
The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast for July 3, the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows!

author:Three rural lobbyists

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast for July 3, the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows!

Heavy rainfall in the south

According to the latest news from the National Meteorological Department, the heavy rainfall in the southern region is still continuing, and the scope of influence is still expanding, from the initial Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, to the present Guangxi, Guangdong and other places have begun to rain, and it is heavy to heavy rain, in fact, it is the rain that did not fall here a few days ago, and now it has fallen at one time.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast for July 3, the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows!

Although there is no flood yet, if the rainfall continues to increase and the terrain is different, it may soon be flooding, and the response will be exponentially more difficult.

Like Guangxi, although there has not been much disaster in Guangdong, all work is still in full swing, because according to the forecast of the meteorological department, the rain will only be bigger and not smaller, and the time will last for a while.

Timely rainfall in the north

Although the rain in the south has had a great impact on the local area, for the northern region, the rain has come too timely.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast for July 3, the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows!

According to the forecast of the National Meteorological Department, in the near future, Xinjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Shandong and other places will usher in rainfall, and it will be heavy to heavy rain.

From the perspective of time, this rain should be the most needed precipitation in the northern region at present, because the spring precipitation is obviously low, and the drought at the beginning has greatly affected the growth of crops.

Although authorities at all levels are actively taking measures to deal with the drought, such as strengthening artificial irrigation and building water conservancy facilities, these are only temporary measures and cannot completely solve the problem.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly the best news that natural precipitation can be ushered in, and according to the analysis of the meteorological department, this precipitation is also very beneficial to the growth of crops.

Although the temperature in the northern region has been high for some time in the past, due to the geographical location and environment, the air humidity here has been low, and the precipitation has not been sufficient.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast for July 3, the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows!

Therefore, even if it rains sometimes, it will soon be "absorbed" by the hot weather, and basically it will not have any practical effect.

It was able to rain heavily this time, and it was like pie in the sky for crops. However, it is important to note that although the current situation has changed a lot, from drought to well-timed rainfall, we should not take it lightly.

According to the analysis of the meteorological department, this round of precipitation is likely to be accompanied by a variety of extreme weather, especially some areas may usher in thunderstorms and strong winds or hail above level 8.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast for July 3, the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows!

If there is a thunderstorm and strong wind of 8 or higher, the surrounding buildings will not be spared, and even the reinforced concrete structure of the house will be difficult to resist in the face of such a strong wind.

What is even more worrying is that if the wind speed increases a little more, it may enter the range of 9 or 10. At that point, even some human activities will be affected, not to mention various infrastructure and farmland.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast for July 3, the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows!

According to the forecast of the meteorological department, the places where extreme weather is most likely to occur in this rain are mainly concentrated in southern Anhui and central Jiangxi. Based on their analysis and synthesis of various data, they have come to the conclusion that it is likely to usher in thunderstorms and winds of magnitude 10 or higher.

Historically, a 10-level wind is not a terrible event, but when you consider it in an environment where the north is in dire need of moisture, it's a different story entirely.

It can be said that even a force 6 or 7 wind is completely unbearable for the local area, and if it is upgraded to level 10 in this case, the consequences will be very serious.

Heavy rainfall continues to shift northward

The current heavy rainfall continues, and although the south has already started to rain, it has not yet given up on the impact on the central and eastern regions.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast for July 3, the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows!

According to the analysis of the National Meteorological Department, in just a few days, this heavy rainfall first spread eastward from Sichuan, Chongqing and other places, and now it has begun to develop in the direction of the north.

Specifically, Xinjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Shandong, Sichuan, Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangxi, Guangdong and other provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions will be affected.

Although there is still some buffer time to prepare in the north compared to the south, we cannot ignore the impact of heavy rainfall on the local area.

According to the forecast of the meteorological department, in this round of precipitation, Xinjiang, Jilin and other places will usher in heavy to heavy rain-level precipitation. According to the forecast data, rainfall should be between 100 and 150 mm.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast for July 3, the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows!

Although the intensity of rainfall is less than that of the southern region before, it is not advantageous if you look at the quantity alone. Because at the moment there is an urgent need for moisture in the north, and not just rain will do.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast for July 3, the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows!

The only thing that can actually help with crop watering is heavy rain or torrential rain. While heavy rains often mean disaster and danger for human society, this is not necessarily the case for farmland and crops in nature.

Only this intense precipitation can penetrate the soil thoroughly and allow water to reach the roots where the crops grow. The light rain is often "sucked away" by the air pressure at high altitude, and there is no chance to really play a role in watering.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast for July 3, the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows!

Jiangnan in South China has entered a period of high temperatures

At the turn of spring and summer, temperatures are rising everywhere, especially in humid and muggy places like South China and Jiangnan.

Although there is still some rain that can cool down the place and bring some comfort to the drought, I believe everyone knows that after this rain, the sun will not be happy to restrain its ferocity.

According to the forecast analysis report released by the National Meteorological Department, after this round of heavy rainfall, South China provinces and Jiangnan will usher in a continuous warming process.

Due to the influence of the East Asian monsoon and the oceanic monsoon, it is already very humid and muggy. Although you can't feel the scorching heat of summer yet, the amount of water vapor in the air can be suffocated as soon as the sun shows its face.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast for July 3, the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows!

It can be said that without the cool feeling brought by the timely rainfall, it would have been the first place to enter summer. So even if there is no extreme weather and heat warning at this moment, we can't take it out and let our guard down.

With the passage of time and the development of the weather situation, hot weather is likely to occur at any time. Although this is nothing new for the residents here, it is still necessary to be mentally prepared and physically adjusted to the high temperature for the first time every year.

The situation of this round of heavy rainfall has changed greatly, and the weather forecast for July 3, the distribution of heavy rain and heavy rain is as follows!

The weather is unpredictable, with heavy rainfall in the south causing problems in the region, and well-timed rainfall in the north. In the face of nature's challenges, we need to be prepared to protect ourselves and those around us. What are your thoughts or experiences with this change in the weather? Come and leave a message to share!