
The person who makes you feel pain might as well choose to leave

author:Strive for ABC

"Pain often leads you to the truth." —Goethe

Life is like a journey, you will meet all kinds of people along the way, some will make you laugh, some will make you cry. And those who make you miserable always seem to inadvertently disturb your peace. Today, I want to talk to you about this topic: the person who makes you feel pain should choose to leave.

The person who makes you feel pain might as well choose to leave

The ancients said: "It is better to be broken jade than to be complete." This sentence tells us that in life choices, we must have the courage to pursue our true selves instead of losing ourselves in order to cater to others. Those who make you miserable are like a stone that stands in your way. At this time, it is wise to choose to leave bravely.

The person who makes you feel pain might as well choose to leave

First of all, we need to understand that suffering is not a necessary part of life, but an option. Zhuangzi once said: "If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan." This quote tells us that life is short and that we should cherish the good times instead of wasting time on painful people or things. Those who make you miserable will only make you farther and farther away from happiness.

The person who makes you feel pain might as well choose to leave

Secondly, leaving the person who is in pain is to give yourself a chance to start over. As the poet Bai Juyi said: "Once the sea was difficult to turn into water, except for Wushan, it is not a cloud." "When you come out of the pain, you will find that the world is a better place. The people and things that have made you miserable are just a passing moment and are not worthy of your nostalgia.

The person who makes you feel pain might as well choose to leave

Furthermore, leaving the person who is suffering is to make himself stronger. Mencius once said: "The heavens will descend on the people, and they must first work hard and work their muscles and bones." "Pain is not a bad thing, it can make us grow and become stronger in the face of adversity. When you bravely face the pain and choose to leave, you will find that you have become stronger.

The person who makes you feel pain might as well choose to leave

So, how do you leave those who are making you miserable? Here are some suggestions:

1. Set the right mindset: First of all, we need to understand that leaving the person who is suffering is not an escape, but a better life. We need to adjust our mindset and be brave enough to pursue our own happiness.

2. Boost self-confidence: Self-confidence is an important building block for leaving pain. When you believe that you are capable of facing adversity, you will be brave enough to leave.

The person who makes you feel pain might as well choose to leave

3. Put it into action: Just talk and don't practice fake tricks, we need to put it into action and be brave enough to pursue our own happiness. Even if the road ahead is bumpy, we must continue to walk firmly.

4. Seek support: In the process of leaving the pain, we will encounter various difficulties. At this time, we must learn to seek the support of those around us to get through the difficulties together.

5. Stay optimistic: An optimistic mindset can give us hope in difficult situations. Believing that the future will be better, we can bravely face the pain and choose to leave.

The person who makes you feel pain might as well choose to leave

In short, those who make you feel pain, it is better to choose to leave. Leaving them is to make yourself stronger and pursue a better life. As Goethe said, "Pain often leads you to the truth." "Let's face the pain bravely, choose to leave, and welcome the bright future that belongs to us.

The person who makes you feel pain might as well choose to leave