
Lessons from the Pingjiang Flood Situation – The Role of Journalists – Engaging and Changing Journalism


Pingjiang County, Hunan Province, suffered the highest water level since 1954, causing the first floor of the local Rong Media Center to be flooded. The reporters have been working at the Rong Media Center, but due to the urgency of the situation, they will be picked up and evacuated by assault boats and transferred to the temporary media center to continue their work.

Lessons from the Pingjiang Flood Situation – The Role of Journalists – Engaging and Changing Journalism

  According to the letter issued by the Pingjiang County Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters in Yueyang City, Hunan Province, the rainfall in Pingjiang County reached 762.4 mm from June 18 to July 1, setting a record for the longest, largest and largest flood since meteorological records began. In the face of the severe flood situation, the county prevention and control department has launched a flood control level I emergency response on July 1, and has received great attention and support from the provincial and municipal party committees.

  According to the latest meteorological forecast, this round of heavy rainfall will basically end on July 2, the water level will gradually drop, and the people can gradually return to normal life. At this important juncture, the county party committee and the county government called on the cadres and masses of the county to strengthen their confidence, understand and support, overcome difficulties together, and win the battle of flood prevention and disaster relief.

Lessons from the Pingjiang Flood Situation – The Role of Journalists – Engaging and Changing Journalism

  According to the water situation report released by the Yueyang Hydrological and Water Resources Survey Center, the flood peak water level of the Pingjiang Station on the main stream of the Miluo River has reached 77.67 meters, exceeding the warning water level by 7.17 meters and exceeding the guaranteed water level by 3.67 meters. As of now, nearly one-third of the old city of Pingjiang has been flooded, and nearly half of the new city has been flooded, according to CCTV News. Before the floods, at-risk residents had been safely evacuated.

  According to preliminary statistics, a total of 340,000 people in Pingjiang County were affected, more than 2,600 bridges and roads were washed away, 10 houses of 5 households collapsed, 26 houses of 11 households were seriously damaged, and nearly 170,000 mu of crops were affected, causing economic losses of more than 200 million yuan. At present, there is a power and communication outage in some areas, and the relevant departments are making every effort to repair it.

  The rainfall in Pingjiang has three characteristics: long duration, high rainfall intensity, and heavy rainfall. Since June 18, Pingjiang Station has received 800 mm of rainfall, setting a record since meteorological records began.

Lessons from the Pingjiang Flood Situation – The Role of Journalists – Engaging and Changing Journalism

  At this critical juncture, we would like to express our high respect and gratitude to all the staff who are fighting on the front line of flood prevention and disaster relief. They have braved dangers, gone all out, and made tremendous efforts to protect the lives and property of the people.

  In the face of the disaster, the cadres and masses of Pingjiang County showed firm confidence and the strength of unity. In the midst of this flood, everyone supported each other, helped each other to tide over the difficulties. In the days to come, we believe that the people of Pingjiang will be able to overcome difficulties and rebuild their homeland.

Lessons from the Pingjiang Flood Situation – The Role of Journalists – Engaging and Changing Journalism

  As the reporter said, this news at first made people think it was funny news, but the truth is so cruel. The flood is merciless, but there is love in the world. In this disaster, we have seen the greatness and strength of countless people. I hope that everyone can pay attention to the disaster situation, donate assistance, and send warmth and help to the people in the disaster area.

Lessons from the Pingjiang Flood Situation – The Role of Journalists – Engaging and Changing Journalism

  Pingjiang County will strive to restore normal life order, rebuild their homes, and let the people return to a happy life as soon as possible. We also look forward to more attention and support, let us work together to overcome the difficulties and rebuild a better home!

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