
With high uric acid, why do some people have unbearable pain while others have no symptoms? Don't be careless when these situations occur

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The problem of high uric acid seems to be becoming more and more common, and many people associate gout with high uric acid when they hear it, especially the kind of joint pain, which is simply painful.

People with gout and those with higher levels of uric acid tend to be careful about their diet for fear of another gout attack one day. However, there are some people who do not feel any discomfort despite the alarmingly high uric acid level during the physical examination.

Is there always a sign of high uric acid? In addition to joint pain, what other problems can high uric acid bring? These are questions that require a deep understanding.

Basic knowledge of uric acid

First of all, what is uric acid? Uric acid is a naturally occurring metabolite in the human body, mainly from the breakdown of purines. Under normal circumstances, the body produces about 600 mg of uric acid per day, while excreting the same amount of uric acid to maintain balance. There is also a certain normal range for the amount of uric acid in the blood.

With high uric acid, why do some people have unbearable pain while others have no symptoms? Don't be careless when these situations occur

The normal range is 149 to 416 micromol/L for adult males and 89 to 357 micromol/L for females. As we age, especially after menopause, uric acid levels tend to approach those of men.

Uric acid, as a metabolite, does not directly cause problems by itself, the key is its concentration. If the amount of uric acid in the blood exceeds 420 μmol/L, it is defined as hyperuricemia.

With high uric acid, why do some people have unbearable pain while others have no symptoms? Don't be careless when these situations occur

The presence of high uric acid is like putting salt in a glass of water, if you put too much of it, the salt will precipitate out and form crystals. Similarly, when there is too much uric acid in the body, urate crystals are deposited in various parts of the body, such as joints, soft tissues, and blood vessel walls, and these deposits can cause a series of problems.

Dangers and complications of high uric acid

When it comes to high uric acid, gout is the first thing that comes to mind for many people. Gout is indeed the most common complication of high uric acid, but in fact, the harm of high uric acid is much more than that.

High uric acid can not only lead to gout, but also cause kidney damage, diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The accumulation of uric acid in the body, in the long run, can adversely affect several systems.

With high uric acid, why do some people have unbearable pain while others have no symptoms? Don't be careless when these situations occur

Gout is an inflammatory reaction caused by the deposition of urate crystals in the joints, and the typical symptoms are redness, swelling, heat and pain in the joints, especially in the joints of the fingers and toes, which can be as severe as a knife cut.

These crystals not only affect the joints, but can also be deposited on soft tissues and blood vessel walls, affecting blood flow and increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Not only that, high uric acid is also closely related to damage to kidney function. Urate deposits in the kidneys can lead to kidney stones and even chronic kidney disease.

With high uric acid, why do some people have unbearable pain while others have no symptoms? Don't be careless when these situations occur

A prolonged period of high uric acid will impairs the filtration function of the kidneys, resulting in the obstruction of metabolic waste excretion, further aggravating the accumulation of uric acid in the body, forming a vicious circle.

In addition, high uric acid increases the risk of diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Studies have shown that elevated uric acid levels are strongly associated with metabolic problems such as obesity and insulin resistance.

With high uric acid, why do some people have unbearable pain while others have no symptoms? Don't be careless when these situations occur

Patients with high uric acid are often accompanied by metabolic disorders, which interact with each other and lead to further deterioration of health conditions. Therefore, even in the absence of gout symptoms, high uric acid should never be taken lightly.

Symptoms to look out for when uric acid is high

Although some people with high uric acid have no obvious symptoms, this does not mean that high uric acid is not harmful. For those who already have high uric acid levels, special attention needs to be paid to the following symptoms and early intervention.

Joint pain and redness are the most typical symptoms of a gout attack. When urate crystals are deposited in the joints, they trigger a violent inflammatory response, resulting in redness, swelling, heat and pain in the joints, especially in the fingers and toes. This pain often worsens at night, seriously affecting the patient's quality of life.

With high uric acid, why do some people have unbearable pain while others have no symptoms? Don't be careless when these situations occur

Abnormal urine is another sign to look out for. Normal urine should be yellowish and clear, but in people with high uric acid, urine may become dark and cloudy because urate is precipitated in the urine, affecting the appearance of the urine. The urination process may be painful, suggesting that the kidneys or urinary system are affected and require prompt medical attention.

Systemic symptoms such as body edema and dry mouth are also warning signs of high uric acid. High uric acid can irritate the kidneys, affecting the normal excretion of water, leading to edema in the lower limbs and other areas.

With high uric acid, why do some people have unbearable pain while others have no symptoms? Don't be careless when these situations occur

Persistently high levels of uric acid can lead to a lack of water in the body, and patients may often feel dry mouth, especially when they wake up in the morning. These symptoms indicate that there is a problem with metabolism in the body and that uric acid levels need to be controlled through lifestyle modifications and medication.

How to manage high uric acid

Effective management of high uric acid requires a multifaceted effort, from diet, lifestyle habits to regular testing.

Dietary regulation is the most basic management method. Patients with high uric acid should avoid high-purine foods, such as animal offal, seafood, red meat, etc., while increasing the intake of low-purine foods, such as fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc. A varied and balanced diet is the key to ensuring nutrient intake, and excessive dieting or a single diet can affect your health.

With high uric acid, why do some people have unbearable pain while others have no symptoms? Don't be careless when these situations occur

Regular testing of uric acid levels is an important means of controlling high uric acid. Through regular physical examinations, we can understand the fluctuation of uric acid, detect and intervene in potential problems early, and avoid the deterioration of the condition. It is recommended that patients with high uric acid have their blood uric acid tested at least once every six months and adjusted according to their doctor's recommendations.

Medication is also a necessary tool. For people who still can't control uric acid despite diet and lifestyle modifications, doctors may prescribe uric acid-lowering medications.

With high uric acid, why do some people have unbearable pain while others have no symptoms? Don't be careless when these situations occur

These drugs are effective in lowering uric acid levels and preventing gout and other complications. However, drug treatment must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor to avoid adverse reactions caused by self-medication.

By scientifically managing uric acid levels, patients with high uric acid can greatly reduce their risk of gout and other complications. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and getting tested regularly are effective measures to prevent and control high uric acid, regardless of whether you are symptomatic or not.

I hope that everyone will pay attention to this and start from the little things in daily life to ensure that the uric acid level is within a healthy range and avoid the health problems caused by high uric acid.