
Vitamin C deficiency is prone to illness, and these 5 types of people are the most likely to be deficient

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When it comes to vitamin C, many people know it as a good thing because it plays an integral role in our bodies. Vitamin C not only plays an important role in preventing disease, but it is also essential for our health in many other ways.

However, in modern life, many people may not realize that they are on the verge of vitamin C deficiency. This not only makes the body susceptible to illness, but also triggers a range of health problems.

Today we're going to take a closer look at what vitamin C does and which groups of people are most likely to be deficient.

The role of vitamin C

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a powerful antioxidant. It is able to effectively remove free radicals in the body and protect our cells from oxidative damage. It's like building a wall of protection inside the body to help us defend against aging and disease.

Free radicals are harmful molecules produced during cellular metabolism that attack cell structures, leading to cell damage and inflammation, and vitamin C can neutralize these free radicals and protect cellular health.

Vitamin C deficiency is prone to illness, and these 5 types of people are the most likely to be deficient

Not only that, but vitamin C also boosts the function of the immune system. It boosts the activity of white blood cells and improves the body's ability to fight infections.

When we consume enough vitamin C, the immune system fights pathogens more effectively, making us more resistant to illnesses such as colds and flu. Think about it, every time you have a cold, if your immune system is a little stronger, will you recover faster?

Vitamin C deficiency is prone to illness, and these 5 types of people are the most likely to be deficient

In addition, vitamin C also plays a significant role in promoting wound healing. It promotes the synthesis of collagen, which is essential for the wound healing process.

Wounds heal faster, and pain and inflammation naturally decrease. Adequate vitamin C intake is especially important for those who are frequently injured or after surgery.

Vitamin C deficiency is prone to illness, and these 5 types of people are the most likely to be deficient

Vitamin C is also closely linked to our mental health. It is involved in the synthesis of a variety of neurotransmitters that play an important role in regulating mood and mental state. Adequate vitamin C intake can help us maintain a good mood, relieve stress, and prevent depression.

There are 5 types of people who are most likely to be deficient in vitamin C

Stressed people are very susceptible to vitamin C deficiency. In modern society, the pressure of work and life has caused many people to be in a high-stress state for a long time, and in this case, the vitamin C in the body will be quickly depleted. Stress is not only exhausting, but it also weakens the immune system and increases the risk of disease.

Vitamin C deficiency is prone to illness, and these 5 types of people are the most likely to be deficient

People who do not like to eat fruits and vegetables are also at high risk of vitamin C deficiency. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the main source of vitamin C, and if these foods are lacking in the diet, the body will naturally lack this key nutrient. Many people don't like to eat fruits and vegetables for various reasons, but in the long run, health risks will appear.

Smokers consume much more vitamin C than the average person. When you smoke, the free radicals in the smoke deplete a lot of vitamin C in your body.

Vitamin C deficiency is prone to illness, and these 5 types of people are the most likely to be deficient

Even passive smokers who don't smoke can increase their vitamin C depletion by inhaling secondhand smoke. Therefore, both smokers and their families need to pay special attention to vitamin C supplementation.

Pregnant and lactating women also have higher vitamin C requirements than the general population. During these special physiological periods, the body needs more nutrients to support the healthy development of the mother and fetus. If the diet does not consume enough vitamin C, a deficiency will occur, affecting the health of the mother and baby.

Vitamin C deficiency is prone to illness, and these 5 types of people are the most likely to be deficient

Older people are also at high risk of vitamin C deficiency. As older people age, their body's metabolic rate decreases and their ability to absorb vitamin C decreases.

At the same time, the eating habits of the elderly may be unbalanced, which can also lead to insufficient vitamin C intake. Therefore, older people need to pay special attention to getting enough vitamin C through diet or supplements.

Health risks of vitamin C deficiency

Vitamin C deficiency is not a minor problem, and it can trigger multiple health risks. First of all, the decline of immunity is the most direct consequence.

Vitamin C plays a key role in the immune system, and a deficiency of vitamin C can make the body more susceptible to viruses and bacteria, catching colds or contracting other diseases.

Vitamin C deficiency is prone to illness, and these 5 types of people are the most likely to be deficient

A weak immune system means that the body's defenses against foreign pathogens are greatly reduced, and recovery becomes more difficult.

Skin problems are also a major manifestation of vitamin C deficiency. Since vitamin C is an important component of collagen synthesis, a lack of it can lead to dry, rough skin that loses its elasticity.

Vitamin C deficiency is prone to illness, and these 5 types of people are the most likely to be deficient

Over time, there will be more wrinkles on the skin, making it look aged. Moreover, the antioxidant effect of vitamin C is reduced, and the skin is more susceptible to damage from UV rays and pollution, resulting in a dull complexion and increased spots.

Not only that, but the cardiovascular system can also be affected. Vitamin C helps to maintain the health and elasticity of blood vessels, and when it is deficient, the walls of blood vessels become fragile, which can easily lead to problems such as high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis. The risk of heart disease also increases, especially in people who are stressed and have an unhealthy diet.

Vitamin C deficiency is prone to illness, and these 5 types of people are the most likely to be deficient

There is a synergistic effect between vitamin C and other nutrients. For example, antioxidants such as vitamin E and β-carotene can work together with vitamin C to provide more comprehensive health protection. Therefore, when supplementing vitamin C, it is also necessary to pay attention to the intake of other antioxidant nutrients to maintain a balanced nutrition.

In short, vitamin C plays an important role in physical health, especially for those high-risk groups who are prone to vitamin C deficiency, and more attention must be paid to the adjustment of daily diet and lifestyle habits.

Vitamin C deficiency is prone to illness, and these 5 types of people are the most likely to be deficient

Through a scientific diet and reasonable supplementation, we can ensure that we consume enough vitamin C, so that we can stay away from diseases and maintain health and vitality.

We hope you will take this seriously and start making lifestyle adjustments today to keep an eye on your vitamin C intake to ensure that your body is always in top shape.

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