Parenting Details: Mother's Responsibilities and Challenges

After becoming a mother, Ariel Lin's life focuses more on her daughter. Not only does she have to juggle her acting career, but she also has to devote a lot of time and energy to taking care of Xiao Xiaolin. From breastfeeding, changing diapers to accompanying the child to grow up in every moment, Ariel Lin did her best. As a new mother, she faced many challenges, but she still shouldered this responsibility with gentleness and tenacity.

Lu Yixiao took a photo with Ariel Lin, dreaming back to "Flying Immortals Outside the Sky", and the longer they have known each other, the more they feel like sisters

Plagued by rumors: The untruthfulness of marriage rumors

Ariel Lin's family life is happy, but her marriage to her husband Lin Yuchao has frequently become the focus of rumors. Whenever there is news of a marriage change, Ariel Lin will stand up and clarify as soon as possible, saying that the relationship between husband and wife is stable. However, the rumors have not stopped, and they have even intensified. In the face of these groundless speculations, Ariel Lin finally decided not to respond and responded to the disturbances of the outside world with silence.

Lu Yixiao took a photo with Ariel Lin, dreaming back to "Flying Immortals Outside the Sky", and the longer they have known each other, the more they feel like sisters

Lu Yi's marital dilemma: an unsolved mystery

Ariel Lin is plagued by rumors, Lu Yi's marital status is also a mystery, she has been married to Qian Yongchen for 8 years but has no children, and has been rumored to be married many times in recent years. The two have not been in the same frame for two years, and netizens have speculated about their marital status. Despite this, Lu Yi has always kept a low profile and has never publicly responded to these rumors. Like Ariel Lin, she chose to respond with silence in the face of gossip.

Lu Yixiao took a photo with Ariel Lin, dreaming back to "Flying Immortals Outside the Sky", and the longer they have known each other, the more they feel like sisters

The Understatement of Married Life: Privacy and Protection

Lu Yi and Qian Yongchen's married life has always been very low-key, they are public figures, but they seem to be more inclined to protect their privacy. Since getting married, the two have rarely shown their intimacy in public, and rarely share details about their marriage on social platforms. This low-key lifestyle has led to a lot of speculation about their marital status, but it also reflects their importance of privacy and the protection of their families.

Lu Yixiao took a photo with Ariel Lin, dreaming back to "Flying Immortals Outside the Sky", and the longer they have known each other, the more they feel like sisters

The Choice of Not Having Children: Personal and Social Expectations

The fact that Lu Yi and Qian Yongchen have been married for 8 years but have no children has become one of the focuses of speculation from the outside world. In the traditional concept of society, having children after marriage is regarded as a symbol of family happiness. However, each family has its own choices and considerations. For Lu Yi and Qian Yongchen, whether to have children may involve many factors such as personal health and career planning. Despite having no children, Lu Yi still maintains a positive and optimistic image in public, focusing on his career and life.

Lu Yixiao took a photo with Ariel Lin, dreaming back to "Flying Immortals Outside the Sky", and the longer they have known each other, the more they feel like sisters

The gap between online speculation and real life

There is often a big gap between the speculations on the Internet and real life, and the outside world has different opinions about Lu Yi's marital status, but only she and Qian Yongchen know best what the actual situation is. In the Internet age, every move of public figures will be magnified and interpreted, but there is still an unknown side to their private lives. Lu Yi chose to protect his life with a low profile and silence, perhaps in order to retain his own tranquility in the complex public opinion.

Lu Yixiao took a photo with Ariel Lin, dreaming back to "Flying Immortals Outside the Sky", and the longer they have known each other, the more they feel like sisters

Memory Killing: Dream Back to "Flying Immortals"

Lu Yi and Ariel Lin became acquainted with each other because of "Flying Immortals", which not only became a witness to their friendship, but also a classic in the hearts of many audiences. After many years, seeing the two in the same frame again, it seems to have returned to that good time. Their friendship and tacit understanding are still strong through time.

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