
Condense "The Distant Savior" into three sentences: Don't believe in people, believe in human nature

author:Ah Zheng is reading

Human beings are extremely complex creatures, and human nature is even more elusive and inscrutable.

The inner world of human beings is full of various emotions and desires, and these factors are intertwined and influence each other, so that human behavior is often difficult to predict and understand.

Therefore, we cannot easily trust a certain person, but we have to trust human nature because some basic qualities in human nature are relatively stable and predictable.

Here, I will introduce to you the three sentences about human nature summarized from "The Distant Savior", hoping that through the study of these contents, we can bring you new thinking and let you have a deeper understanding of human nature:

Condense "The Distant Savior" into three sentences: Don't believe in people, believe in human nature

1. Don't always think about flipping the table and losing your temper, the master will hide two things, one is the heart, and the other is the ability. Don't spend it when you have money, and don't talk about it when you don't have money. In front of relatives and friends, he said that he was so poor that he was tinkling. In front of strangers, he said that he was very rich. In this way, we can provoke less right and wrong and win more respect.

In the process of interacting with others, we rely on our own ability and ability to win the respect and recognition of others. Therefore, we must continue to exercise ourselves, and eating with our ability is the last word. But you can't show off your abilities too much, as it's easy to attract envy and cause unnecessary trouble.

The so-called "wood shows in the forest, and the wind will destroy it", we should act in a low-key manner, and we must not let ourselves become the target of public criticism. It is necessary to precipitate oneself in the slow accumulation and wait for the opportunity to mature in order to show one's true strength.

At the same time, in the process of facing difficulties, we must learn to control our emotions and never let our emotions be exposed to others at will.

Losing your temper when you encounter something unsatisfactory in life will not solve the problem, and it will also leave the impression of impulsiveness and immaturity on others.

Condense "The Distant Savior" into three sentences: Don't believe in people, believe in human nature

Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi, has experienced countless difficulties in the process of starting a business, but he has never lost his temper easily, even if he encounters accusations and criticisms from others, he is also smiling.

The accumulation of wealth is not achieved overnight, but through long-term efforts, so don't squander money wantonly, and develop a rational view of consumption.

"No one asks if you are poor in the downtown area, but you have distant relatives in the mountains." The poor have their own benefits from being poor, and the rich also have the troubles of being rich. When dealing with relatives and friends, we should show the financial dilemma moderately, so as to avoid the embarrassment of being borrowed money and maintain a pure relationship with each other.

In the face of strangers, showing one's wealth ability is actually a manifestation of economic strength, and to a certain extent, you can gain the respect and attention of the other party.

Therefore, in the interaction between people, know how to hide their hearts and abilities, manage their wealth reasonably, learn to better protect themselves, reduce right and wrong, and win respect.

Condense "The Distant Savior" into three sentences: Don't believe in people, believe in human nature

Second, have you noticed that poor people always give away good things, and they are worried that others will look down on them and look down on them; The rich, on the other hand, give away things they don't use, and think that others have not eaten, seen, or used them. Face is the most difficult thing for a person to let go, and it is also the most useless thing. The more you care about it, the heavier it becomes; The more you let it go, the easier it will be for you. People have no power and no money, don't talk about the pattern, survival is king; No one has no power, don't talk about feelings, pragmatism is fundamental.

Have you noticed that the poorer people are, the more they will regard themselves as precious things to give to others, and they are always worried that others will look down on them?

Because of the lack of wealth, he will feel that he has a low status, and giving away what he thinks is good to others is an act that can save his self-esteem and face.

Rich people are often able to obtain a higher social status by virtue of money, so when they give things to others, their mentality is more arrogant, and in the process of giving, they will naturally exude a condescending attitude, and will only give others what they no longer need.

Condense "The Distant Savior" into three sentences: Don't believe in people, believe in human nature

The contrast between these two aspects is to show a person's social status through money, as well as his psychological state in the context of this social status, which is the so-called face, but it is actually the most useless.

The male protagonist in the movie "When Happiness Knocks on the Door" lives a life of extreme poverty, but he doesn't care too much about the eyes of others. In order to obtain a higher income, he actively promoted medical equipment, obtained the approval of stockbrokers, worked hard to improve himself, and finally got job opportunities to change the original poor life.

Therefore, we can't pay too much attention to face, in the case of no power and no money, survival is the king, we must first stand firm, down-to-earth, in order to be qualified to achieve greater goals and ideals.

Condense "The Distant Savior" into three sentences: Don't believe in people, believe in human nature

3. If you want to do something, don't take yourself too seriously, and don't treat others as people. The best teachers in life are the bowing of parents, the indifference of relatives, the departure of friends, the betrayal of lovers, and empty pockets. It's not sad to live without money, but you can't live at all. The hardships and wonders of life must be implemented in the word "money", not because of how noble or cheesy it is, but because it is difficult to move an inch without it.

No matter how big it is, when you look back and look back, it's just that. As time passes, all the big things you think now will dissipate, so please treat them with a normal mindset and don't get caught up in endless internal friction.

Money is not everything, but no money is everything, and empty pockets make it difficult for you to move an inch. After all, we are human beings, and if we are human beings, we must first solve the problem of survival before we can talk about our ideals and ambitions.

Condense "The Distant Savior" into three sentences: Don't believe in people, believe in human nature

In the movie "I Am Not the God of Medicine", those seriously ill patients went bankrupt and begged for help for expensive life-saving medicine. In the face of disease, their dignity is ruthlessly trampled on, which is the pain and helplessness of having no money.

So don't take yourself seriously, if you want to be respected and looked up to, you have to work hard to make money.

Money is the guarantee to meet the needs of survival, it can ensure that our material needs are met to a large extent, can allow us to obtain a higher social status, and get more people's respect and recognition.

When you have money, many things that seem difficult to you may be solved. But as the saying goes, anything that can be bought with money is not a thing.

When you are seriously ill, ordinary people can hardly pay the high expenses even if they are bankrupt, while rich people usually do not worry about such things. However, there is one thing that cannot be bought no matter how much money you spend, and that is our physical health.

Condense "The Distant Savior" into three sentences: Don't believe in people, believe in human nature

Therefore, we can value money, but it is not the whole of life. We need to treat money with the right mindset and let it become a tool to improve our living standards and realize our life values, rather than a rope that binds us.

These three short sentences exhaust the way of life in "The Distant Savior". They reveal the truth of life and illuminate the way forward.

In the process of getting along with others, stay humble and cautious, and don't easily reveal your true feelings. Work hard to make money, be down-to-earth, don't brag and publicize excessively, don't take yourself too seriously, strive to improve your level, make yourself more outstanding, and live your own wonderful.

If you feel it with your heart, you can learn a lot from it. I hope that through reading, you can explore human nature, broaden your horizons, and enrich your connotation.