
Between in-laws, is it better to move around more or less?

author:Strive for ABC

"Home and everything is prosperous." ——This sentence is used in the relationship between in-laws and families, which can be said to be just right. So, between in-laws, should they move more or less? Today, we're going to talk about this topic.

First of all, we have to admit that the relationship between in-laws is indeed delicate. They are both relatives and have their own family backgrounds and lifestyles. Some people say: "Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, and close neighbors are not as good as the opposite door." This is an exaggeration, but it is not unreasonable. After all, the distance between in-laws determines how easy it is for them to move around.

Between in-laws, is it better to move around more or less?

So, is it better to move around more, or move less?

Let's start by looking at the advantages of moving around more. First of all, moving around can improve mutual understanding and eliminate barriers. As the ancients said: "Hate to see each other late, and hate to know early." "If you can walk around often and understand each other's family, personality, and living habits, then many misunderstandings and conflicts can be resolved invisibly.

Between in-laws, is it better to move around more or less?

In addition, moving around more can promote family harmony. As the saying goes, "Home and everything prospers." "The harmony between the in-laws is a good thing for both families. After all, if the relationship between the in-laws and the family is good, the relationship between the children will be closer, and the friendship between the two families will be deeper.

Between in-laws, is it better to move around more or less?

So, what are the disadvantages of moving around more?

First, moving around too often can be a burden for both families. After all, everyone's time is limited, and too much socializing and partying can make an already busy life even more stressful.

Secondly, too much movement can lead to family conflicts. Sometimes, the contradictions between in-laws are not because they don't understand, but because they are too familiar, and their shortcomings and faults are magnified.

So, how should we grasp the frequency of movement between in-laws?

Between in-laws, is it better to move around more or less?

Here, I would like to borrow a wise saying: "Moderate is just right." "The movement between in-laws should be based on the principle of moderation. Maintain a certain level of intimacy while avoiding too frequent interruptions.

Between in-laws, is it better to move around more or less?

Specifically, the following suggestions are for your reference:

1. Make a reasonable movement plan according to the specific situation of both families. For example, on special days such as holidays and children's birthdays, you can increase the frequency of walking around appropriately.

Between in-laws, is it better to move around more or less?

2. Respect each other's time and space. In the process of walking, try not to interfere with the other person's life and avoid causing trouble to the other person.

3. Maintain honest communication. In the process of walking, you should sincerely care about each other, listen to each other's ideas, and enhance each other's feelings.

Between in-laws, is it better to move around more or less?

4. Share family chores appropriately. In the process of walking around, you can share some family trivia appropriately to let the other person know about your family life.

In short, there is no absolute answer to whether it is better to move more or move less between in-laws. The key is to find a balance that works for both parties. As long as we manage with our hearts, I believe that the relationship between in-laws and families will become more and more harmonious, so that "family and everything is prosperous" will become a reality.

Finally, let's look forward to those wonderful family moments together, so that family and friendship can shine in our lives!

Between in-laws, is it better to move around more or less?