
Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people there are in your family, the original method is so simple

author:Strive for ABC

"Read 10,000 books, travel 10,000 miles." ——"Zengguang Xianwen"

Fortune tellers have been mysterious and magical since ancient times. They are always in awe of the prophets. But have you ever wondered why a fortune teller doesn't know you, but he knows how many people you have in your family? In fact, the mystery of this is hidden in the bits and pieces of our lives.

Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people there are in your family, the original method is so simple

First of all, we need to understand a truth: "Details determine success or failure." The key to fortune tellers knowing exactly how many people you have in your family is their attention to detail.

Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people there are in your family, the original method is so simple

I remember one time, I was wandering the streets and overheard a fortune teller telling the fortune of a lady. The lady looked sad, but the fortune teller smiled and said, "Girl, have you had a happy event at home recently?" The lady was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "Yes, I just added a baby to my family." The fortune teller continued, "Congratulations, the more people in your family, the more blessings you have!" At this time, it dawned on me that the fortune teller had inferred the population of the lady's family by observing the details.

Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people there are in your family, the original method is so simple

In fact, there are many similar examples in our daily life. For example, when you walk into a supermarket, the cashier can tell exactly how many items you bought; When you walk into a restaurant, the waiter knows what you ordered. It's all because they pay attention to detail and thus infer your needs.

Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people there are in your family, the original method is so simple

So, how does a fortune teller figure out how many people you have in your family through the details? In fact, their method is very simple, which is to "observe, listen, analyze".

First, observe. A fortune teller will look at what you are wearing, what you say and do, and look for clues. For example, when you are wearing a dress with a child printed on it, or holding a child's toy in your hand, a fortune teller can deduce that you have a child in your house.

Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people there are in your family, the original method is so simple

Second, listen. The fortune teller will listen to your conversation and capture information from it. For example, when you mention your own family, or talk about family trivialities, a fortune teller can guess the population of your family.

Finally, analysis. The fortune teller will analyze the information observed and listened to to to draw conclusions. This process, in fact, is like a detective solving a crime, which requires keen insight and rich experience.

Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people there are in your family, the original method is so simple

Of course, we can't deny that some fortune tellers do have extraordinary insight and foresight. But more than that, they rely on their own experience and wisdom to speculate on the details of our lives through observation, listening, and analysis.

So, how can we be like a fortune teller in our daily lives, perceiving details and predicting the future?

Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people there are in your family, the original method is so simple

First, we need to learn to observe with our hearts. Every detail of life can contain endless secrets. When we observe with our hearts, we will find that the world is so beautiful.

Second, we need to learn to listen. Listening is not only a sign of respect for others, but also a way to understand them. When we learn to listen, we can better understand others and anticipate their needs.

Finally, we need to learn to analyze. Analytics is the key to insight into the details. It is only through the analysis of the information that we can draw the right conclusions.

Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people there are in your family, the original method is so simple

In short, the reason why fortune tellers can know how many people you have in your family is not because they have mystical powers, but because they pay attention to details and learn to observe, listen, and analyze. And we can also learn from their methods to improve our insight and predict the future.

As the ancients said: "If you don't accumulate steps, you can't reach thousands of miles; If you don't accumulate small streams, you can't become rivers and seas. Let's start from now on, observe, listen, and analyze with our hearts, and start our own magical journey!

Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people there are in your family, the original method is so simple