
Feng Xiaogang's adopted daughter posted a photo of her mother and daughter, and Xu Duo responded for the first time with her mother's surname, admitting that Xu Fan was not a tiger mother

author:Lychee chatter

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Feng Xiaogang's adopted daughter posted a photo of her mother and daughter, and Xu Duo responded for the first time with her mother's surname, admitting that Xu Fan was not a tiger mother

Edit: Lychee chatter

Feng Xiaogang's beloved daughter Xu Duo: Warm sharing on social platforms

On June 29, Xu Duo, the beloved daughter of film master Feng Xiaogang, sweetly shared a group photo with her mother Xu Fan in her personal social space, with the text: "I love the photo with my mother, it's full of laughter, let's feel this happiness together!" This set of photos quickly attracted the attention and heated discussions of netizens, allowing everyone to see a family full of love and joy.

Feng Xiaogang's adopted daughter posted a photo of her mother and daughter, and Xu Duo responded for the first time with her mother's surname, admitting that Xu Fan was not a tiger mother

Mother-daughter affection: the capture of warm moments

Facing the camera, the corners of her mouth rose, revealing her heartfelt joy. Although she and her mother are not related by blood, the deep mother-daughter relationship is better than that of a close relative, overflowing with words. Xu Fan appeared in a plain black sunhat and no makeup, instantly narrowing the distance with the public. Although the years have left marks on her face, that unique temperament is still as bright as ever.

Feng Xiaogang's adopted daughter posted a photo of her mother and daughter, and Xu Duo responded for the first time with her mother's surname, admitting that Xu Fan was not a tiger mother

The extraordinary in the ordinary: Xu Fan's intimate image

At the moment of sharing the joy of family with his beloved daughter Xu Duo, Xu Fan abandoned the elaborate dress under the spotlight, and showed a friendly and kind smile in the most natural state, just like the other moving in the painting. The warm moment of mother and daughter in the same frame, every shot is filled with indescribable beauty.

Feng Xiaogang's adopted daughter posted a photo of her mother and daughter, and Xu Duo responded for the first time with her mother's surname, admitting that Xu Fan was not a tiger mother

Mother-daughter interaction and education

When asked, is Teacher Xu Fan a tiger mother in academics? Xu Duo responded humorously: "Haha, of course it's not a tiger mother." "The deep affection between their mother and daughter makes people can't help but cast envious eyes. Although Xu Duo does not share family photos frequently, every precious group photo is like a bright pearl, silently conveying the deep and intoxicating family affection and happy atmosphere between Feng Xiaogang, Xu Fan and his daughter Xu Duo.

Feng Xiaogang's adopted daughter posted a photo of her mother and daughter, and Xu Duo responded for the first time with her mother's surname, admitting that Xu Fan was not a tiger mother
Feng Xiaogang's adopted daughter posted a photo of her mother and daughter, and Xu Duo responded for the first time with her mother's surname, admitting that Xu Fan was not a tiger mother

Gentleness and persistence in education

In the process of educating Xu Duo, Xu Fan insisted on guiding her to grow up in a gentle way. Xu Fan often says that love and understanding can stimulate a child's potential more than harsh discipline. Whenever Xu Duo encountered a problem, Xu Fan always listened patiently and helped her analyze and solve it, rather than simply giving accusations or orders. This kind of education has enabled Xu Duo to grow up healthily in a loving environment, cultivating her ability to think independently and solve problems.

Feng Xiaogang's adopted daughter posted a photo of her mother and daughter, and Xu Duo responded for the first time with her mother's surname, admitting that Xu Fan was not a tiger mother

Precious childhood memories

Xu Duo also shared a precious childhood photo with her mother a few days ago, when she was immature and lovely, and Xu Fan was also full of youth. The mother and daughter share the same happy smile in the intimate group photo of the warm moment of sharing food. These memories not only record the good times they spent together, but also show Xu Fan's love and warmth as a mother.

Feng Xiaogang's adopted daughter posted a photo of her mother and daughter, and Xu Duo responded for the first time with her mother's surname, admitting that Xu Fan was not a tiger mother

Details in the memory

Xu Duo in the photo has an innocent smile on his face, and his eyes are flashing with curiosity and expectation for the world. She looks particularly cute in a simple dress and holding an ice cream in her hand. Xu Fan sat beside her, with a doting smile on his face, and his eyes were full of love and care for his daughter. The interaction between the mother and daughter is natural, as if time freezes at this moment, leaving an eternal warm moment.

Feng Xiaogang's adopted daughter posted a photo of her mother and daughter, and Xu Duo responded for the first time with her mother's surname, admitting that Xu Fan was not a tiger mother

A special sharing for Mother's Day

On this special Mother's Day, Xu Duo shared a rare intimate photo with her mother, witnessing the deep bond between them. In the photo, Xu Duo is focusing on makeup and hairstyle, wearing a red dress, exuding dazzling charm. Xu Fan on the side was also dressed in clothes of the same color, looking at his daughter with a smile in his eyes, and the proud and happy smile made people feel warm like spring. Such moments not only show the intimacy between them, but also make people feel the warmth and harmony of the family.

