
Protect the rights and interests of rural students and cut off the black hand of "predatory"!


The central media recently commented on and exposed the problem of misappropriation of nutritious meal subsidies for rural students in many places, exposing the seriousness and extensiveness of this behavior. According to a report released by the National Audit Office, from 2021 to August 2023, nearly 2 billion yuan of student meal subsidy funds involving 66 counties were diverted to repay local debts and other expenditures. This kind of behavior not only infringes on the rights and interests of rural students, but also has a negative impact on education.

Protect the rights and interests of rural students and cut off the black hand of "predatory"!

  The audit found that some of the misappropriated funds were directly used to repay government debts, and some were misappropriated through disguised means such as lowering feeding standards and fictitious procurement operations. This kind of behavior seriously violates the original intention of the special fund, which is to ensure the healthy growth and good learning status of rural students.

  The central media severely criticized the matter, emphasizing that it is necessary to resolutely cut off the black hands that "snatch food" from children's mouths, and clearly pointed out that the subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students is not "Tang monk meat" and must be strictly managed and used. All sectors of society are highly concerned about this matter and hope that the relevant departments can take practical and effective measures to protect the rights and interests of rural students.

  For me, a rural person, this news really blew my mind. I grew up in a rural area, and although my family was not wealthy, I knew that the school provided nutritious meals to our rural students was very important. Without adequate nutrition, we will not be able to grow healthily and concentrate on learning.

Protect the rights and interests of rural students and cut off the black hand of "predatory"!

  However, I was very angry and heartbroken to hear that some places had secretly appropriated this earmarked fund. For the sake of their own interests, these embezzlers have disregarded the needs of rural students, and have used the funds that should belong to us for other purposes, and some have even used various means to disguise them. This is not only an infringement on the rights and interests of rural students, but also a sabotage of education.

  The student nutritious meal subsidy was originally set up to allow us to grow up healthily and improve the learning effect, but it was regarded by some people as "Tang monk meat" that could be misappropriated. This kind of behavior is irresponsible to rural students and a departure from national policy. Our rural students are already facing various difficulties, such as inconvenient transportation and lack of educational resources, and we have been deprived of the rights and interests that should belong to us.

Protect the rights and interests of rural students and cut off the black hand of "predatory"!

  The comments and exposure of the central media gave us a glimmer of hope and made us see the possibility of change. Their voices let us see the importance of the relevant departments on this matter, and also give us hope. We hope that the relevant departments can take practical and effective measures to completely put an end to the misappropriation of subsidies for nutritious meals for rural students and protect the rights and interests of rural students.

Protect the rights and interests of rural students and cut off the black hand of "predatory"!

  At the same time, we also call on rural students and parents to pay attention to their own rights and interests and actively protect their rights and interests. If someone is found to have misappropriated the funds for the student meal subsidy, we should report it to the relevant departments in time and let them pay the punishment they deserve. Only through our joint efforts can the rights and interests of rural students be truly protected.

  As a self-media blogger, I will continue to pay attention to this issue and convey this information to more people. I hope that through my words, more people's attention and actions will be aroused, so that the misappropriation of funds for nutritious meals for rural students will become a thing of the past, so that rural students can enjoy their due rights.

Protect the rights and interests of rural students and cut off the black hand of "predatory"!

  Rural students are also the future of society, and they have the right to a good education and a healthy environment for growth. We can't let these black hands reach out to children's plates, we need to let the rights and interests of rural students be truly respected and protected. Let's work together to fight for the rights and interests of rural students and create a better tomorrow for them!