
Hope for lunar immigrants? As soon as Chang'e-6 goes down, the water source on the moon may be real!

author:Taotao vision

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Hope for lunar immigrants? As soon as Chang'e-6 goes down, the water source on the moon may be real!


Heck, this isn't a joke on you! Unexpectedly, our Chang'e-6 probe not only landed safely and came back from the Aitken Basin in the backyard of the moon, that is, the Aitken Basin that no one has visited, but also may have brought back the big secret that tells us that "there is water on the moon"!

What's the story behind this?

Hope for lunar immigrants? As soon as Chang'e-6 goes down, the water source on the moon may be real!


From the beginning to the end, mankind's exploration of the moon has never stopped. Apollo sent people to the moon, and Chang'e asked the probe to go around the moon, and this time Chang'e-6 may have found the key to allowing humans to live on the moon for a long time - water. Well, that's right, it's water! You heard it right!

Hope for lunar immigrants? As soon as Chang'e-6 goes down, the water source on the moon may be real!

All this effort is for a dream: imagine a future on the moon where there will be human communities, people who grow vegetables, and people who can set off to a farther planet!

How? Thanks to Chang'e-6's unconventional shovel. It turned out that when the scientists were sampling, they found that the texture of the soil on the far side of the moon was different from that on the front, and the soil on the back side may hide the secret of water!

Hope for lunar immigrants? As soon as Chang'e-6 goes down, the water source on the moon may be real!

These precious lunar soil samples, like a gift from the moon to mankind, open the door to unknown secrets. A grain of soil may be the key to changing the future.

And our exploration of water on the moon is not a day or two, scientists have found signs of water molecules on the surface of the moon before. But the discovery of Chang'e-6 may further deepen our understanding of the water on the moon.

Hope for lunar immigrants? As soon as Chang'e-6 goes down, the water source on the moon may be real!

Not just for scientific research, these secrets in lunar soil, once revealed, could have a direct impact on the way we live in the future, our energy use, and even the fate of humanity.

Hope for lunar immigrants? As soon as Chang'e-6 goes down, the water source on the moon may be real!

So, what do these findings might mean for our future space exploration? Could it be that we will one day be able to drink a glass of water from the moon on the moon, or will we uncover more unknown secrets of the universe through this discovery?


Let us hope that perhaps in the near future, Chinese astronauts will set foot on the moon to explore a wider universe and leave footprints that belong to the sons and daughters of China in that vast land.

Hope for lunar immigrants? As soon as Chang'e-6 goes down, the water source on the moon may be real!

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