Feng Xiaogang's adopted daughter posted a photo of her mother and daughter, and Xu Duo responded for the first time with her mother's surname, admitting that Xu Fan was not a tiger mother

The love and support of parents

Xu Duo often shares sweet moments with his parents, Director Feng's love for Xu Duo is meticulous, and the warm congratulations on his daughter's eighteenth birthday show this love. Under the loving care of his parents, Xu Duo will undoubtedly grow up better and more confidently.

Feng Xiaogang's adopted daughter posted a photo of her mother and daughter, and Xu Duo responded for the first time with her mother's surname, admitting that Xu Fan was not a tiger mother

Life on social media

Since Xu Duo personally settled in social media, her life has continued to attract the attention of fans. Recently, she shared a set of beautiful photos of her Hong Kong tour, which fascinated netizens. In the photo, Xu Duo combed a playful double braid, and under the delicate makeup, a sexy backless sweater with slacks showed great freshness and charm. With the precipitation of the years, Xu Duo's growth process vividly interprets the true meaning of "the eighteen changes of the female university, the more they change, the more moving they are".

Feng Xiaogang's adopted daughter posted a photo of her mother and daughter, and Xu Duo responded for the first time with her mother's surname, admitting that Xu Fan was not a tiger mother

A show of strength on the first cover appearance

Xu Duo recently joined hands with many second-generation stars to perform a cover work. For such an outstanding daughter, Xu Fan and Feng Xiaogang must be full of pride and gratification in their hearts. Every appearance of Xu Duo seems to announce her growth and transformation to the world. She not only inherited the excellent genes of her parents, but also worked her own path, showing a unique personal charm.

Feng Xiaogang's adopted daughter posted a photo of her mother and daughter, and Xu Duo responded for the first time with her mother's surname, admitting that Xu Fan was not a tiger mother

Authenticity and loveliness

In front of the public, Xu Duo never hides his true emotions, whether it is the warm interaction with his family or the sharing of personal life, he is full of sincerity and enthusiasm. This kind of Xu Duo makes people feel her authenticity and cuteness, and also makes her gain a lot of fans and attention on social media. Xu Duo's growth process can be said to be star-studded. She not only has an excellent appearance and temperament, but also has a good performance in her studies and talents. She studied hard, constantly improved herself, and proved her strength and value with practical actions.

Feng Xiaogang's adopted daughter posted a photo of her mother and daughter, and Xu Duo responded for the first time with her mother's surname, admitting that Xu Fan was not a tiger mother

Support and expectations of the family

As the daughter of Feng Xiaogang and Xu Fan, Xu Duo undoubtedly carries more expectations and pressure. But she has never been slack or complacent because of this, on the contrary, she cherishes every opportunity more and strives to show her talent and charisma. Every time she makes progress and growth, her parents feel extremely pleased and proud. In the future, Xu Duo still has a long way to go. But I believe that with the love and support of her parents, she will continue to move forward bravely and pursue her dreams and goals.

Feng Xiaogang's adopted daughter posted a photo of her mother and daughter, and Xu Duo responded for the first time with her mother's surname, admitting that Xu Fan was not a tiger mother

The pride and happiness of parents

For Xu Fan and Feng Xiaogang, the growth and success of their daughter Xu Duo is undoubtedly their greatest pride and happiness. They take care of their daughter's growth in their own way and witness her every important moment. In the days to come, they will continue to be by their daughter's side and give her endless love and support. Every step of Xu Duo's growth is inseparable from the companionship and support of her parents, and her success is also the greatest reward for her parents.

Feng Xiaogang's adopted daughter posted a photo of her mother and daughter, and Xu Duo responded for the first time with her mother's surname, admitting that Xu Fan was not a tiger mother

Reward your parents for their success and hard work

Every step of Xu Duo's growth and success is the greatest reward for his parents. She is well aware of the hard work and effort her parents put into her, so she works harder to pursue her goals. In her heart, the expectations and blessings of her parents are the driving force for her to keep moving forward. Whenever she achieves something new, she will share it with her parents as soon as possible, because she knows that it is not only her personal achievement, but also the pride of the whole family.

Feng Xiaogang's adopted daughter posted a photo of her mother and daughter, and Xu Duo responded for the first time with her mother's surname, admitting that Xu Fan was not a tiger mother

A common struggle for the future

Xu Fan hopes that her daughter can maintain her original intention and never forget her original intention in the process of pursuing her dreams, while Feng Xiaogang expects her to maintain inner peace and satisfaction while realizing her dreams. For them, Xu Duo's happiness and success are their greatest wishes and expectations.

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